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THE Gein oí geiene?, , .■.,i,m.:m..I Kei-mi. ! t. T!.o lV"ep';';klc !,„,.. ,M m iwm. hifi) , Pm.e.j}.li?v. "' , -, And VlMHaiieuUü f parlX il! SANFORO, EO1TJDR. $-RCOXD VOLUME. Sri n,,K.h.H-- '("''e CONTENTS. n intenta 'c ?' ar proUb.y '"' ' T ,I,k rne l.v-r .1 Sc.èö. nild lo. ■? ■r-. !Pnil-i. u 1} "'' v;k C'-s .' ,..,., hlu-nl diaaVünl u..l bi píbii. oí the Ge.n of, Ann Ar "Teñípe r anee SM o u s e 2 1847. cl7' STEAMBOAT HOTEL. m: noir. W.C T. D.IEL BlBBYj living ol..,, npi;ro!!-hr.,lLr!v,lt..,no,v(.,' " ,.' .,. Pu'.ic Wnl all " -' 25 C -'?. Ê"'1 M Sotl'hcm Sl."re Qjiee kïpt al tus House. " of charge. ' ATTENTIO THE WDRLöTT Free Trads and Tuilors Rights. TH-G-fcïtïwina bT Aren AVbor nd vioniiy. ' Va!itpn.w Coumvn, ■ 1 Cmr.ties Hijjoining, fomCly"STtfBO at.d 7-VEW UP tor . T.'evhs. kimlo'Clo.hsnn Trimn.ipg? M, he hiinghi cl.értp n. Ann A.!,.r.L .vy.T 1 -wn, n,,dih.-re hm TA!LOR onpos.-e Qs & U SSiKr S:"1C' uhl oaii-tbeouuloneaiiy where '"'".'Mre.1.0 JoWrk in the oio,rFashi , ■,- lyic. orfiiitów tlie dircciions f ' ctis!„ o !; poáBSert of n. farge nre o' :;,;„f Hu-.M.Kmrino. h. le.'in, are e ilishcJ on vjrinr-i[):e of ■VVE a:D LET UVE' i Iíe-, n (H-c.ü.r n.h in hSa ch-rncter . ."S!) w,!l ba t,U-n In éxd.onga Ut hts -scrv,IS Fie nat to nier, nd hl. g-r.nenl. aro sure oficif propoily mmlc up. } spRAriU Ann A--r. LoWir own. Órc. 5. l-l''ÊACE DÉcEaBED, ANO A t7ÜBKLBY S. FELCLi can iiold W Kerk liiuiKA-iiCu:.a;ij 13GOT8, #OK. ; rr, rtiifi Fiudiuss t ,f all Kin-ls. wii. alt persons, .r , viz: God A.tdcs-Low Pnccs-Utady Put, -ín;l;Lcni::rhnvin3funytef,e..heCr,d, Svsih ... bft hoth uf c. ñ ence nn. cwh, and I. sJffned much,J.a " ti-e. ne i." ns "AFrua hahvt nd v,'rv ..Urn r-on.e Op -M-SSIN"' 'V-g 'MP ad" i , „ !i„. Jiooi h„U. lleUW-e c, .l,es,nK incluso, tl.. ceiWin i & ''"! "" . 3 AU persons Ha raí. mnrm t o i h v tren y 'm! do wll ... c.Ml on Si Fh, An S5S; SS no. be taxed for o.hora work wn. nevjr ,ny. , ífcbEiÍ ín nny ray t.-N' ::,ntr.'l..ll.(;:.,r-.ll and pnyjf rt.e, ;rt. t, .„-; a.)-1 ateajvtü kuep s. {j FUaMITURE & UPHO'.SrERIMG WAREROOMS. PS ,he!,1aerti,!..ft;.c,.,l11, í;vü,n pfefu acturo, bicli tLcy w.ll II ver. '"riit-v ailï keep experíencd üpW_sfërw. nn" „rí preinr'.-l ... doall Ktiids f üvhplstefing n ÍÍrSi"S5líVi'nd nái to order of thi DLr7it? Jamn-y. 1. IcJlT. )7-'.v -VoW LAND'S bo-l Mili aw?, 6, GJ. itw! i's l.'s' XCu' Sawp, ftifij nn.l 7 bet. rl;S Fnr S.le ai .he ol lile liig Anv.l. Ann -VW.T.n. ! I"____JÜL LL3EE) O1L! ! s mnnu'a tnri-iar ï!nM'i O!l on an extensivo scale and hu W ble lo 8UJPlírE.'íeI,l.YTS ,1.D PAINTllUfi. on ter,.:s more fnvunUe for tl.em thnii hnye ever before leen pflered In m oüntry, ami he w prepnred o upply onlt-rs t..r l:.rgettr smúll quanti- .- nimièetc&retiiebfknO' V'onniu.iicauons by ina.l v-,11 be prompt Iy atiende I to. L. lATOURETTK. Lonr í.e. CcHfCo. Mich28Vly ÏTATrES), at Perry's Bouksior., V V -r ''"' (:i:'1 t;)'"m ulllJ Ll"c" ss 1 Ton Hf-üw-ix. nnd ron Du-it "i íor lhc 5ar2OSt a99Or! mpnt oí c..1 - nftd St.iti.mery ever offered ín tln VllmíP. n:.d ai í3 uíiml low Ann Arbpt, Upper V.lln-e, Oct. 7, lSg TÚstÁrRIEI BY EXPRESS. TI :; M. CoHecnon of S:.crd Mu.ic. b Chriéiuñ'ní M.serere by Zingareih wi.l. Eng lr9Teaóht of Mue will plea.0 cali and examino tbeworkat DdoKtitniit. Ocwbr ,L.UATÏÏ12II! LÊATHEU! LEA.THER! ELDRIiD & CC, Nii. 123. Jeilersnn Aenur, "lildred's Kloek," Detroit, lake this upportumty :o nforrn iheir customers, nnd ihe public generally, that they till continue to keep on hand a lull assorimcnt _of Spanish S lc Ltmlicr, Álso, Lns's and Pes?, Curriers' Tools, i&c. Sjaahrercd do Ilorso aVid C.'oaar L'eathèr; f Icüiluck liinned Upper Leathcr, Cordevnii do Oik ' ' Mvrocuó Skins, Frt-ncli tnnnod C:ilf Rkipp. S.-.l ín Oak nnd IfemlnVk üirnie dn fiiiat Bituüng, Memlcck tnnueii llarncis and Bi die Lonthcr,. Deer air! L-nbdo Oik " " " " nr;d Co'üibó Linings, Vnn nn:I Top iientber, Primed d f ki init. PJiUnilelpSïh incl. Oliio; Slioe Trim Ituasct do ui: gï; nnl Kit l -ill k-n)s. Asthfi Subscrihors nro now mnmifnottirinp thèir own Lenther, thcy are preparen o 86,1! ns lw aschn be jmrchnseH in tin mnrkpt. Mpiv-hnnis and triahürcturrs v:ll find it to their ndvaniage to cal! and examine ïur siiH-k l'pfurf pni'cnnürriè eNev.'hprr. (ff" Cash nud Leal her excliaúeed for Ilides r.r-c Skins. ELDRED & CO. Dfiiroit.JnY. 1840. 248-ly -- -NEW GOODS! Chcap for Cash!! TUK Sulsüiil)tMS Di z li'iivc i muKin the1! olii cusixn.ers. :iiiil ih fn!!ic fcpnerully. 'hit iln'V are now rooo.ivi:i largo and hpl""id iiisorimép.i ' Englisk, American iind West India. GOODS. Crockeri, Shelf Hardware, Paints Cils, DycslvjTs, Brugs and Medicines. A 'so a ibiifrn iiás !t:iioiit of lilO.N'. finitnble for ironiiig W i.):i? niiit ÍJuif-ie, NailRolí. Morse SIioVp. and Hriree JVade, Sh et Iron. Tin Ware and Tin .Plate - íleo a general aïsorinient cl BOOTS SHOES, :hck nnd tlnii sale woik. fiid custnm work to -u:t ïuri-lrisfrs. All of whu-li 'lu-y will sell on ii'e lóweil nis-!