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In Senate, Jan. 27. The best par of the day was spent in discussing Mc Reynold's resolutions on the Mexican war, which had come back from the IIouso amended. The Senate amended them again, by making them fully ecdorse the War and Polk' message, and referred them to a committee. It is said in the papers that McReynolds is an applicant to the Federal Government for office. In the House, the Port Huron and Lake Michigan Railroad Company was ncorporated by a vote of 37 to 8. Jan. 28. Mr. Goodwill, from the commitiee on State AfFairs, reported a bilí o define a homestead, and exempl it from execution : referred to Committee of the vhole. On motion of Mr. Turner, Resolved, That the judiciary commiteeinquire into the propriety of introducing a bilí for reducing the fees of the countyclerk. register and treasurer. Mr. Turner, introduced a bilí to auhorizetownship clerks to record deeds nd mortgages; referred to committee on tale aflairs. Mr. Seeley nresented petitions from Dakland county for the construction of a íank road from Detroit lo Birmingham, hich' was referred. ín Senate, Jan. 26. Mr. Fenton, orn committee on state afFuirs, reported bilí which was twiue read, to regúlatethe construction of mili dams and mili races. Mr. Groen, from the mnjority of the judiciarycomtniuee, fMr. Eldredge dissenting,) in pursuance of instructions, reported a bilí, which was Uvice read, io continue the court of chancery as now esiablislied, for certnin purposes. The juint resolution for amending the constituiion was referred to aselect committee, consisüng of Messrs. Eldredge, Thurber and Dentor. Mr. Dentón, on leave, introduced a bilí, which was twice read, to simpüfy the government of townships, &c. In the Holse, a long debate ensued on the bill for the preservaiion of the Kalamazoo Canal. The bill was lost- yeas 21, nays 30. In Senate, Jan. 27. Mr. Bush, of Livingston, was elected President pro. tem. In the House, the Mexicnn Rosolutions carne back from the Senate amendcd. The House resolved to adhere to itsown amendment,uhich had been stricken out by the Senate. On motion of Mr. Pond. Resolved, That the judiciary committee inquire info the expediency of abolishing the office of Judge of Probate and devolving the duties on the County Judge. Mr. Dentón, from the committee on Siate Afiuirs, introduced a bill to encourage manufacturingassociations and partnerships, which was twice read and ordered to be prin;ed. Mr. Allen from the committee on incorporations, reported back the bill to change the name of the village of Truago to that of Trenton, and il was read the third time and passed. Mr. Allen ofte red the following which wos ngreed to : Resolved, That the judges of the si preme court be respect fully requested t give to the Senate their opinions upo the following questions. lst. W heiher it would not be safe t confer upon the county courls as organ zed by the revised Matutes of 184G, th funher juritdiction in iho trial of civ and criminal cases, provided for in bi No. 28 of the Señale. 2d. Whether, if the county court should have coaferrtd upon them suc extended ju.-isdiction, the circuit cour! could not without injurious delay, dispos of all the chanccry business imposed up on them by the statutes of 1846, nelu ding all mntters and causes now pendin which shalJ not have been argued anc submitted on the merits, on the lst day of March next. In the House, Mr. Adam, from com mittee on ways and means to whom wa referred the resulution of inquiry into th expediency of altering the tax laws s that no more than legal interest shall b taken by the State Officers on taxes re turned delinquent, reported adverse to such alteration. Mr. Culver introduced a bill to incor pornte the Union city Iron Company in the county of B ranch, referred to rom mittee of the whole. The House went into committee of th whole on the bill to define a Home stead, and exempt the same from execu tion.