
OIJR ADVERT1SEUS. Uüilcr lliis hend, wo publiall, frce f cbarg the na-ie, resilence. nnd buainesa, of ifioa ho idvcni8u in tlje S' I.idkhty. w R. Pkkkt, tÃjok Store, Aun Arbor. Miykarus. Drujgiais, Ann Arbor. T. A. HirUMfu. M-icliinigi, Ann Arbor. W. Wa.KLii.v, Taii .r. Ann Arbor. S W. Fosrtn & (, M mutiicnircrs. Scio. Wm. WvoftSB, Mwrctevu Puilor, Anu Arbar. ;. 1'l'tUKTIK. (i.)U IVm. Olr.lil. W. W. Dkxter &. C'.-, Jewclure, Dexier. T. II. Aiinnr.tuNü. Uut, A.'c, Ui-uoii. S. VV KosrKH. l'h-psli ne M icliuiua. .Seio. CiiMjucK V. Skiuiuk iVlerduiiii. Jjoliiun. T. II. AllM TSOSf.. Ifcit SWn. ÃXuil. C. Dl. IKK. Utw OÃrkc Ann Arh,r. K O. Burgkk. IMii(, Ann Ar.bor. C. J?Clss. Jeweler. Aro ï K J. LI. Cbahk. Imuniite OiBcc.Ann Arbar VV. f Si'aui.uiko. Mjrbfe Yn-rf, A.nn, Arbur. Cook & f(3isso, Harnees Makers, Ana Art'or. V. A. Mi+cliiint, Detroir" M. VVmtKt.iH, Mjrcliant, einn Arbo , S. l IIohskt. Dünnsi. Ann Arhor. & Z101, tJphulsierers, Ui[ioil. W,m s. HiiOA.v, Anornevai Law, Ann Arbor, J VV. Tur.Miv. C hinet Ware. D.'troit. HiiLocK & IUvmisd, Cloilnng Store, D. truit. I Duf. A F.i.ürtF.n. Tannery. Dotmit. If. B. Marh, Jewi-lrv, Dei ruil. Mm, C BurruftTüif, MiUroary, Ann Arbor. J H Luu. Merchnnt. nn Arhnr. J. H. MosiiKit. Heul Ks'nie. Ann Arbor. G. r, l.twi?. iiioktr. Uetroil. STATF. OF MiCflIGAN- W.jÃtrÃaw Coumv, sa. - Al a Sasioii of ilif I'iolai Cuurl lor ilie Couniy ( Waamenaur, held at ihe Oflirp n ilii Village of Ann Arbor ilie lOih d,iy ut .Inmury, A. 1) one thouannd 'iht hiindred H I l'orty oiglit- Piescrii, Kliaa M. SKinner. Judge u( Prub.-ne. In ihe milier of iIip Prnbfl of tlis Wili of Guy Btcfcley, d cense I. On renrlinsr nd filing Ilie r"ii'ion of J.imrs B. Gou nnl l'byla 3. BackIcy, reprcientinf 'h:il Guy Beiklc-y in his lift linie and pubhaliod his Inst wil) and trstamcnl (which ia ww nn file in the Probiie Offi.-e In aiJ cuiiny)- ih;,t ihe said .lames B. G .tt inj Ph) la B. Beckley are ajipoinied in tuid will ns Execu or nnd Fxtcuirix. pmyinir ihnl ilia â lid will niay he p.-oved, allowed mi" recordad, ind thnt leiiei lni.imen'aiy ihrrron ma ba ïinnled 10 tiam- Thereupoii it ij ordered lliat ihe convideration ! sad peiiton hr poipmed ui ihe 8 h dnv of FeSiuiry nexi ai l.l o'clock A. M. of eniild.y. 01 ihe Probnte office ot Mid Cunniy, 10 ihe n I lhat ihe hcirs and all .ulier perjons interr-Ufd in aid estrile muy then nnd iMero nppenr nnd almw aun if any they have, why ihe prayet ol' the peiilioiiers abould nol e L'Ninled. And il is furiher nrrlered ibal iht pelitionors cnuse a copy of ilus order 10 be pnhüehed n ilie Signalol Liberty, u public newapnper publu 'i in ihe Cuiiniy f Wfhienaw. for three weeks euccfaniv. ly. once in ench we.k. previou 10 Ihe lime abuve nppointcd lor ihe hearing of aiiTpetitiun. ELIAS M. SKINNF.n. 351 Jud.'eof Proba ir. D!SSOLUTION, NOTJCK is herehy givsn tint the f irm liereii) eiisiiiiir under iho name of Gibson & McAIIngier ia ihi Hay dssolved hy muiual consent. All persona inHelned to th' taid firm will pleawcallaml ule wiih G. L. MoAllaatur, who is auihorizud to transact ihe business of ihe laie lirin. KEUBKN B GlDSOX GKO. L. Ma Ll VSTtR. Jiinunry 4.h, If'-iö. P. S. - G. L. McAllnalrr will c nlinue in iho milling business us usual ai ihe '-Delhi Mills." Sio DIRECT F ROM NEWJORK! GScjJ TTAVI.N'G just relurred g_3T Al 'rn" New York with Ji i)aWe" 8e'eclr(' "ssortment ffr WSÃ; "' 6ooU4jeriaining 10 bis hhi li Ha '!'"'