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DR. TOWNSF.ND'S .f S.lPfÊ Mi IiiL.,1 ! THE MOST EXTRAORDIKARÏ MEDICINE IN TUE WORLD. TUIS EXTRACT s pul up inquari boules; itiírtix times ohenper. pretsanter, and warrantcil superior to ny soM. Il cures diseases without vuivi'ing, purging,, ordebililatkm the paiiKirt. GRGAT FALL & WINTER MEDICINE. 1 he benuiy and upsriurity of üiis Sarsiparilla over ;i!l other medicine is, luie il cradi cates diaonses, i: inviL'or.ites the body. It is onr of the very besi Fall and Winter Medicines cvei known; it not unly pur fin'th wliole syatem nd strengt !ens the persun, lint it crentes new. pure and rich bloud; a power poe-e.-se! hy nu otlier medicine. And in this lies the gtnnd se i cret of ii wonilerful suc-cess. Il ha perloftned w'.fiin ilio pist iiïü years more ihnn :'5.0.)0 curep I uf aevere cisis "I (hsoa.-e: al least ÍÍO,ÍH!O ot these were considered incurable. More thaii 3.OH0 cases of Chronic j tism; ,000 cases of Dyspepsia: 4. OJO enses of Genorul Debility and Vr.ntol Energy; 7.0IIÜ cases of the different Feniale Complaints; 2.(10 ) cuses of Scrofiilat 1,600 cases ol llie Liver Complaint: '2.5'M cases ut' Disease ol ihe Ridncys and Oropsy; 8.000 cases of Consumption; And thousanls of cases of diseases of the blood, viz: Ulcers. Erysipelas, Sal; Rheum, Pifnpleeon the Face. Aic. At., togelher with numerous cnrfes of Sick ilèad Aciie, Pain in the Sitie and j Chnst, Spinal AlftCMons, &c. &c. This, we are aivare. must appear ocredible, j bui we have loiiers Imm Physicians ond oui Agnls l'rom all paris of the Uniied StatWt ialorming us of exiraordinnry cures. R. Van Üuskikk, F.8q.. one of the most respectablo DruggUtsin Newark, N. J., informa us ihat lie can refer to more thnn 150 cases in ihat place alcinc!. There are ihonaaoda of c.i'es in the citv of New York, whieh we will reler to wiih pleas■e, and to men t character. It is ihe bem I dicine br llie preventive of disease known. It undoubtedly saved the lives or' ihan r, 000 CHÍLDREN TUF. PAST SKASON! As it removed the cause of disease. and prepared thern (or the Snmmer seas,on. It has never be, n known lo injure in the least the most dchca-e chilJRIIEUMAT1SM. This Snrsnparilla is used with llie mosl perfect sticcessin Rheumatic complaints, however severe or ehronic. The astonishing cures it has perfortned are indeed womlerfuT. Oiher remedies sometimes give icmporary rehel ; mis enurely eradieatea ii from the systm, even when the linihs and bone are drcn.TuH swoHen[TT Hear Mr. Seth Terry. one af the oldesl nnd most respectable 4avycrs in Hartford, Conn. Thé fullowing is an extract of a letter rectived Iromhim: Dr. Tuio,iscnl- have used one boitle ofyour lamparilla, nnd finJ it is excellent in itd cfTecis upon a Chronic Rheumatic pain to which 1 ain subject, from an injury received seeral yenrs a:ro, in n public siagc. Please Eend me Iwo botllea !o the care ot Dr. Seymour. 1 liaveconvered with two if our principal physieians .and recummend ".uir Saraapoiilla. SETH TLRRY. Hartford . Marcli 12. 1345. CONSUMPT1ON CUREP. Cleanse and Strengihtn. Consumi: on can be cured. Eronchitis,Consumption, LiverComplaint, Colds, Catarrh. Coughs, Asihma, S)i-iing of Blood. Soreness in ihc Chest, Hectic Flnsh, Night Sweats, Dlfficult or Profuse Expectoration, Pain in the Side, &c, have been and can be cured. D-. Townsend - Dear Sir : Nearly twenty yenrs ago I took n violent cold, which tettled on my lung?. and affected me severely ; indepd, finally K becama a constant hneking cough. bul not so severe as to prevent me from attending lo my business. Within the last few years it ncieased on me gradua'.ly. last I became redUL.ed I breathed wilh difilculty, and raised with my cough miich