Íl)Ie ternis fur Cash or B.i tkk. Peclinu cmiident ís ve do. f' ■:■ we enn liinke t 'he nierpst of n!l th-wt wishine to pil'liase nny of th? aboye ip'onuoneil GoH we Id inosi enrin -tly sólk-it l 1 -' an iiiv-si!Cnii.ii ,F oTir Goodi airi prices I pl"-o puitlwiing elsevhcie. JAMEs GIBSÖN & CO. Vo. S. Kxcliange BllockAnn Arbor. I.owef Towh, Sept. Y4, l-'6. CLOCKS AND WATCIIESJ ! r5Qit rrH K S!i!)scrilerhns ji'íi fíX. J_ n-i-eivcil, (nnd is con %' ''jijsüiiiily rccciviitg) fióiii jifas. JWU;NV York nn cleunnt nr d Bijj 3 ii. wcli Bulecled astonineni Jewetry, Clocks, %rachcs, !cc fcc. wiuuii htr inieinJtí 1.1 -dl ;■.- w :s hi ;n j dief est ibtibhn:ein ilus side 01 for rruih, mij onlij aiii'-nt' wl.ifh ïnav b! iViorfd (liéldlHiw GolJ Fineer lvin:s. Gdld brensi pine.Wrisilets Guartl Cliniíipaiid Kys. Silvfi Bpiñtñs. Gefinnn Silver Ten and TuUe.Spooiis (firsi qnsliiy.) Silver and Gtruian dn Tongs Silvt-r Süli.Muetntd nnd ('ie;ui einK.P?-. IJuiicr Knivcs, Guldund Silver l'encil Cates G.hl Pen. ' IVncüs, Silver nnd Gern.nn Silver Tlnn Mea. Silver Sfi-ci.'icl'8. Germán orid Öicel do. GogLtép,ÓJuthés. Hüir nnd T-.ili l'rushes. ljiiier lUusli.?. Hnzoisniid P.nUet Knivi-p. Knie Sinvjrs nnd Sitiü-ois. KnivfPiiml Kork. JJriiia.iniaTe.i P..ts:i: d Castor. PWferf; Brnrt. :in' Rntiania Candleiniiks. bnuiUre &, Trajs. SinvuiL' l"xpnnd S(:ij.é. Cin!.ivji.'sü-dt It)i7..r Sircp. Cnllnnd Mororn Valléis. mul Cqt"n .inf=cn. Violinfi ni.c ! nvs. Vi..!in niid'Bnpf Vi..t i--trit.L'!-, Fluu r} Mes. Ciarionetii. Ak'Ii nn?- JVint-ir liótk ..r the BBriie, Mno Si-.-!í=. S" I Bnd Ici7.i'rs. Vvn pflipi PiÏHfróml T"l-"rr. s. ; v -'y Drcsin ' ".unlis Sidf iiid U-ik ;niii I éfh i (.iiiil-. Ni:r!Vc;iM p. Sk-Ii hoi?. W hum Pjmbti ml I? iih'ics. T.iv ■ Wmciips. n üi'-n vmiíi ty ' )..l'a. mi s'n.ri ;hr u-rui' vnriei) tíí t.iy.o pwi ■rii;ielii to ''.'s m 'rkci. Fnr.ry w..i! lnvv.-s. e'i' Ircn's im.hi'hs. rolï).'tt I1"!! ?ll oH'ni -,Us C.-iiri Pl:i5-pr. Ti Rells. TbenwMiiefiwf Qernion Pípp. Wow} P. rciK BRA'JS AiM VOO!) r:.O'KS. c: n f;'OT á1ñiYi prf h:nLr tn olVnoe üfr' (ancjr. I.nrlirpnnd Genlle nrn, t-tll and examine '"r ymiíwSvrp. Cinrk?. W;ir-ies nnd rrpairpd aru Viirr.miid n bIio-j n.iiire. Shop nt Iiis dl1 .miirl. (I. Pe'l.-'r' Store in il occupudbyM-UI-N N IJ _rnFI, pnid fir lf1 Gold & iiv.-r. Ann A'hor. J.ilv i. Vól(. '71-H T7 T U. ntANt! wuuld MfjH-ciln!ly nn:if 1 the ciiizeru of Ann Ar!ir. r.n thffiuiiuridiiiL' crtuniïy, (nat !- ct-ruimn. 10 acia H-UITFORD FIUR !NSUPvANCi% CO.MPANY, m wiM ïrisiira Pn.iery Dgafnal 'oppcs by Firo. 11 ihe iiwps' rn-e-. imd wilh dfspatcl and üCCU■cy. The Martrurd lMiinnóq 'on.pnnv is on f the "1 'e-i Qtid iiMi1 jtfiidle in ihf conniry. nu'! 'l! li).?''S 81Wt;lln-ll (V 1 1 w 111 v II lit -S llieV CV' I ovp hren- provPTi.Y pmii ! Fitp ia - Tfingêr nis e!eneni mil hoi i-i (ie tiiflnd wi:h: :lipre!ore. uikeup yonr mind to uunrd ngninM. it Wl'l liOHf uklay ! A lew houisdflay inny be yu min. Mr. Cksk' Officf Pin Crnnc's ncw Block. corner oí tlie Public Square, Ann Aibor. y.n-tf TEETIl! TE ET II!! TEETIIH! MÁSTIC ATION and Articulmion, warranted by l.eir being pioperly re Ctd S. D. BURWETT,. will continue tfie i-a.-ncc "t Dl NTISTFY in dl 'ns virioii9 biancliP. vz : Striittng. t'llmcr. init IiKiertineon goJ I 1I 'tes or pivots. from nne ■ .in rntire vn. Old pl.ilos or inia.'iis reniodléd. ;in. mnde rqaal 10 ncw. OFFICE "ver C. D. Thompson fe Co.'s Shoe St.1.0. Lnihes who request it, can !ie waited on it their dwelling8. jV B. CIkii-bcs unusua'.ly low, and nll kinds fPROr)UCK mken. Ann Albor. Dec, 5, 293-tt CLOVER MxVCHiNES. TJIRSíIJífi M CííVES nnd Seprnfors are msde nnd sold by }ii8u!8crirerH.Tt their Machine Shp. noar i'ne Pnper Mili. Lower Town, Ann Arbor. KNAPP A ÜAVJLASD, 19, im. 94T frrHK Subsr.ber haVmjj pufch'rteed li.e inier 1 J. ests o' .1. M. R.ickweU in fliai M.irM! liusine'.. woulrl tnforni 'ho inhnlH'anis of ilii ' npi ni'ji.iirn coiimies. ih he will rotnitiue th. liusme s a rhe ól I sta-nl. n de Upper T.wn. r."-ir ilie Presbyieriun Cliurch. and manufactura Monuments, Cr-ve Stones Paint Slone, Tablets, 8c. "C. Tliopc wiphinir '■ oSüiin my ár fíele in liisüne of l.nsincyp will find Itv éaiJífiE ilini h Ims an nssortn ut itfWhftf nuil Va'!,Mled Mirble from tlip Fnetprh MnrMe Cuírrinfl. uhicli will be wroncln Tti Mi(Hrh sivle. nnd .lil al msxírn pri rrü. ftdilíné transponr'.i'iin on!v rinll nnd s;e: ihepronf. W. F SPAULDIVTr. . Aun Arhor. Jnn. 30. I8-J7. 27'2 ly fTHE SüBSCIUBEU h;-.sreceiveJ hts JL wmicr 8inci. wincli licurfcid lur Üasli ■ a jjreaily ré"cíuoel p'."Í2e. 'llie rubjfc iré uvitéd to cnll, examine, nnrl jiulje lor il' n Behe Nw n haiicl, uiid dii!j icl-iii g büFASJ í every virBiy an'J jnitrer. .lid ilf laic-n i.ishii'ii. pr.i;t's Irnin $:{() nnd np:...!. íílVANrf. U'IIO.MA.VS. LOlNGlJá H!JE (Ji. ni nll k inl. Irom .jl mul up. Ceiiitc. tjurd, Tea, Uress, l'ier, Dming, and cM Tublca. Wmli. l.':indle, ind P.iilet Sinnds. Iit-il ■■'!