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500KS! BOOKS!! AT ffÊ&W.ê HOOK8TOKE. TO THE PUBLIC!! ril F. undcrsigncri iiaving reiurncd l'rorti New York witli a new, la:ge anti valuablo siock {j ï looks, Stationen and Paper llangivgs, t now rea!y to scll lor Cash, ny thing in his nc nt hit nrw stand on Mnin street, " to II. Becker'8 Brick Store. Me will sny to ook purohaeeis. thnt. by his ft)its last fa 11 os is re'urn frorn Ncv York, the ol ncarly i vcry tliitig n his line hfis been sold less ili.ui ereiofoie. nud had t not been for hiin. would have coiuinued topny the priecshcrejfoi e chnrgcd. lic con tay also, that his ales hove been be'ond his most baiiLjuinc expectations. gh o vin tí ibncloèrvefy thut n public benefactor, alili'üugh ver eo sinall. will noi go uurewarded in thisonightcned conuuuniiy. He iá h.mkulfr the fa v o ra al rea Jy bestowed. ind would respecifully solicita coniinuance of the ' runo: nnd he would sny ti those who never have urclmscd books ofhirii. that iic will rhow them f inicies and piit:es wiih pleisure a' nny time hoy niny culi whether they wish 10 purdiase 01 joi. Cash orders from ihc country will be attcmleri o, nnd the books pneked ns well ns if the ' ons werc present lo altend tlie purchoses. He ,vill also bcll tu child.en ns chenp as iheir ; en!s. Purchnserg will do well to examine his stock md ;u ices hefore purchnsing etsowhere. Don"1; he surc youcall al FERRY'S ROOK STORE, o Main Street, a few doors South of the Public Square. WM. R. PER II Y. Ann Arbor, June 27, !8IG. i69-if TH RES H ING MACHINES. rriIIK undeiHicned would inform the public I that he numuiiCtutfs Jlorse I'iiwers ana Tiiretihing Machines al Scio, ol u superior ;in'i invenied by himsclf. 'J'lu-sj PoWisra and Machines are pnrticularl) adi)tí!Í to the of Farmers who wish to ust t hem lor ilireshing their un gmin. The power, thresher and fixtUMs enn nll be londed !nn n cornmon sired wacon bux nnd dmwn wiili on1 p:iir ol huises. TIn y ate dtsiíined in be usn: with four horses. and are nbundanily sttor.L' foi :boi nninber. and rnny be safely u-d wiib stx ■ oight Iiorses with proper care. They work wu. lessstrcngth ol horses oc'cor'ding to tlieamoint ii buoiness done ihan nny oiher power, and W'iï! ibtesb (encrally nbou'. SífiO biihel vhiat pi d;;y with four hortéfl, In oire mMoncè 1!m bushels whent Were threshed in three hourt with lour hoites. Thta Power and Machine contoin all the nj roiUDea iiociss.ny to rnake tlit'iii proliinbic to ilic puich.iscr. Tlit-y are sirung nnd diunblc - Thiy are e.isi'y üiovfd Irom one pi ice to nriother The work ol' the .viihs is e.-iny on tiivf [loweis in con parison ro o bei, and the pnce iLO WK II iban nny uther power nnd rnnchine haveevfi been ld in (he Staie. iieconline to tht real value. Tlie terina f pnyment will be hlf rl ( r notes ihat ure knóvvn to be absuluielv I have a nnmber of Powem and Mncblntnow ready for sale nnd persons wiuhing iu bit ■. are invited to cali soon. I expeel to tie pièpiired w; h n n few days mftRé Cli-nners fr thüse wio trny wsat 'hún . Tie ntiÜty nnd adv;iniiL''n of ih?t P,v. er -111 .Maclnni; wii! ppo'ai evidt'Di foall on einiiriiHn. he reccroniendaiione lieimv. All pereohá are cauíiünúd Báinst