The Cholera

Mr. Uerapaih, a liighlv i-espectable nnd scientific physician of Bfistol, Englaad, has pnblishe) in the LonJon Times, the resultof hisexpenmenls upon the epidem. C, with Valüable suggpstiotis fur iú r. vonlion. "In 1833, as a cliemist I laid myself nut fora close exÃtrtifialion nto thecaus", morie of pro;)ngation, and the check for the cholera. this purpose I obtained inlofmation of, and Visited in persoii; all thfi earliest cnsrü which showed thetn.selves in the city generally, nnd in eich great public CÃlablislirnent in parlicular. For sometime I nttpnded almost daily at ihe cholera hospitnls. anrl experament"d in every way I could ihink of, upon the o'ead and living sudjVcis, thpir contPiits and their rjeca, the ninrtsphera sun-ounding them, anrl their .-ifticles of cluthing. The conclusión 1 have nrrived Ãt, I forwdrd for ihe ihformalion of Ãhose who have not had ihe same opportunities. "Thnl toe cnuáe of the cholera ià n puirid animal poison, ca pable of being recognized y the smell by sornp, e mana ting from and surrounding the dead or living cholera subjeclor articlesof clolhing. "That it is only recsived into the living boiJy through the lungs, and crnnol be prnpngnted by fnuculation. "That infeclion can be conveyed by articlesof clothing, bedding, &c. ; nnd that Wa-he:woiTien are more subject to infecljon than o.-dinary persons from the causp. "Thnt al) persons nre not equally liable to infection from equal expospur1, rtnd even the same individual beromes tti'ire senj-iiive under certnin circumtnncps. "That the poison is drstroyed by Chlorine Gas, and a heat of 310 tle". Fahrenheit."
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