The Mexican War.--the Opinions In The Army

The prevalent - we migbt nlmost say unnnimous - opinión il) the a'-lny - so we gather from conversations with the officers - s Ãn favor of the occupation of the country. This opinión begnn to forcé tself into the minds o[ our officers after the arrny left Puebla, and it has acquired such strength since the occupation of the Capital, that but few can now be found who dissent from it. JVIany oflicers,who early in the war wero favorable to the projec of Mr. Calhoun, Gen. Taylor and other distinguished gentlemen, of occupying a rortified line and abandoning all the rest of the territory, have changed their views, and are now strong advocates of occupation. Among the general officers of our array, Gens. Smith, Twiggs and Worth were at one time strongly in favor of occupying a line ; but we hear that these gallant and able officers have greatly tnodified, if they have not entirely changed, their opinions in this respect. Gen. Scott has submilted his views in full to the President, and has suggested, for the consideraron of the Governm&nt, three modes of settling our difficulties with Mexico. lst. To hold the city of Mexico and the olher chief cities of the Republic ; to take possession of the mines and public lands, and from them, as well as from other sources of revenue, lo raise the 'neans of paying the expenses of the war, and at the same time to occupy all the ports and seaboard, and collect the imposts on all articles introduced into Mexico from foreign countries, until the expenses of the war are defrayed, and an honorable peace is concluded. 2d!y. To occnpy and hold a certain line, in the mnnner suggested by Gen. Taylor, Mr. Calhoun and others. 3dly. To occupy the whole country under martini law, unll peace is concluded. Generáis Quitman and Shields, in their intercourse wilh their fellow citizens, have made no concealment of their opinions on thi subject - and their opinions are those Ihat prevail in the army. They are in favor of the immediate occupation of Mexico and its retention, either until a satisfactory peace is concluded, ortis long as the people of the United States deern it proper and They think this is not only practicable, but as dccidedly the easiest and cheapest mode of concluding the war. Gen, Quitman thinks that with 15,000 men the country can be held and a government eslablished wbich will ba ar more efficiënt than eny which has ever ruled the country, and far more satisfactory to the intelligent portion of the people. That by prudence and good government we can soon secure to the support ofour goverument the large mass of the better classes, who arealrendy looking to occupation as the only thing which can save their country from utter ruin. - These, embracingnearly all the republicans and liberalists, the property holders, the tradesmen, the mercantile and manufacturing classes and all the foreigners - save a few oÃd Spaniards, who prefer a - look to occupalion as the only cure for the ills which have so long oppressed them.