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Letter to the Editor
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In perusing the President's Message, I was forcibly struck with the glaring inconsistencies w!th whic'i it abounds. - After expatia'.ing upon the blessings of Providence, in bestowing upon us an abundance of temporal blessings for ourselves, nnd to offer to the starvir-g millions of other countries, hethinks it cause of congrntulation, that we are at peaee wilh all the powers of the earlh but Mexico. He then asscrts that "it has ever been our settled policy to cultívate peace and good will with all nation?, and this policy has strictly been pursued by me." Is it possible that a man of a sound mind can stand forih before the American people, and thus broadly and unblushingly assert tha1 the course of policy which he has pursued has been always ralculatod to secure peace nnd good will ? Do hls public acts justi'y such an nssertion ? or do they not rather plainly and most emphatically give the lie to the declararon ? Most assuredly they do ; and every person not wholly blinded by party prejudice,cnnnot fail to see it at the first glance. In the next clause, he labors to impress upon the public mind the idea that the war was waged by Mexico, and that it was his anxious desire to avoid a rupture with that co intry - that Mexico had violnted every principie of justice or humanity ; and finally, to cap the climax, osserts that the invaded the territory of Texas and shed the blood of ourown citizens on our own soil. Does the history of the past jus:ify such an assertion ? nol at all. Did not this same J. K. Polk, without consulting Congrss, before there was any thing like a declaration of war by Mexico, order the army of the U. S. to a point opposite Matamoras into territory belonging to, and in actual potsession of Mexico, and wholly within her jurisdiction, there being at th time a custom house at that place under the laws of Mexico. Was this a declaration of war by Mexico? or was it not rather a violation of every principie of justice, and a virtual declaration of wnr by J. K. Polk 1 Most certainly it was ; and this must be the JUDGMENT OF AN IMPARTIAL WORLD. I might continue my objections, but as I expect to see the subject taken up by a more competent pen, 1 close for the