bad matter, and for llie last Diae roontha previous to using your Sarsnpalilla, had recular night sweats ; indeed, my riends'and myselfsupposed that I would die wilh the Consumption; but I have the happiness to inform you that, to my surprise, al'ier using three bottles of your Sarsaparilla, 1 tind n y healih restored. itrelieved me g-adually, and I urn now enjoying much better health than I have before in 2(i years. I had almost eniirely lost my appetile, which is aleo returned. You are at liberiy lo publish this wilh my name, in the papers, if you choose. My little girl, wlio is thrce yenrs oid, hnd a very bad cough ihe whole of last winter. We became very much alarmed on her account. - While using the medicine, I anve her some of it, Rnd it smn enurely relieved her, as well as myself. and she is well niw. and hearty ns anychild I evrr snw_ She wos also fnll of litile bloichef ; il took ihcni nw;iy and her skin is smooth and ' fair now, and I am sntisfied she recovered her health from ueing your excellent medicine. S. W. CONANT, 444 Broadway. GIRÍ,8, RKAD TUIS. You w!io have pule complexions. duU eyea, blotches on the lace, roughtkin, and are 'out of spirits," uacabmtle or two of Dr. Townsend's Sareaparilla. It uill eleanse yourblood. remove lhe frcckl'8 and blotches, and give you animslion, spaiklinff cyes. fine spirits, and beauufu! complexión - al' of which are of immense value to unmarried ladies. SCROFULA CURED. This Ortificate co.nclusively provea tliat this Sarsaparilla has pertect con rol over the mout obstinate diseases of the b'.ood. Three persons cured n onehouse is unprecedented. THREE CHILDREN. Dr. Townscnd - Dear Sir: I have the pleLsure to inforin you ihai th'ee of my cbildren have been cured of the Scrofula by [he use of your excellent medicine. They were offllcled very severely wilh bad sores; have laken only four bottle?; it took thein away, lor which I feel mj eelf under cry deep obligaiion Toa, respectfully, ISAAC V. CRA1N. 106 VVooster st. New York, March I, 1847. OPINIONS OF PHT8ICÍAN8. Dr. Towttsend is ahnost dady recciving orders from Pliysicians in different paus of the Union. Tiiis ie to certily that we, the underaigned, Physicians of the city of Albruiy, have in numerous casea prescribed Dr. Townsend's Sarsapariihi, and beiievc it to bc nno of the most vuluable prepa' atiozis in lhe market. U. f. PAULINO, m. n. J. VVILSON, m. o. R. B. BRT6G8, . d. P. E. ELMENDORF, m. d. Albany, April I, 1846. Files Piles' PilesDr. Townsend's Sarsapaiilla is no lesa sticcosriful in curing this disiressing complaint, ihan for diseases of the Blood, Dyspepaia. Rheumatiim, and Nervous Debihty. Read die following: - Dr. Trvmscnil .' Dear Pir - Theeffeclsof yorr Sursaparilla aro tiu'y wonderful. For the laat six or eight years past I have been subject to severe altaclis of ihe piles, during which 1 have Buffer ed all the tortures of that complaint, and had despaired of ever finiling relief except in reaih. I have the plensur to inform you that 'ülirre is yet a balm in Gilead." I have used two boü'.ts of vour S.irsaparilla, and feel no remnins ol n-.y old complaint. 1 send you this for publioatiun. and any person yon nray reíer ta me, 1 would be bappy 10 inform of the benelit I have feceived at your hands. Yours, (ruly. JOII.V IIALU 49 Fulton st. Thomas Sniiih, Printer. 162 Nassau st., 3J pory, c.irpit ol a lony standing and ayravated ol lhe Piles. Kor sale by MAYXAROS. 3 General Agenta, Ann Arbor PAINTS, Oüs, Varnihh, Spirits Turpentine, Hiiitl o, (lass. Puily, Glnziers. 