PROSPECTUS OP THE EDINBUKGH QUARTERLV PHRE OLOGÃCAL JOURNAL ND MAGAZINE OF MORAL AND INTELLECTÃAL SCIENGE, COMMENCtNG JANUARY, ÃPj8. OEORGE CÃMBE XSD ROBERT C1X, LDITORS. Volume One of tbs American Edition. The mnnyanilenrnest desires expressed by the oye.s of t'hrenulogy on iliisside of ihe Ailaniic. !.J :be hope of elill furiher advancing ihis greai ause, has induced us to puhlish an American diliun of this prnfound and SC1ENTIFIC QUARTERI,Y. Ite charj-.cler aild merifs need btjt litilë com ment, ftlrther thnh that I emniiatèsfröm sme o' lie obleöt minds in Enrland and Scotland, and las beiert before the pi Mie more than twenty 'ears. Il was the firs serial puhlicalion evei ommenced, devoted exclusivciy Co tin impo ant subject. GEORGE COMPE, Thé distingniahed phrenologicd! writer, is its principa! coniribuior, and viriual conductor. 1 emboiies all new discover es, together with al! of interest which apper.ains to Phrenologica! Science. AlAGNETÃSM t aleo advocateSj showing iisadaptntion to medt cal iciencé) to the relief ol human suff-rmg. ai)(! o its other various and important npplications. HUMAN R1GHTS lt also urges, with great ability and Bucees?, showing the barings of thie science of nund to legislition, moral and politicnl govtrnment, at well as to individual self-control. The firsf number wil] b emhellished with beautiful portfait ol Mr Combe, nnd uhsequem numbers by other distinguished Phrenologiets -_ Each number will contain 9.5 pagec, and w: ' i issurd qunrterly os soon as poss'ule aftr.r ,l â ceptiort of the proof sheets, '.t will e a"rOe pimi Ie of the original copy, aj-j wil] 'j( {uln;,ld ,. j pnce ONE Z HIP.o LESS Than thé cost of the f.jre!gn edilion ââj w,, as lollows: tERMS, IN.V.kRIABLY IN ADvXnCE J S'r glc ,;opy, one year, f2 00 J'hree Copies, " 5 00 Five. Copies, ' 8 00 1 en Copies, " 15 00 SAMPLE NUMBERS 'ÃVill be furnisn-Ãd to Agents dt cost. All sub cribers will cómmence and close with the vol urne. To receWe attentiort, letters and orde must, in all cases I-e post tmt, and directed to FOWLERS & WELLS, No. 131 Nussau Street, N. Y. Win. s. !!i:on. Altorney 4' Counselor at Late, AMN ARBOR, MICH. rFflCE ith à Mrurt. Esq. 87 ly M.'K A DTER T1SERS. Under thto had, we püblish, frée of charf the name, residence, a-rvd buarnesa, of those whw aiiveriinu in the Sn.vAi. ft Libkbtï. W. R. Ferry, Book Store", Am Arbor.MaS'kards. Druggisi, Ann Arbor. T. A. il iViLAHv. Machinist, Ann Arbor. W. Taihr, Ann Arbor. S. W. Foster fc Co. Manufacturera, Scio. W. Waoner, Merchant Tailor, Ann ArboFv C. Piquettb, Gold l'pns. Detroit. W. W. DeïterACo-, Jewelers, DcxierV Ti H. AnMrrRoNo, Hats, Ac, Detroit. S. W. Foster, Threshina Macliines, Scio. Comstock & Skvwour, Mercbant, Jackaon. T. H. Aiim trong. Hat Store. Wetit. C. Clark, Law Office, Ann ArboT, K. G. Burgkr, Demist, Ann Arbor. C. Bi.iss. Jeweler, Ann Arbor. F J. B. Crank. Insurance Office, Ann Arbof W. F. Spaoi.dino. Marble Yard, Ann Arb!'