(!. - M.iliogíiny. Miiplt. and Wiliiut. ruin n' -'i iiii up. ]',;::■ F'hick : PiüTjo Covers ; Piano Stoo! I )i. ;.;■! Biiil BJngle Mjtrc-sbea ui hair. sliuck , ,ialm Laf, vt ilrflW. DkuI.Ic and hinjjlc Cm Bw'vettfa. do do Vlfritiñg Denks. CM.MRS - Tlic l'c.-t ugHitnti.etH ibat can b UMind wesi ví üéyi oik and thc tlicapt-st in iiiw -iiy. iicísjr Chairs, a good nrtic'e, at -2ó0 tile 'mi. {Vlúbagnny F encli ("h.iite. hnirat n first nit a iu:li'. n iid útil tím.-licd foí ,H 5 ). C-iflí "iily Jl;dtiuriri Jto kiug í'liaiin. liaír .cn nnd d ick winri-n"d y"tid, ul liie li.w jirict; oí $12. lor :li ;;irh unlv. FIí!í mul Cnne Sent from Í5. an 1 up. línd ('s. pl.nii Bfld it -fiy : liir) Glius-'S ({ i'ly Mnrc8. nnd 'l'iy kVhíeJbnrruwe, íorcbtld ■on ; i'.i.'i-ni Sliowei n id ílip J{,itlP ; BÍmi í}:itii Pin. Cutí p S.oiilri. l.'iiilircü i íhiJ Mu Siiind?. F.incv Mt:!l'g. Ftmi tícr:iier8. C-íii "eat Cuiinitír tnni J5d.ii Sin.. I . 'urt;tin nii!eii:n Tobie trovera, Hulanci-f. l'itiii' Fnniífc WilíoW Wnjf'oiw, C'ii'lls, C'lnirtC ckf. m i Ji.i !;■; ; Briicuniua Tuble Cantors, verv clei. M.iliogaiy nnd Itoeowood Vencerá ; VarnisL uid Jnpan : Broi.z'. iMilmuiiny Knob?, Lockö. Cilu1. Curled Uiir. and C.'ine ií'üt!. Alsi. a l'irge iifsii iiiinii tff American Castora, expre.sly hr Cnbiiiét Maker, very c'ne.ip. Casíi iind ihf highitl tnntlci p ice pnd fui nny qnanii y id Wiiínuí nndClieuy Linntier. I will alsi) con raet fr nny qiu.iiiity.uf lirs' rnte Vii1uui íuiiilur. in be -sumed tu order, au i Ichvered by the Ist oí Juné next. J VV. 'I iLLMAN. No. h7 JelFursou Avenue. Detroit. .Tnninrv 1. l-47. JJÜ7-ly THE LIBERTY MINSTREL ONE MUNUIU.D CüPIKS of the fiñh ca, tion of this liiiíhlv popular w.rk are fr U n t:ie Sitrnnl office at r0 cents sin;!e. or .$4.5 I ner doen. Terina di9h. Now is ihe time loi Liheriy clicirs to snpply thenibelven. UU 8. BROWÏV, Attorney % Counselor at Law, ANN AUBOR, MIC. f FFICE wiih E. MüNtv. Ks. 5í)7-1y OÍS filé? G17TB, BRAüS VlOL, AND VIOLLS' STR1AG8, jimt rceivd by Dm 19, 184G. 2í6 C. BUS9.'T!! E pruccding nyüie ia givcn t reprecen the Insensible l'etspiration. It u the gr e i.'vacii uion lor tlie iiupürjtlèp.of the body. li will bc iioiioud that a "ihiúk cluixiy m:t isuues from til puinis ol tlie suiiaue, which in'licHtcs that iliia (.erspiration (1 ivt uninierruptedly wlien we re in hoalth, tuit ceaaea whtn we are stek. Li eannoi le sust-iincd wiihoui it. lus thrown ofi rom tiie blo'-d mul -tlur juicos of the loly. üiuj lisposes by iliia mem?., ui ue.iriy all tlie imluruits within au. The blo.ul. by ihis niemm only, workfi it!.cll pure. The Inngirnge of Scrip miéis, "in tlie Ulood is :hü Lite." It it evur hecomes impuro, it mny bc trnced direcily tt the BtOppuge oí tlie Insensible l'eispirruion. It nover rcquire nny mernnl medicines to clcanee it, as iiatwiiy pnnfièaiieelf ly itsown hcut andaenon. nnd thrmvö off n;l iho öfiVnding hninurt, ilirougli tho Insensible Perspir.uiin. Thus we sec nll t!i tt is ni'cessary wiieif 'he hlood is stngnant. or injectcd. is to open t'ie puree, andtt re liivfb itpelf trom ml imminry intaii:!y. lis uw tieat and viwlitv ore ufficienfi without i.mparnc'ie ol mtdicino. cicèpl 10 o:n the póre upon t hi surfnet Th is wu s:e the lully ai taktng nu ■molí niiennl retnodn-s. All pm'o Itionera, h'öjwme', dinct tbir rff'!i8 to restorv tl:e Insdniiblt lieropíráttón, but il 8fei.irf 'to be nut ;ilwnys tiuprópï'r oni. 'l'he Tívimpsom.-tn, lör'inarattce tea'i-8. ihe Uydr-M'Mhis' siiroud . in wet blanki.s. the li itnopath et do il out infinilissininl.-, 'luViI.Vto.iih-.8t b'tcfidS'ind d ifa wuh mercun ,anl blustenng Quack gorges na wiih piilo. pil: pillé. To civp snnü idei of the iini'Hint of the Insoti m!1c l'ers-piration. e wiü staieilit thöleuriietl t)r. Léwehhork, and ti.e gtept Jincrlmuve, awcurcained ilmi fne-wiylnlisof nll we ntceive tnto tlie ütoinnch. Il:ted tl by In ni'nns In otiiet wonU. if we nj and drink oight pounds per day. %vc ëvr.c'inte tive jtounds o( it by the Insensible Petai' ra ion. . Tlns t n.inn otlier thnn the usud uj pnrticlcs f the liliod, and other juiot giving place 10 the new and Iresh ones. To check thie, therelore. ia to retain in the s siem fiv-eihths f all the viruletit iiiiUtcrthat nature demauds shuuldleavt henody. And evrn when tlns is the caec, the K tod ia of so active a principie, (hut il iletermiru'8 t ose pirticles to the ski 1, whère they lorru 8ca!6. pimplos, ulcera, Blid.otb'ér spots. By a sudden trnsition Iroiu heat to cold, the poros are utrtppáj; the perspi ratiort coases, and li.-ense begins at once to develupeitáelf. Henee. I stopp 120 of" this flow of the juices, orig.nates so uiMUy eoinpiaints. It is hy stopping the pores, ihat ovcrwhelm6 mankind wiih Cugh. coïds, and oonsumptioiis. Xine-lentha oí the world die trom dise8va in■ laced by a 8to)pajje o tho l.