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Tho brig Reindeer arrived hero las' evening from Rio Janeiro, whetice she sailed on the 26th November. All ihe vessels ofthe California expedition under Col. Stsvenson had arrived safe at Rio, viz. United Staies transport siiips Susan Drcw,Loo Choo, and Thomas H. Perkins, with the United States ship of war PrebleThe officers and men were all in gooc heaith ; every thing was quiet on boarc the vessels, and the troopa in excellem discipline. The expèdition would sail in i few days for its destination. By thiá arrival we have the particular! of an unfortunate misundersianding be tween the United States Minister at Ri and Ihe Brazillian Government, whicl threatens to distuib our amicable relation with that Power. The diflicuhy origínate in the arrest of two men from United S ship Colurnbia, who were on shore whil the vessel was at anchor in ihe harbo of Rio. The men got intoxicated, an while proceeding through théstreets to ge o;i board were placed under arrest anc conveyed to prison. Lieut. Davis, of thi Columbia, was on shore with the men : being at some distance u the time ol their arrest, he fullowed, calling on them to accompany liim. Before he got up, they were taken into the fort. On arriving at the fort, he drew his sword in evklence of his authority as an officer of the United States, and demanded their release. The guards then beckoned to him to come in; and, supposing them desirous of having an interview with him in relation to the men, he did so, but immediately found himself and his men prisoners. Mr. Wise The United S. Minister, bing apprized of the occurrence by Commodore Rosseau, of the Columbia, opened a correspojjdence with the Brazillian Goverement, demanding their release. The reply being deemed unsatisfactory, was answered by another commuiiication from the Minister,inlürming them that the Columbia woulj open her balteries upon the city in two hours, if Lieut. Davis and the men were not released within that time. The Lieut. was promply released, but the men were detained, under a plea that, being found intoxicated in the stree'.s, they were amenable to punishment by ihe civil authorites. Further correspondence ensued,the men still remaimng incutody . A day or two after this occurrencc, the Emperor's youngest chlid, the infanta Isabella, was christencd, the ceremonies being honored by salutes from vessels of war,and the illuminalion of the dwellings of tne foreign ministers. The feie lasted a whole week. But Commodore Rosseau and Mr. VV'ise declined tojoin in any ceremonie of this char.a.ter, until full reparation had been made for the insult oflereJ to their country. The aulhorities requested the Commodore to fue a salute, which he declined doiug. Mr. Wjse and the other Americans did not illuminate Lheir dwellings, and have consequently been subject to repeated insulis. The son of the Cousul was assaultcd in the 3t reets, and seriously wounded. The subject was taken up in the national parliament, then in aession. The House of C'ommons pased a bilí requesting the kvithdravval ui Mr. Wise, but the upper House rejected it ; and the Commons iendered their resignation in abodv. Thus :he aflair rested at the last advices,the nsn being still in prison.During the abovc excitemenl at Rio, the California boys nrrived and resolved to have an opposition christening of one of our American sovreigns, twoofwhom were bom on the passage. A spkndid silver cup was provided as a present for theyoung volunteer, whom the chaplam duly cln-istftned Alio California. Col. Stevenson stood godfother on the occasion. All the officers of the ships and many of the Americans were present. It was a splendid jifíair, and operated as a hint 10 the Brazilians, who were somewhat astonished at the American volunteers leaving their homes in such numbers to go half round the world. The volunteers were allowed full privileges on shore, but there had nol been a single dasertion. Col. Stevenson made a speech to them in rolation to the difficulties,and every manexpressed his readiness to join in storming ihe ciiy of Rio, f necessary, to sustain the honor ofiheir connlry's fl.-ig. Captain James M. Turner, of the Cal ifornia voluntecrs, arrived hst nightin the Reindecr,asbearer of despatches from the Uniied States Minister at Brozil, and wil! proceed this morning to Washing ton. The other passengors were, Mrs S. G. Siècle, oí Atliens, New York, lady of Cuptniii G. Steele, of the Voiuntoers Report P. Noah, or N. Y., secretary to Cul. Stevenson, and Lieutenant Geoioie D. Brewster, of ihe volünteers,froni Wos Point. War had not yet broken out belween Brazil and the Argemine Repuhlic, bu was daily expeoted. Brazil had oidered a l.irge force to the Argontine fronlier.-