. Cook & Rciinson, Harness Am Arhur. W. A. Ratmond. Merchant, Detroit. M., Merchant, Ann Arbor. S. l. Burnet, Denti8t, Ann Arbor. Stevens & Zvao, Upholsterers, Detroit. Wf S. Bom, Attorney at Law. Ann Arbor. J. VV. Tu.tïiAN. C binet Ware, Detroit. Haléock & RiïMoND, Cloihing Store, D. roit. La Düe & Ei.brkd. Tannery. Detroit. H. B. Ma-rsW, Jewelry, Dei roit. Mks. C. Boffington, Millinery, Ann Atbor. J H. Lund, Merchsrn, Ann Arbor. J. H. Mosher. Reaf Ãstaié, Ann Arbor. G. F. LeWÃs. ÃroÃet. Detroit. OTATE OF MICHIGAN - W!fMAt J Cot' ty, sa. - Al a Session of thà l'iobats "ourt for the County of Washtenaw, held at ie Probate Office in the Village of Ann Arbof be lOlh day 0} January, A. D one thouinnd ight Wiïiidred and forty eight - Preient, tüaa M. Skinnr, Judge ol Probate. In tht nutter of the Trobpte of the Will1 of ïuy Beckley, deceased. On reading and filing he petiiion of James B. Gou and Phyla 3. Backcy, repreenting ihat Guy Beckley in bis lifer ime made and publishad hit last will and testaient (which u now on file in the Probate Office n eaid ionmy)-i-that the said James B. G )tt nd Phyla B. Bsck'ey are appointed in sutd will s Execu.or and Eiieijtri, praying that th ïid will muy be p.-oved, a'llowed' and recorded, nd that letten lestamen'arv therfon niny bo granted to ti.m - Thereupoii il is ordered that the connideration of said petition be pcfstponecl lo the 8ih day or February nem al 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, ai the Probate office ot sa:f County, to the end that the hcirs and all otlier persons intereeted in aid estáte niay ihen and there appear and show canee if any ihey have, why the prayer of eaid petitioners should not ' e grnmed. And it is fnrther orderad ihat the petitioners cause a copy of chis ordeno be publitshed n the Siena! of Liberty a' pöblic newspaper published in the Coanty ai VVeshtemw. for three weeks euccessively, onc in each week. previoua to the time above appointed for ihe hearing of petition. EUAS M SKlNNER. 351 Judüe of Probate. DISSOLUTION, "]"OTICE is hereby given (hat the f irm Xi heretofore existine: under the nnme oà Gibson & McAllaster is thie day dissolv d by n utuul consent. All persons indebted to thf snid firm, will pleise cali and 8fttle with G. L McAllaster, who is aUttioriïed tu transad the business ot the late firm. JlEUBKN B. G1BSON. GEO. L. Mc VLLASTEH; January 4th, 1848. P. S. - G. L. McAllasler will continue in t'ie milling business ne usual át ihe "Delhi Mills." 3:0 DIRECT FROM NEW YORK! fjl TTAV'ING just returred BSà Jtl from New York with J- :""SéLI '" a well selected assortment lf. rfBwif S00'' pertaining to his imi whm ''ne ' now prepared to Jlu 1 aJMS walt iipon those who may MKSajBp favor liini with a cali, at ""'"S'WiS his oki etand on Main si., opposite H. Beckers Brick Store, He determined nol to be undersolil by any, and among lus ariicles may be found tbc loilowing : - Gold and Siltier Lever Walches, Lepint and Common do , Gold Pins and Ring) Miniuture Cases, Gold Pens, with case as low as $g, Plated and Briltania Candle Sticks, Plated and Brass Snvffers and TraiS) Castors, coral Necklaces, Keyed and common Flutes, Fifes, Accordeons, Violins ind strines, extra l.tà ws, fineer noards, Bridges, &c, Guiiars and stilngs, Music Boxes, Silver, Germán and Plated epoens, fine ciulety, palent knif'e sharpeners, a great vnrie'y of toys, perfumery, steel bag and purse clasps, steel beads and purse twist, Brapá docks for $3, clotl'ts, hair, lather, tooth and noi) Brushes ', Combs, Wallet$, razor strnps, in short, a great Tariety too nunierous to inention. Cali ancl examine for vourselves Clocks, watches, and timepieces o( every description NEATLY REPAIRED ANO WARRANTED! N. B.