1 tm 'Wd, ite, A latge stock lor snle Inw at MAY.VAfiDS. REXTDOORÏO MICHIGAN STATE BANK. BE'IROIT. [184=7-48] DETROIT. THE CHEAPCASH STORE, No. 132 Jeferson Avenue, Delroil - Oíd stand uf M (I I WHOIISALE A !d y{ ïl U U H A M H TirTTATTTra Hl lillJëMliliilfaillMiil'l BEECHER V ABBOT 11111 rr&L;rttjtwr! lIIlLlll0llia ífSBÁ CAfPfffll L IIfethers MICHIGAN F AÖ Y AND STAPLE I È STATE BANK l!fl!'r===lll'[ g flllT" - 1 -BIU DRY 11 T llCOODS I 2 :ïi Ít Ifi TBffii Í BEEGÍIER & ABBOTT, our attenlion is invited to the best stock of DRY GOOBS Ever brought to this City. Also, to the largest and cheapest stock of SUPER NEW STYLES Brussels ' Carpets Warrenfed to have been imported within the last 20 days. Also, a sp'endid assart ment ot' ENGLISH INGRAIN AND LOWELL 2 PLY CAPvPETS, ALL WOOL, At from 50 cents to Si per yard, and every other varieiy of Carpe:s at f rom ls.3d to 4s. per yard. Also, OU ClotJis, Brussols Rugs, Window Shades, Wall Paper Hangingi, Feathers, Mattings, &c. &c. GOOD GOODS, LOW PRICES, AND MUST BE SOLD, WHOLESALE OR JRETAIL. 347 X.T7THX2R BEBCHSR, Detroit. NEW .-■ Biin gfilll I .. IEHéIB! InESflftioffl I TT.TAN N E RY;. 1 LA DUE & ELDRED, (Successors to Eldred Sc Co.) NO. 84 WOODWARD AVENUE, Directly Opposite the Episcopal Church, ARK hppy to inform tho laie customers of Eldred & Co. and the public gcnerall, that (hey have nuwon hand, and are constantly mai.ufacturing, a superior article uf ïneather, AnJ aro St$ ot eivins a Findings. AMONO THEIB. ASSORTMEN'T MAY BE FOUND Spanish and Slaughter Solé LEATIIER, Deer, Goat nnd Lamb Binding, Hemlock and Oak Upper do. Morocco of all kinds, Harnessand Bridle do. Shoe Thiead, Tacks, Sparables, Skirting and Russet Bridle do. Shoe Knives, Pincers, Hammers, Belt, Band and Welt do. Boot Cord and Welibing, Horse and String do. Awls and Brisile?, African and Slauglitnr KIP SKINS, Last, Boot Tres and Crimps, Oak and Hemlock CALF do. I-asting and Seal Skins, French Calf Skins, Bank, Shore and Slraits Oil, &c. kc. White, Russet and Colored Linings, All of whicli they oJTeron very reasonable terms. MERCH ANTS & M ANUF ACTÜRERS Will fVid ie to iheir advanlage to cali and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. CASH FAID FOB. HIDX2S AND SKINS. DKTROIT, 1847. 337-iy NAILS. - 150 kegs Eastern Nails for 1 CLARK,Attorney and Counsellor Arsuleby V . and Jne'-a of Ihc l'eac. Uirv. Cour, :tli B, B. & VV. R. NOYES Sr. House Ann r t STJtf t PERRY'S BOOK STORE, EPISTLË No. 4. HEAD AND CIRCÚLATE. THE sub6criler has returned from New York wiili the largest alock of School Jiooks, Jlank Book, and Siationery,evei belóre broughi 0 ihis village, wliich, when added to his former arge stock, wilt make the most complete asortmcrit in ibia State, nll of vvhicli he will scll t vcry luw prices lor Cash. His stock consists 1 part of SCHOOL, BOOKS, PAPER, PENS, hik, Quitls, Sates, Sand, Mank Books, Sand Paper, and 2500 PIECES PAPER HANGJNGS, Jordering. Kire Boards, and Window Cunains, 11 unusually chenp and nice. Alaoliooks suitable lor. and siifrlcient to furnish 100 TOWNSHIF LIBR ARIES. School Inspectors and others interesled, are espectfully requested to examine liia stock and prices befoie pnrchasing, as he is determmed to ell so as to inake it an object uot to eo furthcr ZOTJTHS BOOKS, Moral. Kelmious, insinictive and niiiusing.such is may saíe'y be put into the hands of children. 1OO Gold Pens, Gold Pencila. Silver I'encila, Ever Points, Calenders, Hydrastatic and Pump Jnkstands, and manj other deeiiable and fancy anieles of Staionery. Also. Rorars, Straps, Hones. Clothes Iirushee, Lalhcr.Brushes, flair Oil. Ox Marrow. l'ernrnes, Fancy Scals and Wafcra, and lols ot fixngs lor comfort and economy, at PfcRRY'S BOOK STORE, Anr. Arbor,Upper Village, Hawkin's Block, No. 2, west side of the Court House Snunro. It is desi rabie that il should be understood that persons n the Country, setiding csh orders, may derand npon receiving books or stationery on as hvorable terina as though present to make the purchase. W. R. PERRY. Ann Arbor, Dec. 1847. 