Re-capture Of Slaves
Our village was thrown into a fever of excitement day before yesterday, by an effort, on the part of four Kentuckians to arrest a family of colored persons, alleged lo be fugitives from slayery, and take them back into slavery. One of the Kentuckians was here a week or two ago, and on Monday night the rest of them arrived; on Wednesday morning about sunrise aided by constable Dixon, they proceeded to the house of Adam Crosswhite (a mulatto man) which they broke into and attempted to bring him and his family before a magistrate. A crowd soon collected and some strong language and noisy demonstrations were made - the result of which was that the Kentuckians gave up the immediate pursuit of the object. Meanwhile a civil action was commenced against them for breaking into Crosswhite's house. This was tried yesterday and resulted in a verdict of $100, and costs all against the Kentuckians. Following it came an action of assault and battery on C. Hacket, a colored man by one of the Kentuckians, which was in progress when we wen to press. The matter had induced a very considerable degree of excitement, and a great many stories are in circulation, which have no foundation. Crosswhite and his family left town yesterday, it is supposed for Canada. We understand that the Kentuckians do not propose to pursue them, but that they will prosecute certain of our citizens for damages, in preventing the capture of the colored people and aiding their escape. --Marshall Expounder.
Fugitive Slaves
Adam Crosswhite
C. Hacket
Marshall Michigan
Old News
Signal of Liberty