From The War

A fnend vriting from Pubh untier date of Oei. 25th. ' On the Oth rist. was Pmght the bnule ol Mu.imnnt'a in which the Imroic Cnpt Walker fe!l. Aficr the Pal] of Wnlke , th eiy was t;iken thp stars nnd tripes plmted In the Grand Plazi and thpn tthe Hark dislmnor of uur aolijifis it wns p!unr!ered - nnd no! a few Innocent citizens ivcru rriurdered n eold lilood. I L-nnf'M t triifhe I my heart t sfe in thestrepte of bf-aulifu] citv.tHe mnglcd bodes of thosp who bi)t a few hours Ijfj'ore had bfen ongiged in thp useful toil of life, lie "welieriiig in their on lilood." 'On the 9;h inst. wns fought the battle ofAllisro. Atusen is situfitpd 21 mile from this place. We ( 1,500 of us ) I mtrrhed thnt 21 mile-, tpn of which, we fou?ht uur ay, cannonaded tl e city of Ailisco lialf nn honr, in which time nbut two bundred halls nndsliells werethrown - entPied the ci'y at n charg", Iny down to sleep in the Grand Pliza after having killed two hundred nnd tiiiifteen, wounded three hundrad and tnken several pnsmiers. All this in'TediLIe sa it may appenr, we nceompüshe'i bel ween the Iioutj (.f en A. M. and en P. M." Gen. Scott h-is prornulgqted the Mloting Gcnernl Oiriers: Headquarterr opthe Army, 5 Mexico, Ã#c. 12, 1347. 5 1. The highivays of Mexico, used or aboutt.'lie usod ly the Aaiericnn troops, j heing still infes'erl in many p.nrts by those a'pieioiis Land-i called Guerrillas nnd Rcivcierns, who, under intruciions frm the late Mexican authorilÃec, continue to io'ate every rule of wafare observed by civüiz.ed nations, il has hecome npces-.nrv, in order t insiire vigor and uniformily in tho [luisuit of the evil, to annourice to all the views and instiuttion of general heudquartprs on tlie su'jct. 2. Every American post e-tiblished in Mexico will da ly push detaehments or pnirols fis far r.l pr.-ioiicable, (o disinfe-t the npiglihorliood, its roads and places of concpn'mei't. 3. No quurters will be given to known mnrJerersor robhers, whether callad guerrillas or rancheros, and wliether Ãerving nnder Mexicnn commissiona or no'. They are equnlly pests toungirded Mpxu;nn, foreigners, nnd muil pnriips of Americnns, and ought 10 bj extermina. teJ. 4. Oifenders oflha nbove charncter, nccidentally fallii.g into the haad'of tronp?, a1I ba moiniMitnrily held ns prisonerK - that is, not put to (icth without dus soleninity. Accrdingly they will be reportpd 1 1 commanding offi. 'â er., who will without deMy order n Louncfl of War, fnr the sumniitry trial of the ofienilers under the known laws of war nnpücable to siK-h cases. 5. A coundl of wnr mav consist of any number of officers, not lp8 than ihree nor moe thnn rhi-tpen, nr.d may lor any flngant violation of tl.e laws of war. condi-mn in death or to lashes. U't exfperiing B'ly, on s itmriictnrv proof that such [irisoner rrt tlip time of ca;itu o nctun'ly bilitigfd to any paity or gn"g of known robl era m mu'dprpr, or had actually comin'lld mirrier or rubberv upnn nny Arnencnii officer or soldier, or f !luer of ilie Amerifan armv. Th? sh;p C bain arrivod at New 0!enna on the 20th, with d;ites Trom Ver:i Cruzto thp SOtli uit. An nrmy trnin was on the pnint f sianing fur the Mf-xcnn Capital hfln sho lft. are al-i. received nvn davs 1 -ter Trom the city of Mexico. G'ii. Cushing's briga-te with 5 jnn-ps of ai tillery, ani 0 wng nis, Inri 'i.arched, a was kUjipo-eJ, for Sur. AnrL Tho.-t"annpp J. R. Thimpsn nrrived at New Or'eam on the evcning nf ihf llih inst. lringing Hatf f mm Brnzos to ihe 4th. S1 e brings no r.pws ff impor. tfince fi-nm Gen. Wonli la dqiinrtbrc O'rdpr bftd been issned rocouiiting ihe f. -rhearance lihbrrtQ exrcised bv the Arneri -nns t'Wards ihe Mexicnns in th pneeaution of ihe ar, which forbearanc hao bom retnniei ty 'ersrcu'ion anti abuse. The order gres on to say i!iat K vho eountennnfe guerrillas in ny wav, r fail to ghe not'ce of tlifir whcrp abouis, f known, or pny tribu:e to them sh'ill be punished with .spventy. li wru report. d at Vera Cruz, tha: Snta Anni had embarkd nt Acapulco for Bon Bias, and ihat Gen. Mejii liai leen külfd in a guerrilla a'tick on Maziiljn, with miriy otbers, who want upon a tiight expedition from Cboiula, fur the pui pose of npprehending soma Mexican ofiic-ers who werp iibtiozioijp. The skinnish resuloi it the death of seyerul Mexk'an ofÃirora. Severnl Amorioan piisoners hfid been vent to Col. Childs for exchange, by ienor Zatizns, tlie furmer Governor of Puebla, whonsked in return the li' eration of C ,1. Pavon. Col inf] CMlda refused ihe exchÃinge, as ihc Mexicns werenw very greatly indcLted fur persons lÃbera;ed. Co!. Cliilds cornpluneiited Senor Zanzeas for liis kind treatment of Aaieric;m prisoners, but declined his rcquest to exclitingf.