248 tf. CASH Will be paid for COUNTY ORDERS DRAWiv on any of the countiesof tliis State, or money will be loanexl on tliem by me at my Banking Ollice, lirst door towards the Uiver anrl opposite the cus!om house, Detroit, Mieh. SIGHT DRAFTS on New York or Bulfalo al.vays on hand. 344-3m O. F. LEWIS. _ Land ïor sale. THE subscribir offers for sale Eighty Acres of Land, leing the east halt ol nonh onst quarter ofsection 13, of lown 4 north, range 1 1 west. Bituate in the township of YVnyland, Allegai County. The land is level, wel timbered. ani well aceommodated by rnads, am will be sold low lor cash exchanzed for stock JAMLS H MOSHER. Ann Arbor, Nov. 4, 1847. 34l-3m. TÖ ATTORNEYS AND OTHERS WISHING DEEDS ACKNOWLEDGED or Depositions taken to be used ;n either of tlie Slaies of New York Ohio, Pennsytvania, Indiana. Missouri, Kentucky, Souih Carolina, Maine, or Vermont. The undcraigned lias ben rluly oppointed a Comrriissioner for each of snid S'ates : Also Notary Public for Wayne County. OFFICE firsi door towards the river from the Post Office, and opposite the custom house, Detroit, MlCH. GLEASON F. LEWIS. G. F. L. wiil allend promptly to the taking Depo8itioti3 &c. &c. for persons residin at a distancc by addressing hini by mail. 214-3m Hat, Caí, GENTLEMEN' S FURNISHING EMPORIUM. T. H. ARMSTRONG, H AVINO tnken the Stand No. t3, Woodard Avenue. 3 doors north of Doty's Auction Room, recently occupied by J. G. Crane, as a Hat Siore ; and added the stock of the latter to his own, nnd also engaged ia manufacturing every description of HATS Sf CAPS, fie is now prepared to ofler to the Puhli everv article in his line, either of his own o eastern manufacture, twenty-five per cent les ihan have been offered in market. In hi stock will be fonnd Fine Nutrn, Satín Beaver Beaver, Otter. lirash an'l Sporting Hnts, Fine Cloth. Siik. Plush, Oil Silk and VelvelOnps aleo, Rich Silk Cravat?, Scarfs. flandkercheifs Kid, Thread, Silk. ami Buckskin Gloves ; Col lars, Bosom8, Walking Canes, Umbre'las, &c. 310-tf WILLIAM A. RAYMOND, OF THE OLD MANHATTAN STORE, CORNER OF JEFF'N AVE. AND BATES ST. DETROIT, HAS just received a Iarge and complete assoriment of DRY GOODS Broadcloths, Sheetings, Cassimeres, Drillings, Sntinets, Tickings, Full Cloths, Boggings, Tweed's Clolhs, Flannels, Kenlucky Jeans, Linseys, And other anieles in the line of Heavy Goods, too numerousto mention. Plain & Fancy d'Laines, Prints, Cashmeres, Ginghams. Plain & Fancy Alpacas, Lyonese Cloths, Oregon Plaids, Orleans Cluiha, Indeed his assortment of Dress Gooils comprises all the variety which business demanda. SHAWLS. Of every varieiy. from splendid Brochas an( Cashmeres 10 heavy, comfortable blanket Shawls LIVE GE ESE FEATHERS, By the pound or hundred weight. Paper Hangings, Of all qunlities and prices. PAPER WINDOVV CURTAINS, Of tho newest patterns, at wholesale or retall. With a stock as wellcalculated for the country as the city trade. it is confiJently expeeted tha 'he reputation of the - 'tl et Manhattan" for gooi Güods at cheap rutes will be l'ully sustained. As to that rovn and sixpknny tka, that we have sold so many yoars, it is har i ly necessarj to say a word ; hut if th:s should meet the cye o any one who has not tricd it, he should by ol mean mnlje the experiment, and sea how gren a saving may be made by patror.iïing the Manhattan Store. Detroit, Sept. 22, 1847. 317-6m Hardware. THE subscribsrs have just received a large ad dition to their stock of Foreign nnd D.i tieatic Shelf Hardware, which makes their as lortinent very completo. B. B. &W. II. NOYES JrJuly lOih, 1847. 