m:!!:r;. these Powcra n:iJ Machines: ihe lindorsine having ndoptriJ ihe necessiry nieasiues ior sècti ring leners patent for the saine wnhin the Unit required by law. & W. FOSTER. Scio, -Wnsb tena w Co.. Míeíi.. Jane Id, 13-J6 RKCOMJ1ENDATIONS. Dnrinj! the ycar 145. c..c!i of ;he nndersigneíí purchase.d and used eith'.r individuaüy orjolntly with others, opp of S. W. Fnster's newly in vented Horse Powcrp nnd thrcalnng vinchinos. and bélieve rhey are lietter adnpied t.) i!ie Uác o! Farmers wbo want Powers nnd Morilíín8 fo: their owp i-be tharj nny power nnd ibrrsfaer within iiíir kñówlüifjrp. They are eiicniatc: io bc used wiih foux hoiaes nnd aro of nniplc strdhgth tor tiint iitnnber. Tóry oppen i io Ir, conüiuctcd in pücb i rrfunuer un to ttinltct tliei vcry dunible wnh li'tie liabiüiy of gytiing out o: order. They n re eisily njovcri from one plucf to onoiher. They can be worked wítli ony number of hands fro;n four to cisht, and will ihretl. aboL't 200 busbel whent per day. J. A. POLHLMÜS, Scio, Washtenaw co G. BLOOD. ' T. RICHARDSON, " SAMUKL FIKALY, ♦ S. P. FOSTRR, i N. A. PHKLPS, " U ADAM SMITM, J. Mi HOVF,: Jimo, WM. WALKER, Webster, " THOS WARREN, " 1). SMALLEY, J.odi. " I thredhed last fall and winter w.ih one of S. W. Foster'e horee powcr. more thnn fifteei: thousand bushels grain The repnirs beétowed upoti tiio power amonnted to orily C cent?, nnd it was in gQftd. otder wheri I had done threshing. J invariably uscd six horpes. A A RON YOUA'GLOVE. Marión. June 6. 1S46. I piirchnsed one of S. W. Foster's horsi poweis l.-isi iiiil nnd hnve u=ed it for jibbilig. i have used many diflerent kinds of puivers and believe this is the best running power I have èvcr-eèefi. D. S. ÜEiNÍÍET. Mnniburg. June, 18JC. We purchtísed one oT S. W. Foster's IIor.- Powers lust t;i!l, and have uscd it and ihink it i.a first tate Power. JESSE HAhL. , DANIEL S. HALL, REÜBEN S. HALL. Hnmbnrg. June, 1846. 2G9-tf A. C. M'GUAW & CO., Are now receivingthcir Fall Stock of IBoots & !hoes Which have been selccted with inuch care tbi ihe Wholesale Tradel ''TllLY now respectiully reqeti tlie MerX chnnie of Michigan mul urj :cent Smtes. to examine their extensive siock wïiich willbcsohl it vcry low prices lor cnh or oiproved credu fjnving (or ihe last ( 1 f ; e ■ ti yeais sold inore Goods nt retiiil thnn nny ollier House in JVI chiban, they feel fully persnnrfeit ihnt iheir Bfcféi'tion i(a to pricn, quality, and s'z s, will suil the svants .{ llic people. Their si"ck of Leuther and Findings is nlso coinilete. The 'eini! trnde continnes ie usiiíiI on the fi si rlonr, Corkkr til Jki fkkson ao Woolward VKNL'hS. . C. McGRAW. CO. Detroit. A n ff. 22. l!--l(!. 2-ly TO COUNTRY MERCI-IANTS. TM F, Siihacribér has cóiidtuntiy or tulv goor! :n-.irtiri"i ol henyv W00LEN CLOTÍJS, vell a'':ipied io t ec'iiniry M.nri, ei hich be wijl e!l nl wliol-'b iIb or reuní, vei y i.ow. Citll ara! leé.thetn at the Mhttn JS-tokt-:. VV. A. RAYMOND. 275-tf Detroit. COUNTY ORDERS. friilE hghest price. pgid in G. F. Lew. JL ii, Exchnnpe Broker, opp.js'ie ;he Insumcf Bink, Detroit, for orrlfefs on ritiy i'f th ■ountios in (he Stn'oof Mir.h inn: -ir S':' securitics of all kindaaud uucurrentluntlS Vult and stt. Dec 1, 1815 241-v