-sensible Ferspira lldll. It 's ensüy secn. ihereforc, how npccssnry ii the flw of thiseubtle humor to thö-surfnee, to preser-e he.ilth. it cannoi be stopped; it cannot bc oven checked, without nducing discae. Let me a#k now, every catulid mind, wliai course eeeuis the most reasonable to pursue. to unstop the pores. nfter tlu-y are elosed? VV'ould you giv-ü physic 'tounsiop tiie poresf Or would you apv s ■inietlung that woüid do this upon the, where the dgiiig DCtünlly is? Would 1101 iliis bu commoi] eensu? And y-.t 1 kn-iwot no phyèiclan ho tnaUes any exttrnal applicntion M effeït it. Thereason l nvsign is, that no medicine wnhintheir knowledge. is capable of damg it. Under tlse circtnnötancei!, l pres nt lo yhywciitns. and to all oiKèré, a preparation that h i this iower in it fullest extent. It isiVc.iL STÊR'S ALL UEALIXG OWTiVEXT, orth'a WORLP 8 SALVE! Il hns power to citore perspiration on the fcet, 011 the head, aroun'd old sores, upmi iho chest, in short, upon nny part ol the body, whether diseased tlih.tly or severely. It has power to cnuse all exteriial sores, scroAilous huuiors, skin diseÜPfl, poisonous woundt. ■o discharge their putr.d matter, and ihen hta.b It i's a remedy that sweeps ofT the wholc catalosjuc ofcutaneous disorders, and restores the tjn'tire eutiele to itshcalthy functions. It is a remedy tliat förbids the nrecssity of se niany and deleterious drugs taken into the stonach. It is a remedj! that neither sickens. gives tnconven.encc. or ís dmgerous t the inre inca. It presorvfS nnd deienda the 4'irfVice frotn ali flërangement of ts inncuons. while it kec-ps -- .en the cli-iniols tor the Mood to void ;ill ita m.'iiriiies and dispose ot" all its useless particles l'he snrtace ia the outlet oT five-eit,htli3 of the !ji!h and traed up ir.atter within. It ia pierre-! h tnillions ol openingd lo relieve the intC3..IP8. Stop up these pores, and denth knockF it yoiir door. Il is Hghtly tornied All-Hcdinj.'. tor ihere is scircely a distase, external or inter „al. ihatit will not bemfi'. 1 linve uned it Í0 -helast foiirteun yenrs, for all discases of tlu ciiesr. consiunptton. Iiver, invulvinsj tho u'tnos. Inngrand responibility. nnd I declare bc fóv Moa'veii and-m;iu. 1h.1t ot in one single case un II fiiled to ben. fi . whnn the patiënt was withit the rench of mortal nifans. l hnve had phvsicians. learncd in the profession: I have had ministers bf the Goüpi-l. Judg-aon the llonch. Al er men and Lawytra. (ien lemeii of the highVstent liiion and multitudes o 'lie p.ior. use il in every variety of way, nm' here hnn been hut one voice. one unifed. niiivrr lvoica, saying, "AIcAlisttr. your Otnlment good!" roN'l'MPTION. It cm hardly be credited thni a salve can hav iny rifret upon the lunas, vcated a they on .vitliin the syitem. Bat wesiy imick tor all. 'hu ■his Ointme'nt will reach the lunas q lirker ilmi my medicine that cui he given inieninlly. Thns. I placed upn the chest. it penetrales dirrctly ! hs lungs. 8ipinit-i the pnisnou8 partirles tha ire fons'immg ihem, and expela thein ffom tht jysi 8tii I need pot ny 'Int it is curmi? perrons of Lon tl 1. p-ion can 'iun !y. althoiicli we are t"ld it t .ii.i.siüiess. I cnre ni what is sa'd. so long aI cun cuie scvetül tlii.uaand persons yiar!y. I1KAT ACIIK. Thi. Snve luisciiced prrsiti?of the Head Ach it li yenrs tnntling. and who had it regnlnrlj verv week. so ihaivo'niiing of i-n took piare. Dcaín-fls and Kar Aelië are helped vvith th. .ike succes, os also Ague in the Face. cot.D rïKT. C ossumption. Liver cmiplainr, pnins in tht chést orside, fllní of the hair. oneor the othe. ilwaysnco-nnanies c-ld feel It is a sure sign il disease in titft sy'cm to hnve C'ld ffe'. The Salve will restore the Insetibible Perspiration an-I rdus cnre every cafe. In Sitroful.-i. F.rysiiieltis and Salt Rhrum, aiu! o:herdiseasesof tl'is 'nature, ñn internal remedy ios yet befcn diefovered thnt is s góod. Th jnnie mnv he eatd of Hroncliiiií. Quincy. Sor Th roa t, P1U-8. Spinnl Diseoses, Uroken or Son Ureast. Ac. And as fortlie Chrst DipensD. p:ioh ns Asth mn, Pain. Oppresston nnd the like, it is themosi wonderítil antidote in the World. Fr Liverrcmplnint ir is cqually pfficacioiis: Tor Burns it hns not hns iscqual in the World: ilso. Kxcrreences of every kind. smlias Wnrts. Tumors. Pimples, &c, it makes clean work 01 thetn all. SOR E KYKB. The inflnmniation and disease nlwoys liepbnek of the hall of the ryo in t.e socket. Hencr th( virtiift of nny medicine must reacb the scfit ol th inflnmation or it will do linie good. The Salvo, if rubbcd on the tomplre. will ponotrate 'ürcc'Jy nto the socket. The poreswiü boopenprl. a propor porspirntior will hecreated and the rliiienae will soon pais i'ff 'othe sur'nce. -fiMPUES O7T THE FACE, FRV.CKI.F.S, TAÏ, MASCÜXVtt SKI!, CROSS SURF4CI. lia fint act ion to exol hmor. itwlHlot cense drnwir. lili the face : frce from ony natter that tnny be ludgcd under the kin aiiy requcntly lueakí ii; out to the tiurfucc. It thcn iejls. When ihore ia nothing but groBs'nrsu, 01 lull repulsivo biirliice, it begins lo güllcn arto uiten until tho ski bticúuíe ás-íinooth nnd i'tli:;iie as a child's. It throws u iresliness and jjuslnng color upon tlu. ow whue. transiwrent ifciii'. tiltil i periectly enclinnting. Soine time ii case o" Fruckleri it wiil lifbt start out ihose l , i .