Poetry: Monterey
We were nut rnany- we who stood Utore the rori tdeèl ilint diy - Yot many a g-ulant spit i t w. uld Give hall lus years ii'hc Lui could IJ ave been vviih ns nt Alunton-y. Now hert, now Uicre, the hot it liailcd In dr. .ulli.i Jrilis of fiery spray ; Yet nol a single soldier fiuailud WLen ir.iuriiic.-d vüaifktio round ihcin Wilil'd Tlieir dy'ui hout ni Montrry. And on - siili on our column kept Tliróugh wallsol fl.inie itsuithe:inj w.iy : Where fe;l ilm dyad, ihe living stept Siill éh&rgibg on ihe jjuns wliicli Rwept The slippmy strceis ol 'Montciey. The foe himst-If recoiled ngluist, Wfien. striking whero hé irongost lay ; Wt sv.).iiod it is fl .nkinj; b itteries paai, Au i brtVinjf full thair muitkrous blus:, Siormtd hume ihe oweisot Mun.Ty. Onr bunners on tlic turrêta wave, And ihere our cvening bulerf play ; hare oiango bougiis 1)jtj ihoir gravo Kl-'-ji green tita mumuiy ol iliu bruve Wlio fuuglft lid lell ai Mjiiicioy. Waarc nol niuny - we who pres3ed Residu the li wiio feil tuat day ; Bui who i)i U8 hn not conJtiwed Mc' il raiher tlmro (tmt warrior reat Than nol luv; been ai Montorey 7 Rcs!y. BY E. M. m'gRAW. You weie nuf mnny - and .vrc brave Wlio did your worl; of deüth :lut day ; Hut o!i ! your plp.ee 1 would not cravo Wuli ili the glóry fools e'er gave l'uducdti like yours at .Miiniercy. Yes, yes, your work nes brnvely done, Bui Nornun hoidca :he ujiiio woufd say ; An I snv.ijji! G-tJtli and baib'rou lïun iiy vinienc; and up il have wou Fa me, biihtas yonra at Momerey. ' Tlie slippcry atreets " with life bluod icd, Froiw earth saiit up thcir gory spray ; And inurder'd woiiicn's iiiitá fled, And inlani's souU tó ÃJcavcn spcd, To teil (he talo of Monterey ! 11 Cain, whcre'a your brother 1" fearful burst Fioiii Gou's ow lipa on ncieni day ! And Cam went fonh froin God acours'd 1 Yet, CuÃn, the iniirdcrcr, wu3 bul first Indeed !ike youisat Monteicy. Nay. stv not - mswf-r not " we' ra cteaied, And Po'li the greai nccount inust pay ; " Nut s.i, you wülaiylv apeired And fri-tsly, mndly, volunteored To slauyliter babia at Alontercy. And can your gcntle wives ngain Receive you froin ihe baaie fray, DyeJ wilh the fearful - ftw'fo! stnin P'r'jtn bursriug hart and ushing brain Ol niiocencö at Mdnteoy 1 Pèrhftpj ilièy cm, your warrior fanio May (iidé fiom ove, th. se spblvaWny ; But wi'.lf.vs' scnÃiÃiiiÃ; téart will hlame, Ai.-'ï lisi.in injiiim toik your namo In bitterncsa si JVlpralcrey, Anrl th'jtiirli ymtr dcede may grnce (orsoil) Historie pugd and poets Iny, Tlie mnri wlio livo- by honot tjjl, li greater iliun thj s-ms ol'spoil Y!ii) ;i,v.iged pcacelul Monterey. O'er M.iüicrt-y ' mr binnor wave, A-ijd here your inctry Imgles pluy ; Au 1 liM'ghtÃy you Ãlimv ihe rave Wnere rosisttie falie !rave. VVho iought lor home and Monterey. But who. n.-nong ymi who hive known, Ttie horrursi oi ihut drcadful day ; VVhence U'l'i V gnisp wiiii deith ah)ne, Wiit nut wisii wuh lii.i dvÃng monn Heiial not been ai AóuU'rey ? Tiptun, loteó. J 4 .