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W. C. Denison, O. P. Hoyt, Guy Beckley Erastus Hussey, Lonson Willcox, Samuel Higgins, J. M. Treadwell, John P. Hale, Leicester King, H. J. Cushman, Lewis Cass, 

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The Society met at Ann Arbor, Tliursday, Feb. 3, 1849. In the absence of the President, Mr. Holmes, of Wnyne Co., one of the Vice Presidents, called tho Sociely to order. Prayerby Rev. Mr. Tripp. Messrs. Geo. Millerd, 11. S. Bradley, and Rcv. IS. P. Ingersoll, were appointerl a committce lo prepare a roll of delégales, who rnported the iollowing : Wayne Co. - Hornee Hallock, S. M. Holmes-, Geo. VV. Swift, A. Worden, I. M. Swift, J. L. Dennis, H. S. Bradley, Rev. Samuel Bibbin., George DeHaptist, Wm. H. Day. Lenawee - Rev. Henry Tripp, Ira Goodnch, Franklin Jennings, Rcv. Wm. P. Russell. J. F. Dolbear, Rev. Robeit Powell, Rev. M. Allen. Kalamazoo - C. Covv'am, A. B. Cobb. Washlenaw - Rev. E. P lngersoll, George Hill, Rev P. Smith, M. H. C.wles, T. Foster, Geo. Dell, C. Bliss, Wm. Kinsley, R. Hnll, Hollis Bond, J. W. CoVlin, J. G. Baldwin, A. A. CopeInnd, Edwnrd Pbelps, Win. B. Mead, (?eorge Millerd, Munnis Kenney, A. B. Cobl), E. S. Duiihain, F. M. Lnnsing, M. F. Collins. H. Carpenter, E. S. Smiih, Rev. S. B. Noble, Sabin Felch, Munson Wleeler, John Ptboles, E. W. Shaw, Lester Jewett. ('al hou n - H. J. Cushman. Eaton- E. N. Bnrtlett. Oakland- Nathan Power, N. P. Smith, M. B. Williams, A. L. Power, Mr. Gould. Genesee - Isoac N. Robinsan. Van Buren - C. D. Grimes. Macomb - C. C. Foot. Livingston - D. R. Dixon. Jackion - Rev. S. Fleming, William Holmes. A letter from the President, Rev. W. C. Denison, wns read. A communicniion from Rev. O. P. Hoyt, one of the Executive Commitlee of Lhe State Socie'y, was rend. On motion of Mr. Dolbenr. a Business Committe", consi.-ting of Mes-sis. IneersoJJ, W. P. Russell, Oopeland, CowIps' and Power, was appointed by the Chair. A commitlee on noiïiinations,consisting of Geo. W. Swift of Wayne, A. L. Power of Oakland, Rev. Mr. Powell of Lenawee, Wm. Kinsley of Washtenaw, I. N. Robinson of Gencsee, C. D. Grimps of V;in Buren, Mr. Dixon of Livingston, Mr. Foot of Macomb, A. B. Cobb of Kalair.azoD, Rev. Mr. Fleming of Jockson, E. N.' Banlett of Enton, ar.d Mr. Cuslimnn of Calhoun (Jo , were appointed by the meeting. Rev. Mr. Ingersoll, from the Busine.-s Committee. reported the following res lution, which was unanimously, by a rising vote, :idopted. Resolved, Th at in lhe death of Rev_ Guy Beckley, this Society feels that a serious loss has been sustained, and a large chasm made in the Anti-Slarery ranks, and that we deeply sympathise with bis fnmily and fiiendsin tlieir great bereavement. The committoe reported severa' resolution, which were accepted. The following was then discussed and adopted : Wherens, our National Lcgisiature have forbidden the A frican Slave Trade by a law declaring it to be piiacy : And whereas the Slave System in the United Síntesis not inferior in criminality to the African Slnve Trade, Thereforc, Resolved, That the American governmenl have in effect ad.nitted that slaveholding is an atrocious crime. Resolved, That in every Nationnl and Siale code, and in every church code, laveholding ought to be pro'iibiled as lig'i'y criminal. Tlie committee on nominations ma'e a report, which was cMsctissed hy Messrs. Millprd, Dolbar, Cowlair, Rev. Mr. Pntvell, Rev. Mr. Tripp, and ethers, nnrl a'tr amendment it was adopted as fullows : For Oífieers for the ensuing year : For President, Erasti;s Hissev, of Calhoun Co. For Viee Presidcnts, Ilorace Hallock, of Wayne, YVilliatn C. Denkon, uf Kalamazoo, E. N. Baitlett, of Eatnp. Execjtive ComtYiiitee, S. B. Treadwell, Lonson Willcox, Samuel Higgins. Secretary, Theodore Fosler. Treasurer, J. M. Trendwell. AFTERNOON SESSION. Society met at half pasi one. Opencd by praypr. The time for the annual meeliiij wns fixed on the first Thursday of January next, and the place, Jackson. The following reolution was moved by Mr. Foote, nnd adopled : Resolved, Tliat this Sociely wiU entertain all resolutions and discussions bearing on the question ef slavery, direcily or indirectly. The following resolution was discussed by Rev. Mr. Foote of Macomb, Dr. [lili df Ann Arbor, Rev. Mr. Swift, Rev. Mr. Williams, nnd Mr. Ilallock of Wnyne : Resolved, That the nomination of John P. fíale nnd Leicester King, ns the Liberty party candidato? for President nnd Vice President of the United States, by the Buffalo Convention last October,meets the entire nnd unqualijied npprobation of the Liberiy men of Michigan, nnd that we will give il n hearly response nt the lot box next November. Alter a song by Mr. Day, of Oberlin, the Society adjourned. EVEN1NG SE8SION. Society met at CJ o'clork. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Ingersoll. Messrs. Fosler.Treadwell, and Wilcox were nppointed a commitiee to find the constitution of this Society, or provida a r.ew one, and report at the next annual m-eting. On motion, the following resolution was adopted : Resolved, That a committee of five be appointed to secure some person or persons to piiblish and edit the S'gnal of Liberly, or anotber pnper in ils jilaie for ihe bsnefit of ihe anli-slavery cause in this State. Mewra. Millerd, Cope!and, Pciwer, Cushrnan nnd Koster ivere appoinled saij coinmitlep. The debite on tho resolulion respecting the nominntion of Mr. Hale, in connect'on with nnotber (wtrch bas been taken from the Secrelary's,) was resumed by Mr, Foote, who offered the fullowing S'.ibstitutes : W herlas, the majority of the delegatinn to the Buflulo Nationnl Nominnting Convent on refused lo declare in fuvor of the permanency or general policy of the Liberty parly, hut nominaied ascandidata for t1 e Presidency, (over the hads of known and tried veterans,) a novice or confessed ignorance on fundamental antislavpry queslions, and of unknown prin. cides on the general doctrines of human governrnent, Resolved, therefore-, That we npprove ilie üuggpslion of our brethren of tlio State of New York, "thaï a National ConventioH b held in Buffalo, to commenee on the 7th day of Januarv, for the nominaron of candida;es for the Presideiicy and Vice Piesidency, known to be in favor of ihe removel of every form of politicnl oppression nnd wrong - whether itbeslavpry or taritT--, land monopoly or oath bnund secret socie'.ie--, or wha'ever ehe violnteslhe ejual rights of men. Resolved, Tliat this Convpniion appoint as rmny delegnle to ntteni said convention nstiie State is entiiled to votes in tlie electoral college. The 8l-tit'jtes wern discussed by Messrs. I3art!ett, Ingersull, Cowlam end Fonte, and wpre lost by a very large mnjority. Tlie lesolutinn wai tl.en ad pled. Ths rrsolution respecting the Slnve Trade, laid pon the table in the morning, wis spoken to by M r. Day of Oberlir and unanimously adojited. Mr. Day also pre.=ented tha foüowing, which were adopted. Vheres=, as anti-slavery mnn of the Stite of Michigan, we believe firmly in doctrines set for;h in the Declaratron ox American Iudependence ; that all men areereated free and equal, nnd endowed by their creator with certain inalienabl) riglit?, omong wliich are life, liberty and thepursuit oi happiness ; thal lo s?cure these riglits, governments are iislituted among men, denving tlieir just powers fïom tlie consent of the governed ; und as gnvernment is a trust lo be executd lor the benefit of al!, and as ts legitímate ends are the prese:vntion of peace, the establishment of justice, the punishment of ctime, and the security of right : - and as our republican form of government is f.itinded upon those broad and noble principies that assert that taxation nnd representaron should go together : and Wherens, the third clnuse of the first article of the Constitution of Michigan expresfly declares, that "no man or set ofmennre cntitled to separate or exclusive privileges :" Therefore, be'it Resolved, That we enter our solemn protest agninst the word "while" enribodied in the firsl clause of ihe second article of the Stnte Constitution, which providps for all whiti male citizens the exclusive nnd separate privilege of the exerfMse of the elective franchise. Resolved, Th-it as far and as soon as we can, we will in our several towns one and all, once more in the words of the nnnexed petilion, ask the Legislature of Michigan now Msembled, to extend tlie freo exercise of the olective franchise 10 