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The packet ship Louis Philüppe struck on the east end of Nantucket on Friday last. After thumping about nearly four hours, she backed off; with slight damage. She was carried along the shore by the tide, until she brouglit up with her remaining anchor, she having lost onp, ofT the Forked Ponds, where she nöw lies, tliree and a hnlf miles west where she struck. She leaks badly, her pumps being parlly choked, and it is with ' great difficulty that she can be kept afloat. - She has a cargo valued at $300,000.- Sha has 164 cabin passengers. 40 passengers, inciuding 2 ladies, were transferred to the steamer Massachusetts. - Her corgo had not frecn started at 7 o' clock yesterday morning. No further accounts have since been received. Two stemmers ivere along side. The wind was from the west, and the weatlier modeFate. They will probably get the ship around towards the east end of the Sound. European Penny Posta ge. - The Engltsh Postmasle'i General has rccently addrcssed a circular lo the Post odico authoritiesóf'all the conntrits of Europe, urging them to co-operate with England in introducing a syslem of universal penny postago in Europe. It is thought iTiat the Germán Confederacy will be the first to adopt the plan of cheap postage, and when this is done other countries cannot be long in following the example. The New York Journal orCommerce argües against the system ofoffioial inspections of merchandise asdefeating the very end for which it was designed. It denies that it snves the peopls from being cheated. We are incïïned to think that the Journal is right. New Yoi k'had until the adoption of her went Con?titution, a vvhole army of weigl ers, guagers, inspectors and measurérs. She has swept them all away, and, in the lnngungo of Ihe Journnl, 'let all the dkhonesty of the Slate go free to plunder and cheat.' To tho astonishmont of evprybody, Ihe chnngo is hardly peroeivfd. There is no more clieating or trouwe any vr.y than tliere was before. Great expenses( great delay, and great 'insojnce of office, are saved. A letter from Fort Kearney says Capt. Rogers and Lt. Irnby, of the Savannah Co., are re'.urning home under arrest, they having been engnged iri a single combat, in which the killed and wounded numbered - nothing. OddFfllows Hall at Detroit. - A correspondent at Detroit wj-ites us-, that the Odd Fellows of the city have one of the most magnifïcent Halls for iheir meetings .to bs found in the country. They have erëcted a fine block - Ihe lo.wer part being used for mercantile establishment?. The second story by egal gentlemen. - The third slöry for a concert reom and public meetings. The fourih for their meetings. The wholecostsome $15,000. The capital is divided into stock among the members - the sevëral lodges having the right to pu reliase the stock as fast as they possess surplus funds, which are rapldly accumulating. The properiy Ieases at about 15 per cent, on the cost. The order numbers soine 500 meinbers in the city. They have been exceedingly chnrilable the past year, to many destitute emigraras. - Rochester American. Feat in TelegraPhing. - The President's message was telegraphed over all the lines connected wilh the Atlantic, Lake and Mississippi Co. in 12 hours. - It appeared in the papers of Pitlsburgh, Cincinnati, Louisville and Vincennes, ind., the next morning after its delivcry in Washington. Cassius M. Clay had at Jast arrived in New Orleans on his way to Kentucky. - He was for several months a prisoner in Mexico, and was released.shortly before the taking of the capital by the U. S. forces. The New Orleans Delta of the 20th ul(. says : - "Capt. 61ay leaves our city to-day on his return to his home and family, after eighteen months of absence, the greater part of which time he has spent in captivity." A Peaceful Community. - The Court of Common Pleas, Tor the county o! Barnstable, Mass. held its annual session lateThe Judgestook their seáis; the chaplain prayed ; the f uil complement of grand and pelit juries, 'a melodious crier, and a bar füll of lawyers qualified to mainiain eithei s;de of-any oause - yet after all, not a single case criminal or civi!, was found fur the juries ! In si.x months not two men could be got to go ttw with each other, and nobodv had committed a crime