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A Singular Incident

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A late numher of the Npw York Sun contnins tho fullowing adven sment : "[f lh-i Cabman who hrnught a gentlernnn to t'ie Astor Mouse, at about eluven o'cluck this morning, fMondiv1y) wil. c-ill rit iho fiffief, nnd leave worj wiili piihpr of the derks, at whnt strekt aiiH nuinber he found the g"ni]pman, he wíl! b mnst libernlly rewardeH." This mvsterious notice SPt pveryb dv wondering and gissing. Afier a few d.iys, the mysiery was solved by the N. Y. correspondent of a Boston paper ; and ilie fu-ts, (is liepreson'e) item, mnke out rase suchns has rarely octrnrrfd in N. York, nr elewhere. Il arpear-, hy ihe Matemeut, thot n gen! c nan nrrived in N. York., dom Svracuse, wilh $15,000, tor thp purjiose o1' innking pu cliasrs. Ilai'ng eïecled hixgood;, nnd g"t his dm fis cvishe.1, 8 8tarted i'tT, wilh linee fi;ip fell.:ws, (drummer?!) npón n pree. Afier reüing prtSTfJ e!l evciter) n the siimulatiiig game f tpn pin-s - n ilifng more - ihry nxtired tha unknown regions of Chuivh and Leoiltrd Strééti - liifül, nt I:, "i)r cuntry mercliant Tound himsoll', ly my3!ijiious ap;e.icv-, leaning over fin área milinjr tl Wulker Stn e", nnd there aü cop.ciou-inR-s left him, l"g'ther wilh som'! $12,000 in ch, and S30Í) fonh in jeweli-y, a' 3 o'olock in the morning. Tho fir.-t returnbig din n if rpaion liii liim h-ird ni hout lOo'olockon Mondny irntrning, vhtn ho awoke Ni bed,nrtd glancing at liis ander and only codering, üÍK'ivored ïti nK'.tei'ial to be co.nrse Cutton, iuiead of fine lii;en ! hich, operating ('lika a brinly sansher) as sn eye-ipener, lie raised hiirnelf, sine, and fspieJ b verv füir vojtig gul roning at a side-table, while his -.Ioiles eie l,nnng vi[)(in chai is bffora the fiie. "VV'ill you liae the kindnrss to teil m, M:ss, how the liuo.e 1 cane herp V' 4Yp.c, sr; I saw you in Walker Stree', tfbollt 3 u'cloc!: in ths rmaiing. cünging to n 1 imppost, and. as yna cnjld'iit inme lo me yourresidence or das'inttioi), I took the I'bfftí of bi-ining yon to my loHgiügs - [;nd of relieving rn "f ihe b ila'ics of my inonev, tlviughl he !] Your 'lo'.hes wee ■ioilel, a wis your linen. I Invi vashed thfi one nnd rleineil tlie other, ai.d thrv wül lie reaily in a few moinenl." - '1 believé I hnd a small sum of miney abou' me last nig:it, Miss !" tjaculaied he, like a mail contciuua of hs own ruin. 'Not a erv símil sum, sir," she replied; !u! hfl'e t is, sir, with ihe watcli and jewelv.' 'Ihe geiit erna i dresed him sf 1', niid, sliping a S'100 note into lier hand, hurried doivn stnirs - ju'nped intoa cab she hai ordered ut his requet, and asoon s-t down at iho A-tor Llo.ise, nor was it, until on narrating his wondcrful escape from robberv, nnd a friend inquiring whore l his singular creaMre 1 i ei, th'it he curspd his stupidity nl not having (aken norce of the loca'.ion.