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THE Gein of Sciencr Th !.-. o ..icicr.-o and KclVrrn, Jevuicil t .. ... PahjfcM .Si;ini M-nthly. E. H. SANFORD, EDITOR, s e ë o -v ü f o l u 3 r . TI öresH.ii fícHiiVté or WwBng. d lhf inJeailiig 'demnnl lor Lnïonniaiqn 9" h aUmprincipies', have induce! nn ENLUIGF.MENT OF TUK GÉMj anl cotórfliiwiily 'he püblicntíon of ne Ftiie in two, ÚiiarCa V ami , WBW TYPE, for preservntinn nnd binding. witH nn index mi nionih fro.n the l-i.h of December, lc40. CONTENTS. Tlfeconienr ui the Gein aro probabiy inoic „Weatüig ia ihe true lov,r „ Scwnce, nnd lo the evoied Student t,j XUurc ihin jjwcl tllj similar paper-ia .# Umwd Sta. In short. _ ..oo.coMte,. arJ Ksexs.uoni ,„ ..i;,,-., Tkuths; y-lvch will H1:.,'. vr.:: thi: RKach of i:vir faj ILY. ren Ier it doubly iniercating and pioti"' TB AKS. v ,,r in ,ranco A liberal díscim wnl bö rr.ado u Cluba nJ Agirs Fenwns detimig to i!)e. lihVé on!y to encloic ihe amount ui a, dircc;eil io SANFORD & BROTHERS, PtíMisheri of tho Geni of Science, Arm Arbor. Michigan. T Editora who wil! givo ihl Prospectus one, two. -r Ibree, sljall mve tlieu favors duly reciprocased. 29l-12w Temper a nee House! IS 17. lirSTEAMBOAT HOTEL. DETROIT, id: Cel. DANIEL BAREY, having laken tlus wel! known Stond, and thoroöghly repnired it thronchout, is ríow éxtensiveIv prupared io accoiiiniodntc his fnends and tiic TraVelliñ? Pu&Iic wii! all hpsè onvenicnces caJculated J make the;-! comforuble, and wnn pricès to suit the inies ! Meáis, S5 Cents. Easlern and Southern Slage OJice kept ai this House. Qr OmmUis and Bsnge Wiigon alwaya on an;l to èonvey Pdásengjrs to and Iro u thè f luusc free of charge. 298-6in ATTENTIOM THE WORLOÜ Free Trade and Tailors Rights. T-'p.eiiá of Ann Arbor and vicinity, of iS i .'i.auvv Couniy and Couniies adjoining. are ii b . e 1 tliat n.w is ihe time to et cumfoMabiy CLOTIIED and FIXEÜ UP for a co!i4. v.' .-. Tl hest kindof Cloths nnd Trimrt.ings can be boufbi ciier in Ann Arbor.L-jwer Tnvn, au.J t'n oi e is a TAI LOR opposme G. & L. Beckley'a Store, hocau'tbeoutdoneany where in t'iticjurt.-!. l : is prjenared to do work in tho mos! Fashoru:ic Styie. orfoilow the dirooiions of his cuslome-s. añil hein; pc-ssessei of n lartju share of tho M 1!; of Huma i Kindnes3, his ternu are estabüshcd on the principié ó( "LIVE AXD LET UVE." He has a pculinr tr.iit in his character which ehould bc rtoucedv it iö rartge. vet true as s ra:-c- He ieül nol VtolaU A& Promts-.- CiMómérë cn have their goriueoia at the tuur specififcit FARMKRy om tc curtnm of eood fiittnónd easy setting GARMEXT8. and are i.,r„rme.l that nll kinds of PRODUCE (excep: cGbbage) will be tken in exclwtigo .or h;s servicci "líe cuts to order, and his gannents nre eure „■irilpropedymadcup. jft v-m Arbnr. Lnwr Tnwn, Deo. 5j ISJü. pj-:ace declaked, AND A X) HERliBY S. FELCH can hold W Pkfel! l'RAÜE Avl CoMJJE :CE 1 J3O0T8, SII0ES, ; r, Mitrf Findings . of all kinds, witli uil persons, iSaiives or i eigntfs, on the followin just and cqual terms. viz : Good Arteles - Low Prices - Rcady Puy - :md Xo Trust. Tlie suDScriber having fully testo 1 the Crediï System to his yreat loss. both of confidence and c-i.-li, and hiiving suileied (nucli lot by fire. nocesíity oMipels iiini to collect his puy ' b'Jne , íí," r.S AFTKlt HARVEST and MiXTFALL," vefy"bïten cbinè u'p ".missing." leavinghim sad. l' in t!;c lioot-hole. He has come to the saine cBDcltwion ihai certain sensible girls did on a T.