3ÍÍ4 NEW COOKING STOVE, AND STOVES OF ALL KINDS !!!!!! THE Subscriber would cali the altention of tlie public to WOOI.SOS'S NKW HOT MR COOKING STOVK, vhich they can confidenlly recotnmcnd as being lecidedly superior 10 any cooking stove in use. ''or simpliciiy in operation, economy in fue!, and br unequalled b;iking ond roasting qualities t is unrivaled. The new and important improveinent ituroduced in ils const.uction being snch os to insuro grent advantages over all ollier unds of cooking stoves, ('lióse desirous uf getiing n good cooking stove 'or faniily use. or a public house, would do well y cn!lm2 and examining the above stove before purchasing elsewhere. B. ü. & W.R. NOYES, Jr324 71) VVoodward Avunue E. G. BURGER, Dentist, FIRST ROOM OVER C. M. & T. W. ROOt's STORE, JRANE & JEWETT's BLOCK, 261-tf ANN ARBOR. GEESE FEÜTHERS! PAPER HANGINGS! FIRST RATF. YOUNG HYSON TEA AT ONI.Y FOUR AND SIXPENCE PER POUND ! By tlio way no one buys this tea once but buys nain, and becornes a cus'omcr. None beller for die price can be had in Detroit. WÏLLOW W AG GONS, TravelingIïaskets, and as wcll as lois ofoihil goods besides Dry Goods m:iy be had very chenp at the ' Ulij Mnhttas Stüre.' Detroit. 17 W. A.RAYMOND. ■íi - i:ig" & sí I ;l'-ii s o f -il tol g r Maynards ARE I1V TOWNGAIJV! HAVING removed to their new store, where ihey are receiving anexiensiveaasortmeni of Drugs, Medicines, Painls, Oiis and Groceries, With a sma'l, wH-electsd nssortment of DRY C-JOO, All of whieh thev offer to their old frienJs and new cuRtomprs at unusual low prioes. Anything snl.l at their store is warranted to be i ! firat qunlity. They intend herrafier to Keep almost every article waniecl íor íaniily use. Ann Arbor, June 3U. 18-17. 023-tf CLO1H, CLOTHl ! THE underaigned would inform the public they will continue to manufacture Fulled C'loth, Cas9Íniiere and Flnnnèl, ai their Tactory, two and 'n half niilts west Irom Ann Arbor, on Huron River near th Railroad. TERMS = The price of making ciolh will be for Cassimere, 44 ets. per yard; for Fulled cloih, 37i ets. ner yard ; for white Flannel, 20 cis. per yard. - We will also exchange cloth for wool on reasonable tertns. Wool sent !y railroad accompanied wilh instructions will be promptly attended to. We have done an exlensive business in manufacturin cloth for customers for several years, and believe we give as good patisfiiction as any F.stablishment in the State. We tberefore invite our old customers to coutinue, and new ones to come. Letters should be addressed to S. W. Fosteh & Co., Scio. S. W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, April, 1847. 313-tf. STEEL GO 0 DS! 1) ii r s t 5 f l I: s a n et E v t m m f n a ' SPLENDID FANS, and any quanlity of other giodj of tlns sort at the OLD MANHATTAN STORE, 317 Detroit. FIRE ! FIRE ! ! THE subscriber continjes to act as Agent for the Hartford Fire Insurance Company, of Hartford, Connecticut. This Cotnpany has been in business for the last T1IIRTY S1X YEARS, and promptly paid all lossès during tliat time, amounting to many Millions o: Dollars. Applications by mail, (post paid) or to the subssriber at tlie I'ost Office, promptly attended to. F. J. B CRANE, Agent. Ann Arbor, July 30, 1847. 