George Ashmun, Daniel Webster, Richard K. Mead, Edward A. Hannegan, Zachary Taylor, Winfield Scott, Nicholas Trist, Ritchie, Heiss, Andrew Stewart, Abraham W. Venable,
The interest and importance ot the moves n Congress begin to increase. - Prominent mernbers are showing their hunds. In discussing a bil! for incrrasing the Army in Mexico, Mr. Hule took occasion to define his position on the War. - From his remarks we take the following extract. His sentiments, for their manliness an;l independence, wil] commend themselves to the opproval of our readers. "Sir, Ido Dot know butthal my ideas may be peculiar upon this subject, but I lielieve that !he wnr was commenced in falsehood, and prosecuted in injustice, and that the institutions of the United States are in more danger nt this moment of annihilation, ihan thosc of Mexico; nnd I have no sympathy with those gentlemen who teil us that this measure has no conneclion with the origin of the war; I think it has everything to do with 1, and I would lke to sec gentlemen who think otherwise solve this problem, and inform us how long it will take, in the rmnner we are going on, to arrive at the end of the war. "I woulu that they would teil us how long must we persevere in a wrong cause before we shall come out right 1 "I wuuld lie g'ad f they would teil us anoiher thing. 1 would like to hear them demónstrate to us liow much better t is to conquer a peace than to keep a pe;ice. Conquer a peace! th:it sfiems to be a son of magical phraso ; and the course recommended to effect it reminds me oà llie nnnner oftreating a patiet.t purstied by an oÃd Spanish physician.who fancied Iha) by letiing blood and administering warm water he could cure all disaes. Ãn proceeding wt!i this practice, it was found that his pntients all died; the Doctor said that the reason wns he did nt take cnnugh blo')d f rom ihem. He took more f.-om his next palients, nnd they continued to die; and upon a consullatioa as to vhether some oiher mode of treatment might not be attended with beiter results, he said he would listen to the recommendation fora cliange of treatmer.t, ifhe hal not : wrilten a book upon the subjpct. VVell, sir, the President has wrinen a book, and requires of us that we should follow it. Now, recognising no such obligation ns tha', I desire that tliis meaure be discussed; I desire that this subject should be discussed fully, free'y. and fairlv, ns embr.-tcc-d in Ihe resolulions propos d by tlie Senator f rom South Carolina and the Senator fiom New York, and that t lióse of the Senator f rum South Carolina should take precedence of thrse oflered by the Senator from N. Y., for ihe resolutions of the Senator from S. Carolina relate to ihe question how much territory we shall i b Mexico of; and the Senator from New York, tells us how to take care of the sp')ils afier we have got thetn. l therefore ihink that the res.lutions oftho Senitor from South Carolina should taka pricddence of those of the Senator from New Yoik, and that thcy should botli take precedence of this bilÃ. I desire that the question should be pre-ented in such a menner that the vhole country may understand t; and, sir, it is all involved in this ten regiment bill. It seems to me, the question p.-esented by this bilà will determine the whole matter. If we are to go on and follow the course pointed out by tbe Presiden!, and give him ten regiments of regulnrs and twenty of vo'unteers in additio n, then, of course this bill is to be pns-sed. "But it, asi believe, the war was commenced in error, here is the place to stop; and, with my consent, the first aollar shall not go from the National Treasury, until the President informs us how much he supposes will be required to bring the army home by the shorlest nnd chsnpest roule. For this purpose he shall have money, but not with my vote for conti nuing the war with an indefinile purpose. 1 think it is time that the country should understand what we are aiming at, and I think that the belief ofa great mnjority of the people alrendy is, that the war was not only a crime, but a blunder; and it is this which calis attention to it more forcibly than if it had remained simply a crime - an unfortunate one, certainly, when viewed in the best light. And I am willing, that if the expresision of this view should bring ever so much opprobrium, that it should come now. It seems to me that those who view the policy of the Administration as a miserable one should bold!y and distinctly say so,and vol accordingly. Let us not be guilty of the miserable inconsistency of snying that this war is an error,and of still votingsupplies to enable the President to carry it on. Let Congress, on whom the responsibility rests, and to whom the country will look in this maller, take the war into their own hands, and declare distinctly and udbquivocally to the country what thpy intend,and what they desire. "I do not know that there is a single member on this floor who sympathizes with me in the view which I take; but I believe that this war marks the age as barbarous, and that we are vastly more in danger of brmging ruin and destructior pon our uwn instilutions, thnn those of the country wilh which we are at war. 1 want thcquestion presented boldly - not by vay of problem or mere abstraciion. For one, my mind js made up; not the first dollar sliall itie President tnke, by my Note, for either rrgular or volunteer forcé, uutil he comes fi.rward and informs the country how much he does want in order to secure an honorable pcacc, and the mode in which he proposes to effect so desirable a rcsult. Tlie ollier day the honorable Senator from Michigan told us ihat every man, woman, and chiW, in the country, knew what we wanted. 