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- A new doily is prombed at Chicago. lí The plan is novel. The paper is to be l gratuitous lo its readers, depending for U c sqppurt entirely upon advertising. The c projector J. M. Moon, promises to take the right ground on Slavery,Temperance, í &c, or givo up the enierprize. He is to publish at least a thousand copies a ' da)r, and to leave them at every house i within certnin limits specified, cach day i by 9 o'clock. His terms of advertising are, First insertion2 cents per line- each subsequent do., 1 cent. None admitted less than 10 cents. The Boston Whig discloses the motives whjch govern not only its namesakp, but uil the slaveholding o]igarchy of the Southern Statea, in tljeir oflbrts to suppress disoussion of the subject of Slavery, and to M frown down " overy movement twards the aboljshment of the evil. It says :r'The Riohrnond Whig calis his proposition monstrous, The chief proprielor of that paptr oicna two hundred slaves - He has, by means of them, a voting ijijluence equal to that of one hundred and twenty-one intelligent citizcfis of the f ree States, hke Mr. Sears. Need we go furtherto show why the proposition of ihis gentleman, which would destroy that infiuence, is declared 'rnoustrous V " The Post Office and Postage. - All postages at the different offices thro'out the country are to be pnid in gok and silver coin. The followlng is the section in ihe subtreasury Jaw on the subject : Be it further enacted, That on the jfirsl dny of January, in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven, nnd thereaftcr, all duties, taxes, sales of public lands, debts and sums of money accruing or becoming due to the United States, and alsoall sums due for postages or otherwise, to the general post office department, shall be pnid in gold and silver coin only, or in Treasury notes issued under the authority of the United States. Pres ident Eowards a Slaveholdek. - There is now extant a record of ihe appraisal of the es!ate of Presiden i Edwards, the eider, in which the price of a man, held by him asa slave, is put down witli that of other " live stock-" At that date Massachusetts was a slaveholding State, though its slaves were not numerous. The morality of slaveholdingr seems not to have been much e.r.mir.ed. N. Y. Observer. Length of Days. - At Berlín and London, the longest day has sixteen and a lialfhours. At Stockholm and Uqsal, the longest has eighteen anda half hours,nnd ihe shorlest five and a hnll". At Hamburgh, Dantzic and Slettin, the longest day has seventeen hours, nnd the shorttest seven. At St. Petersburg and Tobolsk, the longest has nineteen and the shortest five hours. At Torneo, in Finland, the longest day has twenty-one hours and a half.and the shortest two and a half. At Waudorbus, in Norway, the day lasts from the 21st of Mny to the 22d of July, without interruption ; and in Tpitzbergen, the longest lasls 3 months. Desertions from the Army. - It is stated that over 800 deserters are advertised in the New York Pólice Gazette. - Nearly 200 have deserted in a month. It is believed there are over 200 deserters secreted in New York and New Jersey. Thirty dollars are pnid for every deserier nrrestcd and brought to Governor's Island. Over a dozen have been caught within two weeks. Ono man made 00 last two week bv arresting runaways. How much worse is such a man than a slave-hunter? The "Oldest Inhabitant" is said tobe a woman living in Moscow, in Russio, who is 168 years offigc. At the agoof 122 she married her fifth husbund.Mes-merism at Fault.- Some time since nn, unbejie,ver in the mysteries i of mesrnorirn depositad a L100, note in one of trp Dublin banks, to reniain there, (ojr six months, and which was to be,come the propcrty .of any person who, without ope,ninig the envelope in which it was couiained, shquld describe c.vory particular respecting the noto, sucl} as its number, ijs d,ite, the, bank in which it was paya.b!e., &a, and w.hqshoukl read three English wui'd--, plainly Yritten on a slip of pn,pert which waa conaiud iti tlieume envalope wil!) the noie. Six monhsj and seyenteen days having expirad, and nq person liaving a,ppeared t ;hp bnk o examine the en.Ye1PS ll was opend, aid ihe note proyed to be a chfsck fqr JClOO, ' payable to CEdipus or Lparr, o,nd datd , the lst of October, 1845. The Eqglisji woids (written on a separate slip of - per were, (To OEdipus alone'- a ) lation fi-om ihe Greek of the celebried i Drrtdc dalivered at Delphos, which committedto CEdipus thèdiflicuU and ' ivhat dangerous task of solving the. Sphipx's riddle, on the truc solution of which depended the safety of his counlry and his own ife. The result is well known ; CEdipus solved the riddle; the Sphinx in despair flung hprself (tselfj from a rock into the seq. Tbebes was savpd. It was stated ihat cornniu,nicaions were receivpu froni different pa.rts of England and onp from America, containing mesmeric revelations respecting the number of the note ; and one enclosed a picture, or (intended) fac simile of it. Of co,urse, a these mesmerically inspired pprsons werp mlslaken i} eyery particular. Shakers Wanted! - An Ohio iarmer who has a large orchard wants to bir two or three men who have he fever and ague to shake his apples from tho trees ! A gentleman wham we mot a f-w dnys ago, stated that he had recenil'y appUed for a cornetcy, or fur thëloweat commission in the English Army, for a ward oí his. The government price ofthiscomr mission is L650, ar neqrly $3,250. He was tald that th.ere were already Twelk Tuqusand applications before his, foi' the same office ! J Here, then, it appears that there are parepts and guardians in England so in love wilh military glory, as to be ready to pay JE7,800,000, or ncarly 40,000,000 dojlars for places in the army for thejv wards, or sons ! ! Think of that for a moment ! Rememher these are all applicaüons for the lowest