331-ly N0T1CE. THE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore existn; between J. H. Lund and D. T. Mc Collum under the of J. H. Lund & Cu., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All demands due snid tirm either by note or book account must be settled immediately, with D. T. McColluni who is authorized to settle the same - and no mistake. J. II. LUND. D.T. McCOLLUM. Ann Arbor, Oc 25, 1847. The business hereafter will be carriod on by J. II. Lund who is now receiving a largo and splendid assurtment of fall and winter goods consist ing of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crackerij, Boots and Shoes, Drugs &c. which he olïersto the public thenp (or ready pay. l'lensccall and examine oods and prices. J. H. LUND. Ann Arbor, Oct. 29, '47. .310-tf . THRESHING MACHINES, CLOVER MACHINES AND SEPARATOKS. THE subaeriber would inform the public ihat he continúes lo manulacture the above ninciiines at the old of Knnpp &, llavilaiid, at the Lower ViÜKgeof Aun Arbor, near the Paper Mili. The Machines are of opproved model?, havebeen thoroiighly teeied in this vieinity and worked well. Theyare made ot' the best mnteriiils and b experienced workmon. They will be kept construitly on hand, and also bc made to order at the shnrtest no:ice. Thcy will be sold on very reasonable terms for Caöh, or íor notes known to be absolutcly good. The abovö Machines can be used by four. six or cight horses, and are not liable to be ensily broken or damaged. They are well adapted for the use ofeither Farmers or Jobbers. The Sep arntors can be attacbed to any geared or strapped machine of any other kind. The subscriber would refcr to the followin; persons who have purchnsfd and used his Machines : Michael Thompson, Salem, Alexander Doane, .Tame? Parker, " Alva Pratt, Pittsfield, M. A. Cravaih, " Chniles Alexander, Wm. Pons, Mil.'brd, Iiinkley Sc Vinton, ThetTord. MartinDoty. Ypsilanii, M. P. & A. D. Iladlcy, Saline, Wm. Smith, Cantón. Isaac Burhana, Nonhfield. Particular ntientinn will be paid to IIepAirs. Cash will be ptttd for Oíd Castings. Persons desiroua of purchíising machines are rennsied to cali nnd examine these before purehasing'elsewliere. T. A. II A VIL AND. May 17, 1847. 3l7tf Jínn Jirbor Muí ■■' i vw i ■ w ■■-■ - - ■■- " i j "■'■" " i,1'1'' '■''''■ fl f I THE Sabacnber liaving purohaflecf ibe imerests ol J. M. Rockwell in ihe Marble Business, would inlorni the inhabiinnts o( this onj üdjoininü coumiea. ihat lie will eontni;e thf busine. 8 al ilie oíd siand, in the Upper Tovn. near ilie l'rcstiytcrian Church, and manufaciuri tn oider : Monumenls, Grave Slones Paint Slone, Talléis, fe. &fc. Those u'ishing to ohtain any article in hislintof business will lindby calling tlmt he has nn assortment nf White and Varirgatcd Mirhle ftom the Eastern Mnrble Quarries, whlch wili lt wrought in Modern style. and sold at enstern pri ■ ees. ailding transporlation only. Cali and ge: e ihproof. W. F. SI'AULDING. Ann Arbor. Jan. 30. 1847. 272 1 y CASHMARETT AND TWErDS. A beautiful article for Geiulenien's dimmer ear, just rpceivcd and will be manufactured in the lalestslyle nnd best possible inanner, at the " Western Clnthing Emporiurn." HALLOCK & RAYMON'D. 318-t DETROIT. Cheap Jewelry Store 157 Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT. Wholesale and üctail. THE subscriber has just relurned f rom ■le York wiih a Inrge nssortment of GuM and Silver jewelry, tnolê, mate nals. toys, musical mstnimenls Bnd fancy ,'uodá. which he will sell at wholesale or retail as Fow as any establishment west of New York. Country Watch .Makers and others wnnting any of the above Goods will find it to tlieir interest to ca!!.. as they wil! find the bett assortme'.it in tiie city. mrf al the lowest pricea. GOLD PENS, with silver bolder and penei! $2 00. Pric-e Reiuced. OuM Pens. Watchee and Jewelry REPAIR ED H. B. MARSH. 1 57. JefTerson Avenue, Detroit, ) rtign of the Gold Pen. 3?4 Fü RUITÜRE & UPHOLSTER1NG WAREROOMS. STEVENS & ZlT, ÍN the lower end of the White Elock. directly opposite the Michigan Exchange, have on liand a large assortment of I'VRNITURE, of thoirown matiu'acture, which they will sell very ■ow for Cash They also keep ejperienced Upholstcrers, and are prepared to do all kinds of Upholstering at the shortest notioe. Fnrniture of al! kinds made to order of the best material, and warrnnted. STEVENS & ZUG. Detroit, January, 1, 1847. 