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"BY INDUSTRY WE THRIVE!' New and Fashionable TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, In (he one pregnant u' ject of CLOTHE&X rightly undersiood, is incluUed all that men havu thought. drenm,ed, don, nnd been; the whola external Universe, and whnt t hol ds e but cloihng ; and ïhe ess;nce of uil ecience lirs n the. Philosophï of Clothes. - Curfyte. npHK Subscribers having formed n, _J. co-pnrtner8liip for the purpose of carrying on the Tailoriqg Business in all te branches, would takc this meihod of infurnnng the einzen of Ann Arbor nnd vicinity, ihat they may bo found nt their shop, Mo. lü, somh Main St., whe-e they are prepared ü dp all work in their line, in n innnner not lo be surpnpaca n fit. siyle, or durubjlity, by nny other eftablishn.ent in iha State. Thosc gentlemen nre particulnrly invited in, cali who. prefer having their gnrments made in a shop where nunv bui experionced wurkmeu arfl employed. insic'id. of bemg made by a shop full ot" giris - lor, be it known, thnt we employ none but Ui o bcai nf hands, and having mada permanent arrnppnients wüh G. C. Scott of New York, the Nnpoleon of Fashion Publishers, to bo 8upplicd vitli his Amerjpan and Kuropean Sprihfl and Fall Pasbions, and also his "Mirrot of Fíisiiior.p," a Monthly Perindicnl, devotcd to the scicnoc of cutiing and making gernicntu of all kinds - these iidvaningrs. conibined wnli the atientton ninl eperience of the subecribere. ronders if almost on impossibility of nol bting oble to ple.iae all, even the mout i.-uiiious. Piinicular nttentiun v.ill bc jioid to the cutiing of gormenis which we do not make. And hera we will state for the iiformntion ol all concerned, thnt the coiiimon cry of the tailor6 is all a honx when they sny the tailorrss h8 spoiled the sarment-there is no hopis ol making a jood fit of it ; when in ninety nine pases oit of every liundid. the fault lies at the cutter's door. Therelore, to put a veto on tlits method of do, ing business, the siibscribcrs are induced to war, rant a!l their cut'inj; without the universal pro, viso, if pmperly made i p. but warrant it without nny i's or avd's. Although we do not eet ourselves up as the personiñeation of perfection, vet it will be borne in mind that we make oup cutiing so pluin, Uut a. tailorct-3 paiinot make it up wrong if she try. One thmg more : we will do our werk just a our customer8 wieh it done, for we labor IQ pleafse them in reference to ihcir vvork, ond not onr6elves : and in return, we expeci tbem tu piense us by pnytnents. Aïthoiigh "Iheloveof monry is the root of Jill evil," yet as it is very necesscrv in ihcse de-? genérate times, we will make a liberal discount for Cash. L. MILLS. C E. AJARTIiV. nn Arbor, Janttory 4, Id47. 3üü-3m READY MADC nALLOCK & RAYiTIOWl, HAVE now on hand, just mainifactured under their own instruoiion. at their well knowu CLOTHING EMPORIUM, corner of ffcrshn nnd IVoodtrqrd vtcnucs, Duriioir, one öf tlic largest and nioai complem a&sortrrenis of Ready llade Clothittg ever befnre oiit-red in ;his State, which they ora prepared to st-ü at iho rrry liwst Cash prices, lor these Cuafi time. Cali and see 1 ! Detroit, Jan. ñ, I8J7 'i9-tf CORI, RYE Sc WHEAT, WANTED bythe subscribers, 10,000 hushcls oi Goro - IO,üdO bushelsof H''o, and lO.f'O bushcla of. WÍisat, delivered at lbo Steam A]il. fitr wltich Cnsb will be paid. INGALLS, LAMB, &. FJSHFR, Ann Albor, Jan. 4, ItíJ7. 2y3-:f, BRIGHT and Black Log Chüitii ;-H5, ü IG, 7-IG, & 8-J( wrapping do. Straight and tvvisted link Trace do Halter do; For snje very ehoap at the sign of the Big An vil, UpporTown. IIF.NRY W. WELLES. Ann Arbor, J:m. 10. If47. 236-ly COUNTY ORDERS. rriHE highestpricápaidíncaábby G. F. Lew. i í, Excbangfl Broker, opposito the Insurance U,ink, Detroit, for orders on any of tha rountios in the State of iMichun; also for State sucuritics of all kinds uud uneurrentfunds Cul{ and see. Dec 1. 1845 S4I-1J " 4 RMÍTAGK Mou0e IIolw" Anvila. j- .i Wrisjht's" do. C.Mterel Keycd Vicos. West's best ttuljwt o0 to 3(} incbess. Slrdge, Han.! llmnmeis. Files and Raspe of evcy kind, can b; found at the Iron Store, si ja of th Big Anv.i. ' ü II EN R Y W. WELLES. Ann Ar.ior. Jnn 10. Jf-47. ÍJO-ly BLANKS. Warranty Deed8, Quit-Claim Deeds, MoRTGAGES, Chattel Mortgage SuMMOXSKS, SüBiCp.AS, AtTac:u.mkxtsx ExEcpTIQNS. Leas es, Masteks' Dekds, fQftECLOSURES IN ChANCERY, Marriage Ckrtificates. The above are printed on good paper, ofler the most approved forms, and caa e had by the single, dozen, quire, or ïundred, at the Signal Office, Ann Arbor, jower Town. November 1, 1846. PI CLAK, Attorney n Vfüti.nselor' V and Jus:ice of the l'tucp ullte. Coui i-juee, Ann Arbor. j .(j


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