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An Extract From A "description Of London" By A Correspondent Of The Presbyterian Herald

An Extract From A "description Of London" By A Correspondent Of The Presbyterian Herald image
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"Madame Tussiiad's Wax Gallcry " must not be passod by. I had often een wax figures, liever took much interest in them, and therefore had dëtermincd in my own mind not to visit ihis celebra'ed saloon, but was adviséd by a gentleman from Nsw York City to seë it by nll means. So I went; and found it dccidedly one of the most brülinnt thingsl eversaw. Tlië Saloon is large, say 100 feet byöO. The walls, from the cornice down, are hung wilh richest crimson, separated every six or eight fcet by n Corinthinn pilaster, wholly gilt vrith gold lcaf. The cornice is exceedirgly rich, consisting of all tnanner, and kinds of beautiful cnrved work, sueh as vines, festoons nfflowers, clusters of fruits lilly work, pompgrnnaies, birds, cherubs. &c, all coverod with gold! Iu the walls at short distances from each other, were inseited immense mirrors, that extended Trom the floor to the cómico under the ceiling, wKich reflected upon cach other a thousand times over, all Ihtat was in the pp'endid hall ; representing counlless vistae, extending as far as the eye coulii reach, filled with the most gorgcous nnd biilliant imsges, animale and inanimate! From the ceiüng were suspended fifty lainpp, which wero multiplied and reproducpd times without nu jer by the mirrors! The figures werè the most clegantly executed and apparelled 1 had ever conceived of. Tliey liad all the color, freshness, and vivacity of life. - Dressed in the latest fashions (l menn those which represented living characters)and in the most costly roiment. - Morover, many of these contained with in I their bodies certain curious inauhinery, like a watch which caused them to perform the motion ofliie - that is, io move the heao, turn the eyes, and heave the breas"., as in breathing! They were stationed about in different part of the boíl, seme standing, soma sitting, and were ofien mistaken fur living men and women! I was freqiíenlly deosived myseK, and ac;ually askod one figure's pariion for liaviag Iread on Iii.s loe ! The figures were arranged singiy i.nd in groups nround the wnP, and in the centre or body of the saloon. There were ihree separate groups of the lïoynl fumily. One represented the Queen and her family nlone, or in domestic lile j another, in the centre of the ha]], represented the Hoya] fainily in their robes of slaie, sHrrounded by thecourt in their liabliments of rank and nobility. A third represcnled the coronntion oflhe Qufen. Other Jarge gl-oiips répfesehted royalty, but it was of the pn.s: age, some of the Grorges, &c. All these chnroctèrs were dressed in thfcïr royal robes, and courtly costurhes ! Around the walls were arrangpd in a long array, in groups and sirgly, distingukhed characters living and dead, many of which I looked upon withdeep and thrilling interest. - Amoligst the figures rè'pfesenting ihe living are to b? seen Mahomet Áli, Fatlier Thebold Naiihew, Avho is to visit the United Staies next Spring,) Lord Brougham, t!ie Royal family, the present Ministry, Arcljljisiiop of Cnnterhüiy, ''Jenny Lind," "the handsomest fernale figure in the Gallery, and who is now making a great noise in Englar.d by her vocnl poweri,y Pope Pius the IX, (the present pope,) &c, &c. Tiiose of the past which j impressed me most, ivere such as John Wesley, Lord By ron, Sr W alter Scott, Daniel O'Connell, Vültaire, Wm. Pitt, j Charles Fox, Lord Nelson, Queen Elizabeth, Mary Queen ofScots, Knox, Luther, Calvin, Bon=partf% Ney, Murat,Cromwell, George Washington ! ! The noblest figure n all that spJendid collection, was George Washington ! ! ! I returned again and again to gaze upon that noble image. My heart bounded wiihin my breast when I saw t!ic moving crowds slop before ils pedestal, and gaze intently on thatdivine counlenance ! J never before saw commingltíd such majestic firmness, and sublime bcncvolence as radiatod from that face ! In one side of the Saloon was au orches.e: uhere a bílnrl of musicians perfornied :tt intervals ' ing the evening. In a room adjoiiiing ; the gallery, is to be seon Bonaparte' cnri'iage, thë ndentical carriage that was aken on the field of Walerloo! It is really a curious aflair, which, bowever,I wil] not now stop lo describe.