nll the male citizens within t 'ie State without regard to color. PBTI riON To the Honorable Señale and House of Rcprcsenlalices of the State of Michigan: The unciersigned, legal voler of lbo Staie of Michigan, lio'icv :, . . ,} ,n the doctrines set forth in the Declarntion of American lndependence : that nll men :ire boni free ond eqinl, and endowed by their creator with cert.iin inalienable righto, among which nre life, liborty, and llie pursuit of hnppiness, - that !o secure these rights. governments are instituled among men, deriving iheir jusi powers fromihe consent ofUie governeil, and ns governmpnt is a trust to be p.xecuted for the benefit of all, - gnd as its legitímate enris are tho prpservaiion of pcace, tha estiibli hment of justice, the punishment of crime, nnd the security of right, ond as our repuhlic:an form of gnverninent is foumied upon those broad and noble principies that assert that taxation nnd repre. scntiuion sljould go logethcr : We ther. fore prayyour honorable body to tnke the necessnry steps for the amendment of the Constitution so ns to extend the (ree exercise of the electiva franchise to all the mrxle citizens within the State, without regard to color. And your petitioners, a in duty bound, will ever pray, &c. Resolved, That in the event of a f;iilure to secure, at the present session of the Legislnture, the free exercise of fhe elective fVaritíliNe in Michigan without regird to colorj we will urge and assist the colored men of Michigan to have the legalily or the constitutionality of the clause oppressing them tested and their rights acknowlfidged by the diflercnl courts in ths SiaJs. Adjourned. FridaT, Féb. 4, 1848. Meeting was opened by prayer. Mr. Millerd f rom Comniittee on the Signal reported the following preamble and resolutions : Whereas intimation has been given to thisSociety, that ihe Signn] ofLiberty will be discontinuad by iis present publisher: - Therefore resolved, That the Signal Ie continned, or that a r.ew paper be established tobe theorganof the Liberty party of this State os soon as arrangeinents can bc made for that purpose. Resolved, That a collection be taken up for the purpose of proeuring an agent to obtain subscribers for said paper. The report of the Committee was accepted and adopted. A collection was Ihen taken up for that purpose, amounting to Cash Í18, Pledges,'S2,75. On motion of EI. J. Cushman, Resolved, That tiiis Society invite Volunteers who will cali meetings in their several localitie.s, ob:ain subscribers to and donations for the Liberty paper which is tobe lite organ of the partyend use every exertion to place tlie Paper on a perrmnent and prooperoiu basis. On motion of M.H. C )wle-, Resolved, That the thanks of ihis Society be tendered to .ir. Foster for the rery able, failhful and satisfactory manner in which he has heretofore conducled the Sigiinl of Liberty. The fullowing Resolutions, reporled by the Business Commillee, were adoptad : Resolved - That our present war upon Mexico is a war of nggression on the part of the United States - unnecessary, ■unjust, and consequentally, impolilic - ïhat il hid iis origin in the antiexation nf Texas lo the United Siates, with the avowed object of the ndministralion, of ■extending and porpetuating slavery,&. ihat it is the duty of our Senators and Reprefentntives in Congress, by witliholding the means of carrying it on to bring it lo as speedy n close as possibly. Resolved - Thnt the course of Senator. Unie, in regard lo the Ten Regimenl Bill of Lewis Cass, is exnctly in accordance with the wishes of the Liberty men of Michigan and ihat he ought to lio iustained by ei'ery American cili7,en, who values the honor, and dignity, and welfiire of his country aVove ihe inircenary schemes of ts uupi incipled politicians. Resolved, Thnt a memorial to th Legii-lnturp, expre.ssing the views of thin Kociely on the rocapture of Fugitivp ÍSlnves n t his State, be signed by the ofücers of thi meeting, nnd be forwarded to the Legislature at Michigan. Resolved, Tliat the thatiks of tliis meeting be presented to the citizens of Ann Arbor for their hospitality nnd kiodnses to us at this Anniversary. The Society then adjournrd. Vice President. Theodore Foster, Secretnry.