207-ly FOR SALE CHEAP for CASH, or every kind of cour. try Produce, Saddles, Bridles,Harness, Trunks, Valises, Trunk Valises, Carpe t Bags, %c. Also a sooil nssortment of VVhips & Lasiiks, which will be sold very low, nnd no rnistnke. at COÖK &. KOUINSON'S. Ann Arbor, August 12, 184G. 277-tf New Establishment. clocks, WATCHES, AND JM&SWT Teil11? THE subscriber would respectfully announce to the cilizens of Dexter and vicinity that he has opened n shop ia the above plnce, in the corner store, formerly knoivn as " Shenerd'a"; where he is prepared to do ai.l kiuds of repair, idg in the line of clocks, wntches, jewelty &c, on the shortest notice. Havinghadabouttwelve years experience in sonie of the licsl Easteru shops, he Batten himself that he can give entirc satiifaction to all those who mny favor him with their work. He has and i cone'antly receivin?. clocks, watclies, and jewelry ot alt descripti_ms, which he will sell as cheap as the cheapest. W. W. DEXTER. ALSO GROCERIES of all kinds: such ns, Teas, Siisars, Molaeses. Rai?ins, Coff'ee, Peppers, Spice, Fish, Candios. Tobacco, Cigars &c. &c. And in lact kvkrythino usnolly keptin such an estabüshmentfj.iii lmir r.xcEi'TED) conatantly on hand and lor sale cheap. W. V. DEATER & Co. Dextkr, March 0, 1847 312-tf TOOLS.- Carpenter's, Cooper's and Joiner's Tools for snle by W4 B. B. & V. R. NOYFS Jr. TH KESHING Machines. THE undersigned would inlurm the public timi he manulactures loree Powers and l'hreshiug Machines at Scio, ol a ssperior kind invemed by himselt. These Power and Machines are parlicularly adapted to ihe use of Farmers who wish to u. ihem lor threshing their own gruin. The power, ihresherand fixtures can all be loaded into a common sized wagon box aiid drawn wilh one pair of horseff. They are designcd to be uscd uiih four horses, and are abundantly strong for ihal number, and may be eafely tiféd with six or eight norses with proper care. They work with lessstrength ol horses according to the amount of business done thnn any other power, and wil! thresh generally aboöt 200 bUshêls heat peí day with four horses. In onc inptance Í58 bushels wheat wcre threshed in thrée houra with four horses. Tliis Power and Machine conlain att tTicad vantages neces9ary to make them profitable to lbo purchascr. Thcy are strong and durable.-" They are easilf moved from one place to andther. The work of the borse is easy on tíiéih powers in comparieon to others, and !he price i LOWKR thnn any other power and machine, have ever been 6old in the State, according to the real valué. The term of pnyment will be libe-' ral for notes that ure known to be abeolutely jood. I have a number of Powers and Machfne' now ready for sale and persons wishing to bu are invited to cali soon. SEPARATORS. I am pre pared to make Separaiors for Ihosewho may want ihem. The ulilily and advanlages of this Power and Machine will appear evident to all on examining 'he recommendaiions below. All persons are cauiioned against making ihese Powers and Machines: the undersigned having adopted the neces6ury mensures for secu. ring letters patent for the same wilhin the timerequired by law. S. W. FOSTER. Scict, Washtenaw Co., Mich.. June 18, 1346RECOMMKNDATIONS. Durirre ihe year 1845, eacli of ;he undersigned; purchased and used eilher indivulually or jointly with others, or.e of S. W. Foster's newly invented Horse Powers and threshing machines, and bclieve tbey are better adapied to the use of Farmers wlio wnnt Powers and Machines for iheir own use than any oiher