1 confess I heard this assertion wiih some astonishment ; for if it betrue, 1 could not class myself wilh either man, woman, or child - for I confess I did not know. - Nor was I n the least enlightened when the honorable Senator aHded that it was indemnity and satisfaction. ':Mr. Cass. - I beg the honorable Senator's pardon; that was not my expression ; inc'emnity and security were the woi-ds I used. " Mr. Hale. - VVell, I have not got nny light et. " Mr. Cass. - That is not my fnult. "Mr. Hale. - No,sr,it s owing lo my opacily, probably; but, waiving for the present the discussion, wheiher it s owing to the nability of the honorable Senator to impart, or ofmyselfto receive light, I proceed. "Indemnity and security. Indemnity for ? Security for what ? Ilere j endeth the first lesson. VV'e do not know, we nre as mucb n the dark as ever. I do not ntend at this time to do more than to make tliese general remarks. On some future occnsion I propose, not with the hope of influencing the action of the Señale, but to place myself aright before those who have sent me here, to express my views more fully in regnrd to the war. And permit me to say here, j that I thiuk the origin of the war lies a little deeper than nny of the causes which have been a-s:gned by th."se who have spoken upon the sulject. I believe the origin of ihe wnr lies in the avowed object ofihe American Government to perpeluate the institution of American slatery. That l believe to be the true design and purpose of this war; and if it had not been for that cause venecr should have Lad it. Bclieving t!iis to Ie llie fnc', nnd that any exposition of the origin and cause of this war, which stops shori of that, stop short of the truth, I shnll endeavor on some subsrquent occasion, wilh the indulgence of the Senaat, to saisfy tlie country, by reference to the official documents, that such is the origin and purpose of the war, and to indÃcale my own views of the true policy to be pursued in reference tliereto." The qnestlon was ihen taken on the molion ofMr. Cass to take up the bill,by j eas and n; ys, as follows: Yeas. - M ssrs. Allen. Aslie'y,Alchinson, Athrton, Baghy, Brndaury, Bréese, Cass, Davis of Miss., Dic-kinson, Dix, Douglass, Felch, Foote. Ruk, Sevier, Slurgeon, Turney, Westcott - 19. Nays. - Messrs. Badger, Baldwin, Bell, Berrien, Butler, Clhoun, Clark?, Clayton, Corwin, Cnttend#n. G reene, Hale, Johnson, of Md., Johnson, or La., Mangum, Phelps, Underwood, Uphnm, Yu'ee- 19. The Señóte being equalty divided, 1 1 ie Vice President gave the casting vote in the affinuative. In the Senate, Jan. 4, Mr. Calhoun spoke upon his Resolutions. We fine the following abstract of his speech in the Era. He avowed that he occupied preciselj th! same posilion he did last winter. - The views he then took, he now held. - He had opposed the war, not only be cause it wns unnecessary, might easily ihave been avoided, and the nllegalions made in its favor were not founded in trui h, but from high considerations of reason and policy. But after its declaration, he feit bound to acquiesce, and use all his nfluence to limit the evil growing out of it. With this view he proposed the policy of a defensive line. Party considerations liad nothing to do with him. When he might have occasion to dissent from the policy of the President, he should do it wiih becoming decorutn. When he urged the defensive line policy, we had in our possession all the territory of Mexico necessary for purposes of indemnity - territory unoccupied. That policy was the only ceitain mode of terminating the war successfully. It must have Baved both men and money. Any other course would expose us to incalculable evils. The President took a different view. Congress sustair.ed him. The war has been waged vigorously - our nrms everywhere triumphant - the Mexican armies anniliilated - the city oà Mexico itself in our possession. But what ha?e we gained? Have we conquored peace f Has a ireaty been obtained ? - Indemnity secured ? Nu, no. Every object is further ofTthan ever. The reason is clear. The plan of the campaign waj erroneous - the object mistaken - indemnity sought in a wrong way. It was in our power to take it - we aimed at it by treaty, and fniled. Our tole gain was mililary glory, achieved at on expense of fort y millions of dollars, and tliousands of lives. He went ii.ton calculahon loshow tliat adefensive line could easily be niaintained, and nt comparatively small cost. Anoihcr campaign was to be provided for - wliat now shall bo done? The President recommends the vigorou prosecutionof the war, not for conques), but for pence. He could not opprove