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Mr. Foster:- Sir-I am requested to acknowledge through the Signal of Liberty, the reception of a box of clothing...

Mr. Foster:- Sir-I am requested to acknowledge through the Signal of Liberty, the reception of a box of clothing... image
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Letter to the Editor
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Dexter, Jan. SJ, '48. Mr. FosTr.n. : - Sir - I am requesipd to nrknowledge ihrougli the S'gnnl nf lib"r"y. Hir n cp tion of a lo of cloihinjr, ("rom the Fmnla Anfi-Slavery Suciety r( VVpbsioi' nnd Scio, de.-igue I for th iínefit iif ihe co!ni-pd peop'e of Marh:il!, o.sthnnipr] ni $12 37. TIih arteles nro lo brtíirW ted to sijcIi ns innv ne'd trv-m ; most of tha avaiU tu be nppropriatei lownrill defrnying the p'ensö l' t h ■ ■ i r lol and houp f'r iu')lic orsh). The b') h ib b' en forwnrde'1 to Marshall, anH .Mr. Gor'i-", (ihecoloied rencher,) n behalf of ihe psople, rpqupsts me ti esf-nt their ihniikto thp. benevolfut Li I es ni Walistor and 8cio for tho kind nri'i gpnrrous d .nation