- 1 1 linvc Itttn hulden uno scen bui seldom. Tur siiu the Salve and all wil! soon disappear. WUKM9. It'pnrrnts kncw how fatal most med eineswere to chtldren laken inwnrdly, ibf'y would be slow to resort to ihem. Especmlly mercurial lozenÜs," cnlled "inedicntetl lozcngeá," pille, Ac Tlte'trtrtli s. no oue cm tell, mvnriably, whrn worm are present. Now leí me si1)' lopnrents. ilus Salve willnlwiys tell it" a child liasrortns. It witl drive every vestiré of theni away. Tliia ís :i simple nnd salo cure. 'í'hcre is prob.ibly no medicine ón'the lace oí ilieennh al once so sureand ko su Te ia the ex pulsión oí worn.s. It would be crue!, nay wicktd, to give ínter nn!. c'ou!tlul medicines, so long as n hnrniless, extcrnal one could be had. toir.KTr. Althoush I hnve snid titile abont i! ns a bai' rsstoraiivr, yet I will siaKe il nguinst ilie World! They tnny bftng ilteir Oils (ar nnd nenr, nnd mine will reMore ijïe hnifJWú e.ises to ilieiron:. OLD áORKS. MOHTIVICATIONS. ULCKRS. KTC Thnt soiue Sores are (tri outlet to i'iipuriiic of tlu: sysM'tn, is becttlise ihey cnnnot p.oet IV hrouh ihe naiu ai dwnnels of the Insensible Per-piraiion. It such sures nre healed up, theJmpuruies must Inve some othor outlet. or i". wilieniInjigiT lile. This is the ronson wliy it uimpoüiic to use the cómmöri Salve of t lie dny iu hucIi enge?. For ihey hnvc no power to pen nthe nvnues. to let olTiliiii morbid matter, and i!m ei-nscqucnc-i'S nre ulwnvs iat;il. Th8 Sulvwillülwnys provuie for pnoh cinerrencicB. DISrÁSKS OK CUILDRKN. How niany thoiieinds nr'e twipi off by cívirtg íredicint-a. when tlu ir yoimg borfies md tender írnines nie unuble to bear up igainsr tlicm? Wlmle a-inien aro iIiuh sent to their graves merety Ir ni pourinp mío their weal toniaclis iovrfl diiips oiul phyeice! It is t' snel tíint ihe All-Flt';ilinir Onunent tenders ssafe, pteasam, ond harmlees n ue Suth oan ■es as CruiM). Cíiolic. CfaÍJlcra Infantuir. 'Vorüís, nnd all Slimmer Compíaifllui by whicli so inany chil Iren dio. tlm Oirtment will ronove s spet-dily aridlsurclv. iba; a phyeician wiil never b; needed. Motlicre! throuRout il thia land. we n"W solemnly and síicrpdly declnrc to you that ilie AIl-Hedliríg Omnm-nt wi aive ymir children from an eurly grt.e if yon will use it We are not nw at-tuated by tin !eKi desire to cnin: bul knowing ns we do that vüst hodies of intams íiíhJ children dio early: which is 3itpp"8f(! to be inevitable me! iiiip"6sillé to prevent, we hold np our warninc voice. in d" in thp fice ol hc whle world. CIIILDRKN NI-.EÜ MT DIE M0RI-. TIIAiN OTHt:RSü Bnt it is from the wnnl el proper niiuriebmeni and (be constnnt drtifrririfí thoy undergo which mows UiCín down as the rank graáu ful Ib befor. the pcythe. Mothers! we repeat ngain. nnd if they were thelasi wo-d8 we were evt-r to ínter. ind o; cnurse past the reneh of nll interest, we would sny. "use the All-llealing Omtiueiil foi sicknes .'itnong cbildren." niir.u.u.TisM. It renoves alniosr immediately the inflasiation nnd welling, when the pain ol' course ceabeo. rr.vrns. Tn enses of fcver, the (JifHeuIty lies in tbt por9 heinz locked up. so that the hïiit nnd períp'ration ciirnot pnss oíT. Il ilie lcast moistun could be started, the crisis ia prií-sed and the dun-rer over. The AH-IJealing Onnment will in all csesof fevera almost inetnntly unlock the skin and bring forth the perapiration. FOlAI.i; COMPLAINTS. Tnfl:mat')n of tho kidneye, oí' the womh. nnd it8Íalling down, wenknees. and rrepuln:ity; ii ahort, uli those dilTicultiea whuh are frequen1 vith feniale.-. fmrf rendy aml permanent relief. We hnve had aged lacücs tell us they could nt live six months without it. Bui to íemak-e about lobecmne róntbers'; !Í used forsotne weeks unteccdrnt to their confiiieniont. very few of thost' pnins nnd convnieionp whicb at'endll-ein nt thut period will be feit. Thisfact ought to bo knuwn i he world over. 9CAT.D HKAD. Wc have cured casPR tlini actunlly defied overyihinc known. as well as the abilisy of fiDeer. or twenty dc:ors. One man told u he hai1 spent $500 on his children without nny benefit, uhen a few boxes of ihe Ointmcnt cured them. COKNS. People need never be troubled with ihem il they will iií1 it. As a FAMILY MF.DICIXE, no man can measure its vulue. So long ns the stars rol ilong over the Ueavens - o lonc ns mr.n trend the earth, sulyect to all the inflrmitie of tht f]csh - í" long ne disea.e and sickness is knowi jiiet so lons will ihis Ointment be veed ant RSteemed. When mnn ceases from off the earth. chen thedemand will cense, nnd not til! then. Tn allay all appreru-nsions on pcrount oí i tp ineredients. in possessingstich powerlnl