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Abstract Of The Report Of The Secretary Of The Navy

Abstract Of The Report Of The Secretary Of The Navy image
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Tliiá document commences in setting forthlhnt, by the act of Congress of Juné 17th, 1844, a pence establishment wns adopted, authorizing thé erriployrrterit. in the Navy.of 7,800 petty officers; seamen, landsmen, and boys. Èy thé act öf August lOlh, 1846, it was increased to 10, 000, with adirection thatj on the conclusión of the exlsling wár wiih HÍexícrí,the number should be reduced to 7,500.-During the past yeár, it is not believed that morethnn 8,000 men have been, at any öiié iifne, in service. Hè then mentions the affair of an American vessel, called the Carmelita, hcving been seized on the high seas and carried into Barcelona, by a vessel callëd tle Unicd, claiming to criiise under Mexican authority. The alledged prize wa3 promptly released by the Spánish auihorilies, nnd the cnntors imprisóned Ibr trial. The ottempts of tho Mexiean Government, by issue ofletters-of-marque to persons not bona-Jide citizeris, with authority to cruise, in vessels the property of foreigners. against our commerce, and thus to legalizo pirácy, has Lot fdutid fa: vor, or commanded success, in any cjuarter - a measure inconsislent, says he, with the spirit of the ágé- reSörte'd tó ás a means of revenue, with a cert.iin result ofuntold atrouities,if ftvored - and which deserves as it h?.i received, thé réprobation of the civilized world. The force dn the coast of Soüth' America, the squadron on the coast of China, that orl the Pacific, the opèrations in Califoitiia, the operatiohS of the Öulf Squadron, nhd thé loss of the Brig Sóriiers riear Vera Cruz, ara next, severally dwelt upon, witii special praise of Com. Perry. In connection with the last, the assistance rendbred by thé British, Frénch, and Spanish ships-of-war ánchored near, is spoken of in the highest terms. The medals; which, by net of Con'gresi, are to be presented to the officers and men who risker! their lives on Miat occasion', will be transmitted as soon as Com. Perry sháll have prociirëd and bommiinicatëd their ha mes. The Secretary urges an increase in the number of As-istant Surgeons. Ile also recortimends rin allowance to Navol Officers collecting duiies in Mexican Porls, of oné per cent on the sum collected. In the Gul f of Mexico, bet ween $30,000 and $40,000 have been collected. The amoiint collectëd in the Pacific is not known. The extensión of our laws over Oroyon Territory, and the establishment of Courts with Adinirálity jurisdictión, are recorn:neded. The voyugesof the Jamestown and Macedonian are next spoken óf. Thère arb in attendancè at the Naval School about 00 MidshipmBn, proseculing their stuSies under great advantages, preparatory to their exáminatioti, with a view to prottiotion. The opèrations of the act cf March 3d, 184.r, requirir.g appointments of Midshipmen to be made from the States and Tei-ritories according to reriresentation in Congres., bas been highly favorable in enlargingthe interest feit by the whole country in the Navy. It will be vet some time before tlie rregularities amongst the States wil! ba removed - The maximum number of Midshipmen allowed by law is 451. The divisor fixed by the act of 1843 is, at this time, 230. It Will change ns the number öf members of the House of ftepresentatives varies. He recommends that the restriclions imposed by the act of Congress, 1842 - by which, thërlumbei' of Midshipmen is limited to451 - be so far removed, as to authorise ar. increase of the number to 460 ; and, at II timCs heréaftef, that éaeh Stato and Territoiy shall have two Midshipmen for eacll Representative in Congress to which it may be entitlid; This srrtall increase wül contribute to hasten the establishment of equality, nnd will simplify the distl-ibution of Midshipmen amongst the States and Territorios. Casos have been presented to the Department of sons of those who have fallen in batlle, which haveconfirmed the opinión that it would be wisc and just to give the authority asked for in bis last reporl, to appoint onc Alidshipman, outofeight or ten, at largc, irrespective of actual residente. The appropriation asked for, to def.-ay 1 1 hè expenses of'lhe departnient t!ie next fiscal year, is $ 10,365,825, including an item of $1,300,000 to complete ihe four War-Steamprs authorized by the act of the Sá dC Márcb. The following have been the expenditurcs for the last threeyears: A regular and sppfedy intfercourse, by I mail betëen tlie Atlantic Cities and i Oiegon, is regnrded ts of tlie highest national importance. Tlié Observátory s in successfül to ilié Naval Service s confirmed by experience.