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"BV INDUSTRY WE THRIVE !' New and Fashionable TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. Jn the one pregnant tu'jecl of CLOTHES, rightly understood, is incluued oll thot men havo thought, dreamed, don, and been : the wholo external Universe, and what it hol js s but cloihing ; and ihe essence of all ecience liis in tho Philosophv of Clothes ,- CuriyU. THE SubscriLers having formeel a co-pa rtnership lor the purpose of carryintf on the Tailoring Business in all its branche, w)uld luke ibi method of inlorming the citizen o Ann Arbor and vicinitv, ihat they may bo found at their hop. .o. 19, souih Main St., whee they are prepared tu do all work in their line. in a mnnrier mn 10 lie surpnssea in fit, style, or durubiliiy, by nny oihcr establishment in ib State. Tlioso gemtainen are pa-ticularly invitcd to cali who prefer hivin; their górmenla made ia a shop where none bui expennced workmen nre employed. metend of being n.ade by a shop luil of girls- for, be it known'. that we cmploy none but ihe bes: of hands, and having mode permanent arrangement wiih G. C. Scott of Mew Yrk, the Napoleon of Faehion Publiihers. 10 be supphed wiih bis American and ICnropean bprino and F.ll Fiis.ins, and algo bis "Mirror of Foshioii," a aionthly devoted to ihe scence of cutiing and making garmeots of al] kinds- these advanmi'cs. combined wiih the aiteniion and experiencc of the subscribers. renilers il Iniost an impossibility of not bcing able to piense nl. even the most fastidious. Particular atteniion will be paid to tbe cutting oí gorments which we do not moke. And here we wili gtaie Tor the informatton ol all concerned, ihat the common cry of the tailors is all n hoox, ivhen they sny ihe tnilorr ss Ims spoiled the aarncm- there is no hoprs ol making a good fit of t ; when in ninety nine casos out of every hunJred. ihe fault lies at thn cutter'sdoor. Thercfore, to put a velo on this method oí dong business, tho subscriber are induced to worant a!l their enfing without the un. versal proytao, }f pmperUf madcip. hut warrant t with)iit nny ifs or und's. Alihongh we do not set luraelyes p the personification of perfection, -ret it sil be borne in mind that we make our nitttng so plnin, that a tailoress cannot mako it ip wrong-if she iry. One thing more : we will do our work just is our cusloniers wish it done, for we labor to plcaee them in" reference to their work, nnd not nurselves : and n reiurn, we expeel them to piense us by prompt payments. Althnurjh "T Iip love óf money is llic root of ill cvil," yet as it is very neceeierv in ihese de'enernte times, we will make a liheral discount vr Cash. L. MILLS. C. E. MARTIN. inn Arbor. Jnnunry4. 1847. 300-3m A TT A C HM ENT NO TICE. State of Michigan. ; Washtkxaw Cointt. S 68# Jilin Diamond, vs. ASaihew Tously. TrSTICE COÜRT beforu Michael Thompson J Just.ce ol tho Peace. Auaclimeht iamerf -f' 6 ; rculraSe Dcc. 26th 1840 at !4 i doek P. M. Atlachment roiurned. srvcd by akinii twelve or (mineen hbslieb of' Wheai on he l.-th of Dec. )#46, on return day conrt calid. Deiendant did noi nppear. Court adjournd 'o Jan. I6th 1847. ol 2 o'clock P. M. Court djourned t Feb. (5ih, at 2 o'riock P. M. I cpriify the nbuve Ui be a transcript ' of the bove entiilbd suit. th;s tifith .lon 1847 W2 MICHAEL THOMPSON.KEADY MADS CLOTHI1TG-ÍÍ HALLOCK & ttAYüIOND, HAVE noiv on hand, just manulaciured under tlieir own instruciion. at their well knuwn CLOTHINQ EMPORIUM, orner of J.ffcrsnn and Waodicard arcnvcs, 'KTitoiT, une of the largcst and most complete, esortments of RCitdy Made Clothhtg ver befare ofiVred in ;his Smie. which ihey ar lo sell Ut llie vrryhioM Cath prkts, or these Cttsh tiincs. Cait and see ! ! Deirnit. Jnn. :"), 1817. ü93-tf COKJVriïWÏÏËATT Lf"ANTED bythe subscribers, 10,000 a .n';"sheU üi Cü'"- IO,Ut.U bushelof Rve, nd i(),i,ü.) busheU .l Wh-ni, delirerpd at iha team Mili, for which dsh will bo paid INGALLS. LAMB, & FJSHKR. Ann Arbor, Juu. 4, 647. 2Ú3-:f. BRlÖÏÏT and Black TgCh f)-IÜ, Ü 16. 7-Jüj A 8-J( wrnpping do. Urtiglit oud twibied link Trace ' do' J-or sale very chcap at the sign of the Bic 'Anti, Uppor Toivn. UF.Xlt-Y VV. WEI.LE& Ann Aibr. Jnr.. 10. I.-47. 9iJ8-ly FOR SALE. GOOD FARM, contaUiine ooe hun dreu and sixiy ncrw ol g.i..d n.i,„u.e !a„d, lüdcics under iM.piovciiifiK.wiih a goud pnir.ted. liouse, framed i.arn. uid 1U u$re ofclji;d.n - A payment will be icqtnrcd down, anJ tiiaialïiico ín ' uní 4 ycnif. 'i ul indisputabltí. i or iurtlier iJipB4aiiou euquire uf J. A. T5V4SS, Ann Arbor, Luwer Villngo. Jnnnny 10. IS47. . 2M-KCO ÜNTY ORDERS. ; THE highest price pnid m cat-h by G. F. jevt. i?, Kxchange Broker, opposite the lüwurmee Bank, Detroit, fbr orders on nnv í iha ounties in ihe Oíate of Michgan; nlsolor Stnto wcunties of uil kindbund uticurrer.tlnadö Vatt inri sec. 'S45 2- MEDICAL BOOKS. ANEVV lotof! Jlooks. jusi opínd and for sale chenp lor cash at June 15. ' 270-rf Prkt f CLARK, Ailorney and Counselor, V-' and Juc:ic of the I'toce. -Office. Court Hout, Arbor. 9Jtt