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How The Yankees Live

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It is a mystery wiih mrtny, afler visiting tlio rich soil of the west, ho.v the Yankeescan live ön thcir sterile sdi].- It is answored n a word, ïndustry ? Let us look at Cönneciiot. In the uorthwcst part of ihe State, you will find a Iarge numbcr of fdrnac'es, using ore Frdni the eartli tliat &ur round them, wliile not a few are making the mili on of bushels of chaicoai used in its nianul'actory. Fif;ceti miles from thore is a village of 1500 nerBone, all ciigageJ o acythe-mnking. A few mi'es further, you will find a braeskeltlT establishment, giving erriployment to 300. It is the oniv cine in the country - the Irade was stolen from England. Hard by, a arge number lived on lick in thé bráss clock business. They have nlmost deluged the world with tliem. Get into Haitford countv, nnd 2Ú0 are found digging cöpper oro Gran) the earth. Then you enter atuwn of 1000 persons making axes. Foüow the Fármington river down, and you are söon in Tliompsonville ; here is a lively community of 1500 Scolchmen, mak ing carpets. ! Ten miles farther down, 1S00 more from the same country areengnged in the samë business. Passing by a communily of Shakers, engaged in rasing garden seed, you come U[ion Hazard's powdör mili - lárge distille riea - fuctories, &c. In the city of Hartford 3000 are employod, besides various sortsofbrass work hooks & eyos, and buttons. Getting inlo TollanJ county, a vilhigc of 1200 is found, werking in cight factories, making woolens. Go a linie lurther, iive fuctorias are in operation, turnitig out its thousands of pounds of the best ltalian twist. Hard by the lina of VVindhamcounty 1800 operatives are to be found in cotton factories. In New London coünty, India Rubber in all Ibrms is to be liad ; in Norwich woolen and cotton mili. A paper mili here mnde $260,000 worth of paper, from filthy rag, last season. New London and Stonington are rich from the whalc flsbery. Lyme is celebrated lor furnishing captains for foreign packets. Go on tu the river, all aj'e busy pack ing shad. Quirrying of freestone, is also a large businevs. Meriden mouopolizes the manufacture of ivory, from piano keys to dice. A few miles further ia a villago mostly cngnged in m;iking p;iten'. ink stands. - Then a village devoted to axc-lielves, broom-hniidles aüd wooden ware. There nrs alSo iron scrcw factories in several loentions. One town, lias bfccome rich by tfle innke of all kinds of bells, wliile the seasliore gives employment to tliousands of men, women and cliildren, in opening py ter 8. VaterbLTy tankes pina by the Ion. Salisbury, hals b tlie million. This is the way the Yankees live - Would Iliat we hnd a few of their "noiion"