- Cash paid for old Gold &, Silver. Ann Arbor, Nov. 8 , 147. 344- tf HÃM(EOPATHY. BLACKWOOD & ELDR1DGE, HOMGEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS, Office on Main st. opposite Cráneos Block. TUIS FIRM, in presenting their card to the public, solicit no more lavor. than an enliglitened communiiy may ad-judge their incuts as. p'iysicians to be deservirÃa ,l. Since the introductior, âf Homceopa.ih in rhisvillage, it has ben Cinstantly gathering Ijurels in the cure of disea'e, and winning the conhdence of all who have seen and feit its superior efflcacy over all other syaiems ol medicine in healtna the sick tr.d re?Oiing heulili. The same regard is shown to t wherever itslight is spread. Hut w wish te let the cjinmunity jr.úge o' tho compurlivfi riieri's of HomceopYny nd Alipathy- !ev School and Old Sch,,oi Medicine Let Alipathy come with her 'iecch, lancet, bliilfr, cnlomel. ruinine,and ân her instrumenta of torture: Tiitn mark tb;,, billsof mortali'y over her sigiiáiure. - l"10' at the long list of dlseascs. snid hy dictojs j be incurable What a fearful pw centumof the great variety ol' inflammaiions lui always proved latal! Whnt safety for the poor suffèrer in the miclst of the malignan! epidemics 8ometimes scoiirge our race! How lutile the etfort of the Old School in the Cholera, for rnstance; ör yellow fcver. scarlet or typhus Ceverjcongestiona of the head, lunas or abdominal viscera; Black tonpue or erysipelus. Sic Bui how dilFerent the resull undcr homceopaibie treatment Her tableii show thai all these dÃ66ases are at once Hisarmed of their terrorp. The great famüy of Chronic Diseasec, too, aro Tor the most part radically cured by Homceorinihy. as thousnnds of living itnisscs can bear testimony. JVInnv ol whom, like the uuniari in (he Scriptures, had spent all their substa ce upon phy8:cians for many yara without relief until they had applied to Homccopalhy. And yet there are physictans who affect to sneer at efcrj; thing like imprAvement in medicine, and shut fhcir eyes against the lirrhr ihnt wnuld guide hrm n the art of healing; hol ling fast to their dolf, ihey continunlty cry out, ' e'ent ii D ana of the Rpheri ins." Bilt "by thelr iruitsye shall know 'hem." Tnesi!av of eoch week ns fnr s p-vs:lite. iha' be setap-rt for the reerption of pniin'p. nc i persons roming from a distsne mny uut find ih tTice on that ()hv vac Mi Ann Arbor, t"s'h Ur., 1647. 34
Phrenological Journal
Fowlers & Wells
S. W. Foster & Co
W. W. Dexter & Co.
Comstock & Seymour
Cook & Robinson's
Stevens & Zugg
Hallock & Raymond
Gibson & McAllister
Blackwood & Eldridge
Old News
Signal of Liberty
Robert Cox
George Combe
William S. Brown
E. Mundy
William R. Perry
T. A. Haviland
W. Wilkinson
William Wagner
C. Piquette
T. H. Armstrong
S. W. Foster
C. Clarke
E. G. Burger
Calvin Bliss
F. J. B. Crane
W. F. Spaulding
W. A. Raymond
M. Wheeler
S. D. Burnett
J. W. Tillman
H. B. Marsh
Mrs. C. Buffington
J. H. Lund
J. H. Mosher
G. F. Lewis
Elias M. Skinner
Guy Beckley
James B. Gott
Phyla B. Beckley
Reuben B. Gibson
George L. McAllister
No 131 Nassau Street New York