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BOOKS! BOOKS!! AT PERRY'S BOOKSTORE. TO THE PUBLIC THE undersigned having reiurned from New York wiih a new, large and valuable stock Books, Stalionery and Paper Hangings, is now reoiiy to ecll Jor Cash, any thing in hie üne at hm new stand on Muin street, opposiio H. Beeker's Urick Store. He will say to Book purchasers. tliar. by his ffV's last fall or. his re' urn Trom New York. the price of nearly every ihing in his line ba been sold $ less (han herctufore. aud had it not been for liim, puichasers would have continucd to pay the piiceshcreiofoie charged. Un c.".u suy also. tliat his ales have been beyond bis most sanguine e.xpectations. showing üonc'usive'y that a public lenftfacior, alihotigh ever 8D sniall. will nol go unrcwardcd in thia cnlighiened coniniunity. He Í3 thankfulfor the favors alreacfy bcstowed. and would rcispectfully solicita continuance of the ' trade: atid lie would tay (u ihose wiio nevcr fiavc ptncliased books of hiin, (lint he wil! show thein anieles and prices wiih pleasme at any tinio ihey niay cali whether they wieh to parchase er not. Cash ordrrs from the country will be attended to, and the books pucked ns well as if the peieons were present to at;cnd the [lurchrmes. He will also m il to children as cheap au their parente. Purchasers will do well to examine his stock and pricos belbre purcltasing elsewhere. Don"1 't forget the place; be sure youcall at PERRY'S BOOK STORE, on Main Slrcct, a f cto doors Souih of the Public Square. WM. R. PERRY. Ann Arbor, June 27, 18 JG. 269-tf THRESHING MACHINES. TI! E undertigned would infurin the public tliat he manulacturëa Uorse Powera and Threshing Machines at Scio, of a superior kind inventeil by himself. Thess Powers and Machines are particnlarly ndapted ti the of FarniCiS who wish to U8l' thein lor thieshing their uwn grin. The power, ihrcsher and futures can all be lonn'cd into a common sized wngon box and drawn wiih one pair of horses. They aie dcsined to be usuil wiih tour horses. and are abundantly stiong fói that nmnber, and tnay bc sntcly ued with sis or eight norses wiih proper care. They work wili lessstrengtho! horses accorciing to theainotm öl business done than any uther power, and wiü thrtsh generally about ÜOO buehels vheat. per day with four hortes. In one inctance 15 Iui6hels wheat were threbhed in three hours wiih four horses. This Power and Machino contain nll the núvantagos necessi'ry to niake thetn profitablc l the nurchier. They are atrong and durable. - They are eusily moved Ironi one phice to another. The work of the 'anrses is easy on rhem powets in con parieon to oOiers. nnd the price it LOVVER llian aïiy othcr power and machine, have ever been sold in the Siaie. accordina to iht real valué. The terms of payment will bo lihe ml for notes that ure known to be ubsoluteh gbod. I have it number of Power and Machine: now ready for unie and persons wisiung to bu are invited to cali sooit. CLEANERS. I expect to he propared wih;n a fw days t make Cleanera fir thOsè who may wnnt ihen. The ti'.iliïy and átlváñtn'gés of iniii Power ■■m' Machine will appear évident to all on èxuhillïuifc ■he recummeiulations below. All pereons are cautiohó'd against mak int iliese Powers ind Machines: ihe undersigni'f' hnving adopted the necess.jr mensures lor secu ring letten" patent for the aarne within the urn required by law. fe'. W. FOSTER Scio, WashtrnnwCo.. Mich.. Juneltí, '-iC ItECO.MMENDATíONS. Diirinp the )car 1845, cach of ;he undersignet' purchased and used either individunlly or jini!y with other8. oi:e of S. W. Foster's newly in vented Horse Powers and thrcihing nnchine& and bclieve they are hetter adapied to the use oí Farmers who wunt Powers and Machines foi their own nse han any other power and ihresher within our knowledgo. They are calcúlate! (o be used "with four horjs nnd are of nmpliStrcngfh for that number. They appear to b constructed in stich n mhnhef aa to render theii very durable with linie liability of getiing out o' order. They are eisüy mover' from one plnc to aiiiuher. They can he worked with any nuir.berof hands from four to lighr, ahd will threBl aboL't 200 bii8liels whent per dny. J. A. PO LH LM US, Scio. YVaslitenaw co G. BLOOD. " ' T. RICHARDSON, " SAMUEL HEALY, " " ?. P. FOLTER, " " N A. PHF.l.PS, " ADAM S.VHTH, ' J M. BOWEN. J.irra. WM. WALKER, Wtbater, ' TKOS WARREN, " D. SMALLEY, Lodi. " I threshed last fall anr' winter w.ih one of S W. FoHter's horee powere. more ihan fifteei thousand busbels grain The repairs hestovet upon the power amounted to only fi cents, ani U was in goud order when I had done thréshing 1 invariably used six horses. AARON YOUNGLOVE. Marión, June 6, 1846. I purchased one of S. W. Fosier's hors powers last fall and have used it for jvbbing. J have used nmnj' difletent kind6 of poweis and bclieve this is ihe best running power Í havi everseen. D. S. BEN2ÍET. Hun.burc. June, 181C. We purdii-sed one of S. W. Foster's Hor. PovverB iaat J t II, and have used il and think it it .i fust rate Power. JESSE HALL, DANIELS. HALL, REUBEN S. HALL. Hamburg. June,,184G. 26i)if "LÖOKIIERE ! ! bosto oash stoee: V'. 2 F-rclmngfi Building, (hie Door Soutl. of' tht Exchunvc Hotet. U.per Town ANN ARLOll. MlOH. JUST reieivd and o'peiihir. for sale Choaji for Cash. being ONE OF the b st nemn men'.H of DRY GOODS ever before of(ered in this Market - such as- BROADCLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATINETS. PRINTS. SHIRTLVG AND SH EETING, VESTÍNGS. PLAIDS. SHAWLS, A LARGE ASSORTMENT, &c and almost every thing in the Dry Goods line. too niimerous to mention - all ot which are oi the latest and most Fdsüonalle Slylts. The public are invited lo c:ill nnd examine this STOCK OF GOODS, and to judiic for themsclvcs. Goods will be shown at all times, and every ntteniion paid to those whovisit the Boston Cast Store. Don't forget the nuniher. No. 2, Kxihange Building, Upper Town, Bosion Cash Store". MAJNS, M'DOWELL & CO. Ann Arbor, January, ltM7. 298-tf TdC0ljNTRY AIERCHAÑTS!" THE Suhscriber has constan tly for eale good áseortment of heavy WOOLEN CLOTHS, well adapted to t. e country market vvhich he will sell at wholeÊ.ile or rctail, VKttt r.ow. Culi and sec thom at tho Mínhattan Stuuk. W. A. RAYMOND, 275-tf Detroit. C CLARK, Attoraey and Counselor, and Ju6tice of the Peace.- Office, Court House, Ana Arbor. 290tf