- ls """' prepared to flAy I JwH wa'' UP" tli"s ho rnny &SLsh&Bu& fn"r l""1 wiltl n at B"""i hi old stand on Muin si., pp"?ite II. Beckera linck Siore. He i deier. nimd nul to be undersold hy any, and ninon( ï'p nriicles may be fj'jnd iho Inlluwing : Gold and Silva" Lever Watches, Lepint: and Common do , Gofd Pins and Kiugs, JMinuilure Cases, Gold Pens. with case as lowas $j&, Btuteá and Brittavta Cutidle Si.tcks, riated and Bmss Srmffers and Trays, Castors, coral Neeklaces, Kryed ná couiÃnon Flmes, Pifes, Accordeons, Violin mil slrincs. extrn Lows. finuer nosirls, Bririgea, te., GuiÃors and siringa, Music Boxes. üilver! ("Jermnn nnd lJlatid Ãpoons, fine tulli-iy, icnt inifeslinrpeners, a ij'ea' vnriety oà t.'js. perfunery, sied bag and purse clasw, mw bijud. utA jurse iwist, Bress OlocUs fbr $3, :l.'il:es. haiM ]u,her, tooih and nnil Br'',shes ; Combs, lÃtf!rts, "".or sirapf, m si ort. a great v iririy tü numeroi's la mimtion. Catl nml exnmine fiÃr ynnrselves. Clocks, waiches, and iiiiieviiucc-u u( tvery doscri.nion NEATLY REPAIRED ANO WARRANTED! N. B.- Cash paid lor old Gold & SiWrr. Ann Arbür, No, tà , l-47. 344 if "hom(eopatYy7" BLACKVVOOD & ELDR1DGE, HOMCOPATHIC PHYSICIANS, Office 011 Main s. o])posile Crane's Ulock. fTIIJIS KIRM, in prcwn ing ihcir card to ihê JL public, sulicit no niuru 1(11111 an tnlightened coiniumiiy muy arljmlge ihcir menu as phyaiciaiu 10 be deserving ui. Sipce the ntruduciiun ol HonrEOath in ihig village. it ha licMi cinsiaii(ly BHthenntr luiel in the cure of disease. and winning ihe ccinhilenca uf all who iiave Been and feit 19 eunerior efiicae over iill olhe'r syseins ol medicina in h sick tnd reaioiing Iie.iI h. The eatne regatii ia showu 10 11 wheifve. itelight urpread. But we Sl, to let the 'o tou ün.ry jmlge of the oatnrait. livaineritl of IloinccuniÃtliy lid AiipalhV- New School and Old Sc-h-ol Medicina. Lei Ãliimihy come wnh her leerb, lnncei, Migiir, cnloiveU luinine.and all her inirumem, of lonirre: Tlirn nvirk the bilW morttlii over lirr irmur, _ Look ai lheKng hst ol nnid by &LZ o be incumbÃa Whdl a feBriul per B,, f n the n,i,l âf lhe ,ââ, .â.i ihw fort of. lid OJ 8cUo ,a t!,E Ch-,fo, ,â. stance; or ydlow ,cv#r, srH,, or typhot fcvu congTtfiiona ol -.âe liwj_ hl()ss or nhdl)1)ljnn vis. jer,: black .nnsrue r rysipelas. Ac Bul bow Utlereoi .heie&iilt uhcU.t buniaoiaJliiotramanu tJer 'bijles sl;or ihav aH these Atajati at i on'e (iisiirined of llicir lernirR. 'J'hc greot fn ily of Chronic Diseasrf. too, nr lor lhe moei pnri radiciily curtd l,y Hnn.ieopa. thy. aa ihoUe.mils of living witntfxe enn beneiceiilnony. ft];,riy of whom, hk the mus,, n, the Sc ipt.ires, liad sp.nt all lbt utMM'e upon pliys:cinns lor msiiy yea.s WttkoM w-fief tuint thcy had applieii u Hiunie.ii,:ii,y. And vit there are phjmeim whu ugoct 10 m.h-t at try tliing like improleiueni io ijücürui. ,âd fhât thcir eyes agniivit il,c lihi ihai wc M'd suidt ibl in in theail of etóHg: huMing fntl ,o )u,lr j,0' they oomiftHully cry out. ' f,ti , t),âââ âf lhe; them "f0S" ' BUt "Ãy "e" 'rii'SÃ' 1"1'1 ' nijW retetapnn lor l),e rra-ptio, âr ,.,"â,â , , .! peraou cominj, lrââ, . awt, , ., ,â,.'6 ,d lh olà cm on thai (j.,y vBcnni. Ann Vilioj i' .. ). j ,4r.
S. W. Foster & Co
W. W. Dexter & Co.
Comstock & Seymour
Cook & Robinson's
Stevens & Zugg
Hallock & Raymond
La Due & Eldred
Gibson & McAllister
Blackwood & Eldridge
Old News
Signal of Liberty
William R. Perry
T. A. Haviland
W. Wilkinson
William Wagner
G. Piquette
T. H. Armstrong
S. W. Foster
C. Clark
E. G. Burger
Calvin Bliss
W. F. Spaulding
W. A. Raymond
M. Wheeler
S. D. Burnett
William S. Brown
J. W. Tillman
H. B. Marsh
Mrs. C. Buffington
J. H. Lund
J. H. Mosher
G. F. Lewis
Elias M. Skinner
Guy Beckley
James B. Gott
Phyla B. Beckley
Reuben B. Gibson
George L. McAllister