or support such policy. The cost of another campaign would bestill greater - it would reach sixty millions of dollars. The army would be raised to seventy thojsnnd men. Last year an unfortunate famine in 'he Old World furnished a rich market fr our products, and the returna in specie were large. Now there is a panie in the money markel. Specie is going abroad, and specie is sent to Mexico. The Treasury is drained at bo'th ends. Men may be raised; money cannot be had so easily. Dut, suppose the war successful - and he had nr fears for our arms - ihe more successfully it was prosecuted, the more certainly would the objects avowed by the Government, be defeated, and the objecls rlisavowed, be forced upon us. On ihis point, he dwelt with much force, showing that the inevitable tendency of the policy recommended in the Message, was, to the extinction of the nalionality of Mexico. Ile spoke at large upon the policy of subjugaling Mexico, and annexing her Staies as provinces or os States. Annexation could neverbe voluntary - and who Cüuld desire it? Ours was the Governmeni of the White man. No other than the Caucasian race can sustain a fie?, republican Government. The Spanisb South American Republican had failed, because they had abolished the relation which pliced the inferior race in subjection to the superior. One million of :he Mexicans wa froin the old Castilian stock. One or two millions more were were of the white race. He protestes again and again againsl the incorporaron of sucn a people with us. The consequences of the policy of conquest were clearly and forcibly traced. He showed how the States would be merged in the Union, and the Lrgislative in the Executive power. He then nppealed to the Democralic Senators. This war was causing a total reverse of Democratie policy in all our internat concerns. He showed how they were becoming the promote's of a Paper Currency, Public Debt, Executive Patronage, Protection, &c. The Pitlsúurg Journal says, of Mr. Iludsoi.'s resoluiions nuthorizing the ilh draw al of our lroops, the relinquishing our demands for nclemnity,and for a convention lo adjust the differences beiween our country and Mexico, A motion to lay the resulution on the table wns negatived bv a vo;e of 54 yeas, to 125 nays. The resolution was then rejrc'ed - yeas 41, nays 187. The House then passed two rpsolutions of Mr.-Houston returning thanks, &c. to Gen. Scott. Mr. Ashman moved, as an nmer.dment, that " the war was unnecesary, and begun by the President," which, nfier considerable debate, was adopted, yeas 85, navs 81. The resolution as nmended lies over. Jan. 7. The ten million bilà u under discussion to-day in the Señale. The debates upon it are warm. In the House the proceedings continue without interest. Jan. 8. The time of the Señale is occupied in discussing the ten regiment bill. Proceedings in the House are unimportant. The bill authorizing the raising of ten regirnents to serve in :he Mexienn war, being before thb Sennte, Messrs. Webster and Hale opposed its passage with great ability. House. - The Committeeof the VVhole was engnged on the subject of the Richmond mail Route. Mr. Mende advocated an amendment fixing the rales of compensation forcarrying the mail by land. Jan. 10. Sknate. - Bill to establish territorial government fur California was passed. Hannegan submitled resolutions declaring that no treaty should be made which did not declare a boundary line capable of military defence ; that no monarchial government should be allowed in Mexico ; and that it ought not to be held tis a province. Appropriations to build dry doek in Brooklyn passed. Bill authorizing Assistant Pursers for Navy passed. Reverdy Johnson spokê in favor of the Ten Regiment Bill. Adjoarned. Jan. 11. Sënate. - Mr. Pavis submitted a resilution calling on the President to conlmunicate ceriain letters from Gens. Tayar and Scoit on the subject of forced contributions in Mexico. Lies over. Mr. Baldwin oflered a resolution callng on the President for the corresponlence of Mr. Trist while commissioner to [ïegotiate peace during the armislice last â ear, Kitchie nnd Ileiss were re-acJinitted. lieverd}' Johnson finished a speech in favor of a vigorous prosecuiion of the war. The House wentinto coinmittee of the whole on the Presideni's messnge. Mr. S'.ewart of Pa. reviewed the Secretary of the Treasury'd report. Mr. Venable supported the war nnd was in favor of laking New Mexico and Ca'ifornia as intlfcinnity.
United States Congress
Mexico-American War
Old News
Signal of Liberty
John P. Hale
James K. Polk
Lewis Cass
William Allen
Chester Ashley
David R. Atchison
Charles G. Atherton
Arthur P. Bagby
J. W. Bradbury
Sidney Breese
Jefferson Davis
Daniel S. Dickinson
John A. Dix
Stephen Douglas
Alpheus Felch
Solomon Foote
Thomas J. Rusk
Ambrose H. Sevier
Daniel Sturgeon
Hopkins L. Turney
James Westcott
George E. Badger
Roger S. Baldwin
John Bell
John M. Berrien
Andrew Butler
John C. Calhoun
John H. Clark
J. Thomas Clayton
Thomas Corwin
John J. Crittenden
Albert C. Greene
Reverdy Johnson
Henry Johnson
Willie P. Mangum
Samuel S. Phelps
Joseph R. Underwood
William Upham
David Levy Yulee
George M. Dallas
Charles Hudson