power and (hreeh' er wiihin onr knowledgo. They are calcúlateos o be used with fotir horses and are of ampie atrength for rhat nOmber. They appear to beconsiructed in stich a manner as to render them very durable wilh lirtle liability of getiing out oí order. They are ejsily moved from one placa lo anoiher. They can be worked with any nnmber of hands from four to tight, ar.d will ihrrs'.i aboi't 200 bushels whear prr dav. J. A. POUIEMUS, Scio,' Washtenaw co. G. Br.OOD, " ' T. RÍCHARDSON, " SAMURL HEALY, " " S. P. FOSTF.R, " M N. A. PÍ-IELPS, ' " ADAM SMiTH, " " J M. BOWEiV, Limrn, W.M. WALKER. Webster, " TIIOS WARREN, " " D. 8MALLET, J,odi. " I threehed last fall and winter one of SS VV. Foster's horse powera. mure tlian fifterir thousand huéllela grain. The repairs beetowed' npon the power ainounted to only fi cents, and1 it was in good order when 1 had done threshing. . 1 invariabiy used si.x bnrfcee. AARON YOU.NGLOVE. Murim, Juno fi. 1946. I purchnfed one of S. W. Foter'i hone' powers last fiill and haf e orad it for jobhing. I: !mve used mnny dirRrent kinds of power nrf! Selieve ihis is the best running pnu rr I ha ec everseen. l). g. BLNNET. Hnmburg. June, 18 It". We purchiispd one of S. W. Foster's ÍIoMe ■ Powers Inst Inll, and have used it and think it is ;i first rate Power. JFSSR HALL. DANIEL S. HALL, REUBRN S. HA 1,1... Hamburg, June. 1840. 269-if TEETH.' TEÈTH TEETH7' MASTICATION and Articulatioiv warranied by iheir being properly re placed. S. D. BURNFT , wMI continue ihe practlce of Df:NTISTRY r all iis varions branches, viz : Scnling, Filliníívand Insertingon go!d pl;ites or pivots. from un to an eniire sett. Oíd plates or mÍ6ñts reinodled, and made equal to new. OFFICE over C. B. Thompson & Co.'s Shrrw Store, hnoVs who rtqueet t, can be waited o at tlieir dwellings. N. B. Charges unusually low, and all kinóiof PRODUCE "t.ikcn. Ann Arbor, Dec. 5, 1846. S93- 1( Ketnrned THE Subscriber s desiroue of informing l,ioíd customers and the public generally, tha he has located himself on Carrier's CornrjNonti 8ide of the eqitere. where all kinds of T A I L 0 R I N G in the present fashion: can be done in a respectable and prompt manu uer. P. S. CUTTfNG done on the shortest notice and warranted to fit if properly made up.. W. WILKINSON. Ann Arhor, May 20, 1847. 317 Goïd7Pens, PRICE REDUCED. IT is admitled bv all who use them, that' I'i(]uotte'8 Gold Pens are equal if not superior" to ony verofièred in tliis market, price $2,50: For sale wholesalc, and retail at the manutneto-ry, Corner ot JeiTerson Avenue & Griswold: St., Detroit. 314-Iyn Also for sale by C. BLISS, Ann Arbor. RËADY MADE CLOTHÏNÖ; SSïIjoïröalc ov lUtntï, THE subscribers have now on hand! the bestassortmenl of Rcady M:tlv Clothingv ever offered in this State. They have receivedi and manulacturcd a large addition to their Stock within the past six weelis, and nr fully prepnred with se.isonalile and fashionable goods for til fall trade. Their assortmem comprises every description of garment from tire OVER CO ATS, CLOAKS, DRE8S SUITS, q-c. $-c. to the more substantial and economical garments. fur tlio farmer and laboring man. -ALSOA large assortment of Furnishing Goods, SUCH AS Fine & Coarse Shirts, Under-Garmentsr Hosiery, Collars% Bosoms, Stocks, Suspenders, &c. &c. Having greatly increaeed their facilitics for maniifacturing, they are better prepared than heretolóre frr tho WHOLESALE TRADE. Purchasers at wholesale are invited lo examin their Stouk. Their garmcuis ure of gooi mate- nals, well milde, of saleahle sizes and ut vies. ané will be oflered at low ratcs. Thnnktui (or past favors, they solicit a conlinuance of pblic pat ronage. HALLOCK & RAYMOND, 318-tf Cor. JcfTn & Wocdword Avenue.