properties, we wills'aie that it ie conpo-ei of soine b) ihe mos) comnion and harmlí-ss herbs in exisience There s no mercury init. asean le eei from the fnet thnt t does not ínjure the skin on nr.rtirle. wliile i will pnpp thronch nnd phvsií the bowels. JAMFSs y,cA I.STER & CO. If-8 South Etreet. N. York. Solo proprictor of the nbove Medicine, t whom all coinmunicniions míi' bu ndJressc (po8tpaid). Prine'-'5centsnnd 50 cents. KFCAUTION.rt! As tho AU llealiníí Ointment Iris been ereat ly coiiiiierfeited, we have ír:vcn this camión t ít uiblie. thnt "no Oinnnent will be Kf"nl)'n'' unleéa ihe ñames oí Jnmei IVicAlisfer, or Jame.1 McAlisier & C.. nre writren with a prn upoi trvery hibel " The Inbel is n s'eel enurnvinp wiih ihe figure of "InsensiMe l'erspiration" or llr fíiCe. IS'ow we herehy ofl'er a rewardof íp.VO, to Ín paid on conviciion. n any p{ the consuni'e' óourts ol tíhrá United States, of any individua oiinteri"Miinji ovr ñame nnd Oinin'ent. M'vYNAKD'S. Ann Arbor. leíale Aílf-nts: Siuith & Tyrell. Clinr.m: Ktchum & Mnirh. Tecunsehr I) C. U'lntwiod. Dexierí lí.t Bower, Mancheaicr: John Owen &, Co.. Deroit; Flnm-nn L Cook, Drooklyn. Dec 18, 145. 2H- ly On Hand Againl '■MiE Subscribir would resj)ecíful! JL iio'.ify piihlic. iIihi he id Kctel ..iu- 1 uoie in the villnge f Aun Aib..r. nnd ia pre i;ud to nccómniodate the conui.unity with r choice and wrnSrieeti fn#i}tjmcnt of NEW GOODS, "i'nsisiiní: or Dry Goot, (.kockhiis HahjWRK, BOOIS AND Sh-KS. ( R CK) KT "S'C. &(.'. tvhicli he will bell (or UEAHY I' A Y os chen il the saine tinliiy of Goods can be had at an tiher store in town. Tcisorm who wish to ninke purchnsesfor Onsh u Cnkh 'ncen. will do we!l to a!l üufore purchu sinji i Is'.'wheie. By ktepinjí the firt qunlity of anieles, hy sell ing at sr.üill profits. nnd b a fnir urid honornbh courso in biisincsa. he e.xpecis to rnerit a libera' sliire of public pai'onace. MAÍ kiri'Is of COUNTRY PRODUCE wil: ie tilwn in piivoe(it íor Ooods. U" Pon't fuigU Ü-r place. - on the Enm Sidí i( Miiin strctir. Irw doors s.nnh óf the Public Squaie, in the same store with C Hlics, Jeweler. M. WHEKLER. Anu Arbor. Nov. 24, 16 i-l)--tf FIRE AND DISSOLUTION. NOTICE is hereby given that the Copartnership hereiofore exis ing between the Sul scrihers. ia this dny dissoJvcd by mutual c;n ent All pereons iiuU'btud to gnid firrn. nre reqiifotcd t cnll (oithwiih nnd setile, as our !ob by fire renders it n-cessnry that immedidte pny■neiit shoiild bc made. Tho accounts are led with Sabin Felch, at the ol.-l stond. SADIN FELCH. KMANUCL MANN. Ann Arbor, Nov. 11, ie 16. N. B. S. Flch will continue in the Boot. Shoe, fc Lenther Businoss. ns usul. whf r hf hopea that all bis old patnme. nnd the public cenerally will favor him with thrir pn'ronnge. I 29l-3ro SABtfJ FELCH.BOOKS! BOOKSÜ" AT PERRY'S BOOKSTORE. TO THE PUBLIC f f TH F. undi-rsigned haviiig returncd Trom New Yorl; with a new, laige and vuluablo stock j Books, Slalionery and Paper Hangings, 8 now ready to sell lr Cnêh, nny ihfrtgihhfo iinc nt !iid mw etund n Mmn street, iippu siic II". Hecker's Brick Slore. He will t;iy m Book pinchaseis, ihai. by lus ffns last fall or. lus re'iim trom New York. the pnce if nearl) evcry ihing in lite line line been sold les ilian he.Tetofore.aud Imd it noi heen for hi.n. puichacta woulri have continued io pay the priceshcrelolbie chnrgi-d. He can soy also. tliht bis inle6 hnvc been be fond bis most sanguine KSpectaiionö. showirie conciuBÍveíy a public henelneior. öliho.ui!h ever so smñll. will not go unrewarded in thisen liglucited community. Hci.i ilinnkliilf-Viln: fa vors alrcn-'y bestowed. ind would i-wpfcifully silicita eontiounnee oftht itafie; nnd he woiild taf t" ihose who rieyei linvtpurebnsed books of him, ihnt he wil! show ílieni anieles and pnces witli p!e-isiire a any lint lu-y muy cali whether they wish 10 purihuse 01 hoi. Casu orders Trom the coun'ry will be attendei' tn. nnri tbe bonita packed e well as if the perWH18 were prepem lo attpnd ihe purchnses. Ht will also bell to child'en as cheap o their pnrenti?. Pumhasers will do wnll to examine hifítock nnd priven hèPïrc purchoing eltèwhere Do1 f forget the place: he surc yovcall at. PERRY'S FOOK STORE, on Main Street, a few doors South of the Public Square. WM. R. PERRY. Ann Arbor, June 27, ?8l(i. C9-H THRESHING MACHINES, T!ll'. uiuifihijiM.d would iiiN-iiii ihc pubiic tlint be mnnulsciurrs Horse Pówera a;5i) I lireslïiny IVlicbiiies ai Spiu, oí u svi,Jt-i .-i knie im'n:ed by Jiinitelf'. Thesj PoweiH nnd Machines are particular!) .-.dnpti-d i) llie Lsti of Furoicrs wbo wisb to u. ihem tor ilireshin# ibeir own gr=-.n. 