From The War

The Execution of two Mexican Officers. A paper puplished at Jalapa, speaking of Gen. Pnlterson's administralion of the Government at Jalapa, says: "General Palterson, whi'e n Jalapa, governcd wilh a rigid hand. The Mexicana compluined bhlerly of the recent execution, under his direotions, of two young oiïicers, Ambrosio AlcalJ and Antonia Gircin, wlio were taken at Juiconumeo with a party of gucrilla, some timesince, and who were alleged to Imve braken their ptirol. This the two officers and their friendo donied, bul the evidence was too strong ngainst them to permit their esenpe. W'.ién the senlence was published, the whole city rose to big for the lives of the young men, and deputations were sent to General Palterson from the council, from the clergy, regular and secular, from the ladiesoà ihe principal families, and the ladies of the convents, beseeching himto spare the lives of the unhnppy youths, but without avail. They were hanged in the Plazuela de San José, at noon, of ihe 24th ultimo. Their bodies were delivered over to their friends, and after lying in sta'e a few h .ur, were buried with the highest honors :hat public grief could devise. Tne whole city put on mourning, solemn proce-ssions lineJ every s;, an i the misere was chnnted in tlie churc'ies. A gloom m thrown over the city, which is not yet dissipated." From Mexico, letters say that an insurrection liad been plnnned in that city, and wss discovrred by Gen. Scoltjust in time to prevent iis consnmrnation. The nffuir had necesarily caused great exciternent, and as a matter of course awakened new vigilance and caused measures to be adopted. St. Louis, Jan. ?. - We have one week's later advices frorn Santa Fe. It is of linie interest, other than the rmrlifViiig redection that the capability of the oflicers in charge is madpqunte to preserve oreer and military dicipline. The troops are in a most deplorable slate of insubordinaron, r: nd difficulties of a senous characler are almosl consianlly occui ring. Gen. Twiggs hnd arrived f rom the capilal with a train and a lnrge nuin'ier of wounded offÃcers onü men. Gen. T. !ms entered upon his duties as Governor il' Wie departm nt of Vera Cruz, vvherp lie will rema in command, umil thp arrival of Col. Jesup. Gen. Twiggs will then go home as Quarter masier general. lt is rum Ted that Gen. Marshall, who is at Jalapa, will march on to Orazaba assoon as he can get the necessary a i,munition. Padre, and Jarinta are now recruiting in that city. Gen. Pearce has arrived at New ( rleaus, and will resign his commission as soon he reaches Washington. On the 27ih Gen. Lane, with a detachment, fought the Mexicana at a place called Matnmoras. d fenting them and t'elivering 7 prisoners. Lieut. Ridgely, Aatt. Adj. General to Lane was killed in the eügagemeniTha officers stalioi1ed at Pu-ebla have resolved to present Gen. Lane with a gold medal worth f 1000. Later accounts from the Brazis say that severnl Mexicans have been murdered on the San Tenango road, near Maiamoras. Uaymantas, a noted outlaw, was among the slain. The murders are supposed to have occurred in conflicts between the murdered aud the Guerillas. Governor Morales of the St. Naveau Leon, having been aiding the guerillas, has been deposed in a proclamaron issued by Gov. Tibbats, military Governor of Monterey. Canales is still levying tribute upon the traders. QT-The poetry of "D. S. F." must be placed on the Procrustenn bedstead. - Some of his lines need lopping off, and some need stretching, to make them of an equal length. "I do not express an opinión lightly furmed, but one upon which 1 would stak' my existence, that, whether the pricciple of the Wilmot Proviso be enacted or not, slavery will nevor exist in any State which may be hereafter formed west of the Rio Grande." - Waddy Thompson. This language is spoken by one who has baÃed his opinión on the fact that there is no real neces.sity or apology for slavery in the country of which he speaks. But the fact is, that in spite of this natural unfitness, slaves have already been carried to California, and the beginning of a system ol black servilude estabüshed, against the local law, and the law of nations, and if the above quolation be true,