ö octóifioñ; (tertu tal Jr ni husband, readij vay or no Sliocmuking ) A;l ! -rs ns ihat ran conform to the abovc treaiy i:l d wel) to cali on S. Fclch, Ann Arbor, Lov..;: Tow'n, No. 4 riuróji Block, wherf tbey will not be taxed for othcra' work who nevor pny. N. B. All persn-,9 indebted in any wny to tl. sMbsiriber. hnd be:ier cnll and pay if they are h"onet an' mean to keep eo. S97 6m S. FFXCH. Ann Ai'ior. Lower Tovn. Jan. ?, 1847. FÜRNITÜRE & UPKOLSTERING WAREJROOMS. STEVENS & ZÜG, 1JÍ tlieiower end of the Wnite Block; directly opposite the Miciigas Exchange. have on hand a large assirttneni of FURNITVRE, of thcir own manu acture, which they will ecll very low for Cash Tliey aiso keep e.periencïd Uphuïsterers. and nre prepared to do all kinds of Uuhoktering at ihe êhortcai notice. Farniture o!' all kinds made to order of the best material, and warranted. STEVENS & ZUG. Detroit, January, 1, IS47. 297-ly pOWLAND'S bestMiil Saws, 6, Gh, JL4 and 7 feet. RowJand's best X Cut Saw?, ü. OJ, and 7 feet. Enclish C. S. Pit Saws. ty nnd 7 ieet. Superior American Mili S.iw Files. 10 to 16 inches. For s-ile at the aign of the Big Anvil. Upper Town. ÏIEN1Y W. WELLES. Ann Arhor, Jan. 10, 147. 2üfi-Jy LINSEED OILf TUK Subscribir is manufücinring Linseed OU jii an extensive scale and he is able to BU!':''' IERCHANTS AMD PAINTERS, on terina noi e favorable for them than have ever lifloro l '.'on oflered In this country, and he kprep.ireJ IQ supply orders for large or small quantiiics at prices cxtremef.ij loto. O Coiiuüunicatioiis by mail vill be prompt ly aucndoi to. D. L. LATOURETTE. Long Lakc, Genesec Co. Mich. 28:)-Iy WA!VTED, at Ferry's Bookstorc, 5 Toiis dean Cotion and Lincn Rays. 1 Ton Biifswax. and 3500 Dollar in cash. ior the Inrsrest nssort ment of Books and Siutionery e%er ofiered in thie Village. and at his usual low prices. Ann Arbor, Upper Village, Oct. 7, 184G. 28C-tf JU8TARRIYEDBYEXPRES8. THE Mozart Colleciion of S.icred Music, by E. Ive? Jun - containing the celebrated Ciiriaats and Miserere by Zingarelli with Eng ■ lieh worda. Teachers of Musie will please cali nnd examine tbo work at Pxbïiy's Bookstore. Oober 7, 1846. 2L-tfLEATHEli! LEATHEIl! LEATHER! TjLDUED & CO., No. li3, Jeilerson Aenuc, "Eldred's Block,M Detroit, tukc JlJ this opportunity to infurrn their custoniers, and llie public generally, that ihey still continue to keep on hand a lu!l aasortment of Spaniflli S)Ic Lentlicr, Also, Lnsts ntid l'ecs. Curricrs'Tooís, &C. Slauijliterttl do Horse ond Coiiar Lt-mhcr, Houiluck. tanr.ed l!)per Lcathcr, CuLtiev{in do Ojk ' " " Moroccü Skins, French tanncel Calf Skins, geal do Oak and Heinloek lahhed do Gual IJindii)ir, Heiulofk tnnned Hnrnesa and Bridlc Leothor. Deer an-1 Linib do Oak " '♦ ' " ..rdCo!ürcdLining8, Rag and Top Lemlier, Ptinted do Skirtinir. Pliiladolp'.iia nnd Oliio; Shoc TrimRuaset do iiing". and Kit o! all kinds. As the Subscribers are now mnnufncluring their own Leather, they are prepared to sell as low nscun be purchased in tlns market. Merchnnts and manuiacttirers will fitid it to their advantage to cali and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. (tC'íííi and Leather exchanged for Hides nr.c'Skins. ELDRED & CO. Detroit, Jan. 1846. 2-18-ly