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All Honor To The Gifted Dead

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Prophecy Become History-Dying Predictions of Leggett
All our readeis are aware, few men 3ver exercised a con'.rolün voice in the Democratie party, of stronger intellect nnd firmer puruosc, and none perlnps of purer pofriotism f ndc)earerdiscerrm?nt, ihan the Inte tnlented and lamented Wilmam Leggktt, for mny years the lcading editor of that influential popular organ, tlie N. Y. Evening Post. In perusing his writings, we have often been forcibly struck with h:s remarkcble foresight in regard to the tendency of measures, and tho estimnlion in which they were destined to ba held by an intelligent and virtuouspeople. Recently in glancing over his works, our eye rested upon a letter written by him to a friend, not long before his dcath, and whilo he was spoken of ns a candidate for Congres, which seems to ns so applicable to tiie present condition of ihings and ;0 pro)hetic of the contest now raging in New Hampshire, and throughout the country, that we ennnot furbear transferring some portion of it to our columns. We ask for it the careful perusal of all our readers, and would to God it could be read and mpressed deeply on the memory and heart of every Democrat in the State. The letlor is dated " Oct. 25th, 1638," and after somo discussion of the probability of his nomination to Congress, Mr. Leggett proceeds as follows : "WhatI am most afraid oí is, thnt somo of my friends, in their too earnest zeal, will plnce me in a fulse position be. fore the public on the Slavery question.- I am an Abolitionist. I hale Slavery in all its forms, drgrees, and injlurnces ; and I deern myself bound by the highesl moral and jwliltcal olligations, not to let thal sentiment of hato lie dormant and smouldering in my own breast, bui togive it frec vent, and hl it bfazeforth that it may kindie equal ardor through the ichole sphere of my inpicnee. I would not have (tlWnfaet disguised or mystified, for any office the peojile have it it iheir power t gïve. Rather, a thousand times rather, would I again meet the denuncintions of Tammany Hall, and be stigmaüzed with all the foul epithets with which the AntiI Abolition vocabulary ahounds, than recant or deny onetitle of my cre-nl. Abolition is, in my senso, a necessaky and GLonious takt of Democracv j and I hold THE RICHT Ulld TUE DUTY TO DISCUS3 TUK SUBJECT OP Sl.AYEKY, and t) EXPOSÉ ITS ÏHDEOL'S EVILS IN ALL 1T9 BEARINGS, MORAL, SOCIAL and POLITICAL, AS OF INFIN1TELY HIGHER MOMENT, than0 carry hfty sub-treasury bilis. Whnt I fear is, (not frcttl you however,) that some of tny advocates and champions will seek to recommend me to popular support, by represen ing tht 1 an not on Abolitionist, which i. fblse. All that I have writton gives the lie to it. AU that I shall write will give the lio to t. And let mcherc add, (apart from nny cohsidcrntion nlready adverted lo) that as a mere matter of policy, I would not, f I could, have rny líame disjoineá from Abolitionism. To be an A-boütionist. is o be an incendiary, now, as, three years igo,to be an Anti-Monopolist, was to be a libeller, and a Jack Cade. See what hese three short years have done in effecting the Anti-Monopoly reform ; and depend upon it thc next rfiree years - or, if not three, say tiireb times thrke, "which would bring it down lo 1847] if you please, will work a grkater rf.Volutio:i on tiie Slavery Question. The strenrn of public opinión now sets against us ; but, it is now about to turn, and THE REGURGITATION WILL DE TREmendous. Proud in thnt day may well be the man, who can floal in triumph on ihe first refluent wave, swept on by ihe deluge, which he, himself, in advance of bis fellows, has largely sha red in occasioning. Such be my fale ! and living or dead, it will, in some measure, be mine. I have written my name in INEFFACEAULK LETTERS ON THE AbOLItion record ; and whether the reward ultimntoly come in the shape of honors TO THE LIV1NO MAN, Or a TRIBUTE TO THE MEMORY OP A DE PARTEO ONE, 1 WOULD NOT PUREEIT MY IUG11E TO 1T, for AS MANY OFFICES AS (VaN BüJlEjtiJ HAS IN IIIS GIFT, IF EACH OF THEM WAS GREATER THAN HIS OWN."


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