'J 'he power. i!uether and fixtures can all bc oaried tn! n common 8'7.ed wagon biii and rirawii wiib om ;i:iir ot horses. Tliey aie detened to be usc wiih foui Imrses. and are abundamly sirong 1o rhtti nmnlisr, and niay bc safely used wilh six o: eigbt norse? wiih proper care. Thfy werk wiili lesssireiiMlh ol horses oircórding tniheantoi nt ol business done ihan any. pt her pover, and wili tbresb penerally about tif;O luchéis vluat p('r .lay witl fciiir hortee. In on e fiirfancé Iöf bushels whent were threshed in ihrec hüUfi wiib lotir hor?es. Tliis I'owe r and Macliine contoin all the "' v;iiii;iLics ncceüsary to inake tlicm ptolimhlc I; ihc purvhiser. They are stront: nnd durable. - TJi'ey are ensily moved fróni ono pi ire to anothcr. Tlie work of the nuïsirs is ensy on i!m i poweis in con parison to o'hco. and the price is LÖWjKR thnn any oiher power and machine: have evtr been sold in the Suite, apcordinq i the real valué. The terms ó'f pnvment will bc lil ern I f. ir nol es ihai re knewn to be abtoluttly ood. l have a number of Powers nnd IVlscti'no now ready for sale and persons wishing to bi y are invitcd to cali eoon. CLKANERS. I expect lo be prep.ired wilr'n a few days t inake CU'ancrs for lhóe wlio ntay wnni ihem. The utility and ndvaniRiirs of ihis Power aiu' Machine will appear evident to all on exanümn !he ïrcornniendatiouö bèlow. All pereons are cnunúned ajjainat mak in;; ibfèe Fower8 and Machinc-a: the nndersigno h'aving .tdoptcd the neecssary menaines lor accu rinp leticra patent tor the sanie wiihin the umi requiicd by law. S. W, FOSTFR. Scio, Wasbtrnaw Co., Mirh.. Jan; 16, 1S4fi ItECOMMENDATIONS. During tlie year 1.-4Ó, pachol tic undersinef puvehased and used either inriiviiinriUy or jm'nil with other8. ore of S. W. Yosltir's newly in vented Ilorpe Powers nnd ihiesliing inchines anl t'clieve tbcy are butler adnpied lo iho use o Farmers whu want l'owers and JVlacJiinee fö their own nee (han any oiher power nnd íbi'eíK er within uur knowlediro. They n?e calbti!atei io be used with four hojies and are of anp' sirengih tor liiat number. TJicy appnnr to hi consiructed in such a innnner ns to rcii'icr tben very durable wiih linie iinbility of geiiinu out o order. They are eisily nípvíwí froni une plací to anothrr. They can be worked wi'h niiv num ber of hands froni i'our to tiglit. ar.d will ihres) aboi'l 200 busntfla wboar pi-r d;iy. J. A. POLHKMUS. Seio, Washtsnaw co G. BLOQD. ' T. RICHARDSON, "' SA.MUF.L IfKAI.Y, " ■5. P. FOSTRR, " M N A. P.flRLPS, " " ADAM SMITIf, " " J M nOWI'N'. Limn, " WM. WXLKER. Wtbsier, THOS WMUiRN. " " 1). SMALLKY, J.odi. I threfhed Insi (all vwl winter w.'ih oie n{ S W. Fo'ifr'fs h i ree powers. mure ih.'in fifieei ihonsnnd bushele prain The repairs brgtowfi iipon tfie power amonnted to only f cent?, ani it won injood oder when J had done thVeshïhs 1 mvariab'y uted mx horpps A A RON YOUNGLOVE. Marión, June 6, 131(5. I pnr'-hieed otie if S. W. Foster's hort powera lngi fail atnf hnve used it íor j btitiL'have used mnny difieren I krids óf pweis mu brlieve ihis is ihe boi running power I ba everseen. D. S. liLiNAET. Hamburg. June, 1810. We pureh.iRed one of W. F.jsier's f ïoi Powt-rs ii bi tnll, and have ustd it and hink it i ■i firat rate i'ywei. JFSSK HALL. DANIEL S HALL, RLUDR.V S. HALL. ííambure. June, 1846. Ví if "LOOK HEREü SCSTOÏT OASE STOP.E: Ni. 2 É'Xc-hi.hgB Duüiltn'g. Out Dar éjuut uj' the Excuijhtc IJjtvl. U p -r Toten JXX ARL'.Ol. ih"l!. JUS I' recèived and i" uk. lor hlK Ches íor Cnfih, ling 0 f E OF tbe b-at assort nenta of DRY Güuü ever before of Jered in (bis Market - suth as - BRODCLOTHS, CASSÍMRRES, SÁTINKT8. PRINTS. SHJRTIA'G ANI SrlKFTliVG. V ES TINGS. PLA1DS. SHAWLS, A LARGE 'ASSORTMluNT. &c -ind almofit cve'y thing in ihe Dry Gouds line iko numerous to menin - all wiiich are o ■ !e latfsi and mosi EttíihiínUtllp SlfUs Th public are nvited in o.ill and -Xiiniinir llns STOCK OF GC03S, ind to judL'c for tuenisi.'lves. God8 will be fihown at all timoc, and ever nttéhlion paid l ihoee wjioyisil the Boston Cao Store. Don't forget the number. No 2, Kx flmnae Building, Upper Town, Bosion Cas MAJNS, M'DOWELL & CO. Ann Arbor, Jannary. J847. tf TÖCÖUN TRY MERCHANTS! ■ THE Subscriber has conutantly for sale goo assortment of heavy WOOLEN CLOTHS, well odapted io tle country narl;et which he wi sell at wliolesale or retnil, vkiy luw. Culi onc see them at the M.nhttan Stork. W. A. RAYMOND, 275-lf Detroit. C CLARK, Atlorney nnd Counselor and Ju:ice of tke Peace.OÍTtcet Cour Hoiue, Ai Aibor. S90fThi9 excellent coinpuund id lor sale by iL nroprietor's Agente. MAYNAÍlDüí. 2G:My ÏVEJüEiïS MM.&RD U VI ft J? S T O R E . Sign of the Big Anvil. Third Slore scuth of ihe Sqvart, #n Main Street. THE Sub.-oriher, l)iiving irceivrd hit linter e'tock. ull íespecitully inviur tu iis mj.ecnoii C-uiitiy Deslere, Mechanica, nnd Fnrurs. cunfideut thai I bey wiíl timl tlieawoiin?cnt s iTier.'il nnd c"i)'lfie, nnd ilir pn. rs tm Jow with the üdditiuinii rhiirit fúr irnmportMiivn leuvy i u'kIs) as at uny establishment ui il.u kiad ti Üelrci'. líis suck is comprited n port o( the futlowing nicles FOR BLACKSMITMS. Jttnintn. Swede nnd OM Subte Bar Iron ; Juni'ita nnd IV m round ai.i t-quare Irun, from ! I til hs lo 3'ipcbe; Bund, Hoop. Stikc, r.J i loift; Shoe Irin. ull f.ze ; Rumcfiini sr.d Oíd Snlilo Nil Rodi: Ainriicn-. Swdc. Unghíh Bi8teV,Geirnnh, itd Cüst Se le. Alhnny Spring Stet:l, Al';oy líinrfe Wkií and b'tm Spritpa, Wugun üi'.MVi ! u ■ f i i and Cuite. Shoes. Mu!