that réquired a verdict of guilty or not guilty. The county is one of the most populous in the slate - bui the principies planted by the Pilgrims, flourish therespojtaneously. GöOD FELLOWS TO WORK FOR. A Boston paper stales that a few days ago "ihree hundred and ten men, all in the employ of Messrs. Hinckley and Drury, mnrched out from their Locomoüve Manufactory, each cric nith a turkey on his arm, a. present from their tmpluycrs, for Thanksgiving.5' George Miller, a Boston broker, has commited forgeiies, and is among the missing. It it ascertained that three banks and thirteen private individuáis in Boston, have sixty-seven ihousnnd dolían of forged paper, and there is supposed to be more of it in New York and in the country. Whitney's Oregom Railroad. - Resolutions in favor of this great work. and recommending and approving Mr. Whitney's plan, passed both branches of the legislatiure of Tennessee, on the Ist. inst. unanimou3ly. The feeling in its favor was warm and eiithtisiasiic, os indeed it scems to be whorever the subject is understood and appreciated.- -ArgusFour colord women vvere vvhipped at New Casfle, Delnware, on Saturday last. They received 21 Inshes each. A oolorod man, at Ihe samo time, received 63 laílips. He was whipped on three indict. tnents, receiving 21 lashes for eash. One is to be sold for n slave for 7 year.=, and another for 23 yenvs. CiiANGF.oi.' Mind. - An Irish girljumped ofF Plum Island Bridge on Friduy rr.orning nto the deepest part of the river, wiih the iniention of drowning herself - but probably finding the water coldcr than she expected, called out lustily for help, after slie was vvell in the water, and was! rescued by Mr. John Noyes, wlio happened to be in the vicinity at the time. - Newburyport llerald. Tvvo three Iarge poik houses at Maysville, Kentucky, have been washed nway by the flood. by which very heavy losses have been sustained. Thomas Gmnie is oneof the greatest sulFerers. A Iarge brick house, occupied by a company cf Socialista, on the Oliio river, in Clermont county, feil down on Thursday last, crushiug seventeen persons lo deatb, nnd severaly wounding several others. Water to the depth of ten faet surrounded the building. Tlie funaway slaves who were delivercd up to their owners by a jury of New Jersey citizens, have again escaped from iheir fi1(ister8 and are novy safely in Canada. It wil! be fecollected that they were first arrested at Mount Holly, and that tfie military turned out to escort the masters safeh' out of the state wiih their recaptured prey. But when they got into this state, the slaves enntrived to slip off, and were in Canada before the masters knew what track to lake. There Were nine of them, and they were estimatcJ to be worth 5,000. - Wash. Patriot. "Gota paper to spare 1" "Yes, sirj here's orle of our last. - Would you like to subscribe, sir, and take it regularly V' "I Would - but I ara tod poor." That man had just returned from the Circus ; cost 50 cenls ; Jost time from his farm, 73 cents ; whiskey judging !rom the smell, ai least 25 cents -making a dollar and a halfacíually thrown away, and then begging for u newspaper, alleging that ho was too poor to pay for it ! That's what we cali "savlng at the spile and wasiing at the bung-hole." - Boonslick Times. The Lodge of coloree! Ocid Fellows were out yesterday in full regalia at the funeral ofa deceased brotber. The order comprises s. large number of the intelligent and respectable colorcd popuiattion of our city, and it was certainly a gratifving Hpectacle to wilness their mournful procession paying the last solemn tribute to the memory of their decensed brothor. - Detroit paper. A GoTHir; Castle. - Mr. Edwin Forrest, the celebrated actor, is erecting a vory splendid Gothic castle, on the banks of the [iudson, just bevond King's Bridge, and vvithin a stune's throw of ll'e river. It will be built of the most jenutiful material, and will prolab!ybe inished in the course of next summer. - The design is formed from some of those oliateaus on the Rhitie or the Dannube. tt will cost fifty thousand dollars, and the Furniture alone ten thousand. Mr is pnbably worth three hundred thousand dollars, all of which he has made by his professional labors in '.his country ond in Europe. The library of the new chateau will be a splendid afñiir.