- leatr[ Cfeitti(tQ.oi -vpij pemtible íorm, Hoi N.iiIh. Uorn.T. Morir Shoe Slrftpè. Bucg JsiiBft., Aimitfli-'fc Rltiu.-c Uo!e ai'd Wriglit' Anil, Cottrel Keypj V ie s. VVes-'e Beliwn, Sledg uij Jludd Hniiiiitf. IIoÜow Atigt-rs, Files unti K; oí evéry shripc nul sizc FOK CARPJ-NTHrtS, A fu!! nssortment of eiidttrn Benchand MouK dmg Toóle : Flhnb frohs : Millwrithi, Frsming, Comer. üu k Bilí, Firmer. nnl Tuuiitiü Cbiw- Ib: Mülwrigh', 'i'mnuig, nnd Fítmer Gougti ; Concave. C'i-r.c.e Nut; ni:d Comnion Auuer ; Anger-lij.peU. Centre. Spooii. Guuge. nd GJmhlet Diiih ; flnnd, Panul, Btirk, Confinp9, and Key hole tíi.wa : Stetl and Jrn qbai; Try S'iunreti. ainl Bfvcla : Spirit Levrl ; 2 and 4 Ifild Rules ; Broaii. fia d. and Marron Axts ; Actzes. tiotnflieré, Set1 of Bract1 and Bitts. FOlt BÜ1LDERS. Cut Naila f-on 21 to fiOd. Wrought Natis, Brom! liead oild Fin hinp Nnil?, Cn Brad, Dry ind MiXtd kfiid. JLinsed Oü ; ♦ Brllernon" Gln#s Iroir. 7 l ü I 10 y 11 ; American and Vorfolk Lnirlu'5 ; Aniriicnn -nnd Knghsh Kim, Mupise. mul CottJijic L"tks and Linche, with llpeewood; Bhikí. Mineral, nnd Plntcd Knobt ; (..i, TifitT, nnd VViought Biittöi Screwi, Boltt Door Btlla atd Fi.rnitiue, Bm$ Knockcr, Citern Pumjis. THE FARMERS, wil! fi u! every itietiM) thêy lequirè. Axi. Mnisuriind Fiicti Foiks. Jron nnd Cnt Siecl Shovels ond ynn'ifs. Grties nnd Crtdje Sythes, Graiu Sjcofps, H"e3. Grtibbtr.e Hoen. S'rav Kniv-g, Oiow'bacr. Pck Axr. Wool and Morse Cardu, Horso Brnshée :ui(i Curry Combi, Log, Tract. Coil, Wruppuig. and Hnltcr C'Iinine. IIOUSLXEEPERS, enn select from tlie must pplcndid o.iaortmenr of in'eiiciin nnd Enlis!i Tnble Cutlery, Shear, Scissírs: Pen nnd i'.;ckt Knivt-s. Buti?r Knives, Iron. Hiitinnnin. Germnn SiJver. and P!!d IV íná Tnl'le Sjlöivris ; BJiünnniaTea nnd Ci6'e Pots ; Ilrnss, Jron, nnd Biitiannia C'andlrs'.tcka ind Lamps. SmiÜiis utn Troys,. Ten Trayi, DraMin.f Jron Andirons. Shovels, and Tong, Brat-s Keulen fiil P;iüa, Sad Jioni. &c. Ac, nyeiliPi with i Urge oeswrtnient oi Albnny Cast COOK, PAKLOR. &. BOX STOVES, 'II of whnh. hVviñ? ptjreíiased fui Cash, he wifl ■ fier at most reöaannnle tenis. HENBY W. WELLES. Anti At hor. Der. 3, l!34fi. 233-1 y SELECT SCHOOL. jTI?S .1. J3. bsnrji. (ifúisu-.d by Mis S. i-Tl Fii;r.r,at)niumcs to the public iliut he it .rt:ir'd to rt'céive young lai ie? into lier Mchowl in tl:el).taitiirnt toctiii ol rite Epineopal Chuich. TkkmS - For quanor ol " for Engliëh bnticliesfioin ,5;2.ti A5: Fiendi and Lmin enck $p.tra if i.u sued torretln-r wiih ;)., l-.nglih :udie.i. or scpnoicly. ,5 (-ach. The ichool wiU he furniih;d wiiíi a Phio#ophiral appnratns; nnd oei aionnl lectuite givcn on the fiatiinil Sc;ei c-t. Mis. fluihs wül ive nstrnrtion to nl! iU lesire it. ín Mu si e, Drawing, l'ainting and Nte illcwork: . Miss Smi'h refers to ihc Tollowifig genlterren: Profi.osoip Williiin-K. Tin rook, iird V helon oIiIih I rnivp(=iy: Rfv. W. S. Curtif. Rtv. Mr Simons, ll v. O. ;. 'laylor, Uon. E. Munlv, Wi'ii. S. M.ivii'.r.i l'iq, Ann Ar'.n. April ?p fi 2f2-if MICHIGAN LAÑO At-D T;X GENCï. II. D. POST, Mason, lngham Cuunty, Michigan. Wllih at;nd to the pnynu-m of Tk.xos, ex ninihiiuon ui Tules, pu rebute and eae of Lam's. A1. &c. Any luisiiiiP cntrusicd tohim wil' be trnnfact ■ il iviih piDinniiiföó and arcuracy - Addrco ' 'iiail. Recrences, (lm permistión. ) C. Hur-l.ui. Dtfroit, J O. ilrnrif. rottiir& Co. . Snow, ] lr0' V(i..f).inv[ Vverv Sc Co. , w , R G. Williams, ' l A rnk' CL'F 6TCVI6 AT YPSILANTl! JOK CöeKfNÖ &.PARLOR STOVES, ti jnpi rr er. ved. hy tlie Suöfciiber, (ntoty from All-nny) mnking a good ufsortiiient cf tin.' ntes' -md btittt pnttcins. which wili be sol -it Lmo P. iesi, not ló bu underold ihia eid Laka Erie! A!so, Copper Furniturp, Catiloron Ktilen, FIolow Vare of all s.zes, Siove Pipo, Sheet !ron, Zink, &c. TIN WARE! Mnnafrtétúíoíí. nnd cb'nsfnnily Kept on hond whicli'will ;ilso he sold very law P. S. - Purc!i:it;eiK will do well to cali and examiné for their own satielaotion. J. AI. BROWN. Ypsilnnti. J:ne 20, 1846. 87t FOR SALE CHF.AP Fon CASH, or evcry kind ofcouiry Piodurc. Saddles, Bridlesjiarness, Trunks, Vali ses, Trunk Valies, Carpet Bags, Sfc. Alt-u n uooii nsBornrü-nt ot " UT & l.-$H:f, whioh will be sold vny low, and no mi.'ti-ke, st (OOK t ROBiNSOiN'8. Ann Arbor, Auiiít 12, 1846. 277-tf E. G. BURGER, Dentist, fr'IRST ROO.M OVER C. M. 6l T. W. KOOT'i STORE, JRANB & JEWKTt's BLOCK, '61-tf ANN ARBOR. BLAOZSÍÍÍTHSTCOLS. - " 4 K Al J r(lit Moiioe Uolo" AiiviIb. J " Wrialit's" d Coitcrel Keyfd Vies. West's hest Biöllaws, 0 to 36 inch88. Sledí.'1-K, Hand Hamm-rs. F.les and Ranpi o evev kind, enn be found at the Iron Store, sigB of the Big Anviï. HENRT W. WELLES. Ann Anxr, Jin. 10, 1847. 3WHy