TRETON PUPPET BOARD OF TRUSTEES MARCH 2021 MEETING AGENDA 21-035 I. CALL TO ORDER 21-036 II. ATTENDANCE 21-037 III. APPROVAL OF AGENDA (Item of action) Roll Call Vote 21-038 IV. CONSENT AGENDA (Item of action) Roll Call Vote CA-1 Approval of Minutes of Feb 2021 Meeting CA-2 Proscenium Licensing Approvals CA-3 Ventrilorequisitions 21-039 V. PUPPET CITIZENS' COMMENTS 21-040 VI. FINANCIAL REPORT Belinda Stormcrow, Treasurer 21-041 VII. COMMITTEE REPORTS 21-042 A. ZONING BOARD OF ALL SEALS John P. Walrus, Chair Baabara Braadley Peanut T. Puppy 21-043 B. ARBOREAL ESTATE COMMITTEE Belinda Stormcrow, Chair Sylvester T. Snail Bobby E. Lipps 21-044 VIII. SAUROPOD MAYOR'S REPORT Diana Dyneau, The Right Honorable Sauropod Mayor of Treton 21-045 IX. NEW BUSINESS 21-046 A. BISONTENNIAL PREPARATIONS Belinda Stormcrow, Treasurer (Item of Discussion) 21-047 B. RESOLUTION TO FORMALLY DESIGNATE SCIURIDAE AS A CRYPTID FAMILY Charles Munk (Item of discussion & action) (Roll Call Vote) 21-048 C. RESOLUTION TO ESTABLISH A WORLD-CLASS SKIJORING TRAINING FACILITY AND DECLARE TRETON "THE INTERNATIONAL CITY OF SKIJORING" Bobby E. Lipps (Item of discussion & action) (Roll Call Vote) 21-049 X. OLD BUSINESS 21-050 XI. PUPPET CITIZENS' COMMENTS 21-051 XII. ADJOURNMENT TRETON PUPPET BOARD OF TRUSTEES CITY OF TRETON A FAKE CITY IN MICHIGAN RESOLUTION 21-047 RESOLUTION TO DECLARE THE FAMILY SCURIDAE TO BE CRYPTID Minutes of a regular meeting of the Puppet Board of Trustees of the City of Treton in the County of Whatshentaw, Michigan, held in the City on the 8th of March, 2021, at 7 PM: PRESENT: ABSENT: WHEREAS, Squirrels, Groundhogs, Marmots, and other members of the family Scuridae are super mysterious, just ask anyone; and WHEREAS, the most famous animal psychic on earth is immediately identifiable as a hardy member of the Scuridae family; and WHEREAS, there are so many mysterious legends and rumors about Scuridae, nobody is certain that they really exist at all; therefore THE BOARD RESOLVES: 1.) That all members of the Family Scuridae are hereby declared to be Cryptids. 2.) That all the rights and responsibilities of Cryptids shall be bestowed onto all members of the Family Scuridae. 3.) That all befuddlement provisions of the Cryptid Code are hereby designated to apply to any device from which Cryptids, include Scuridae, take feed. 4.) That all resolutions and parts of resolutions that conflict with the provisions of this resolution are rescinded. A roll call vote on the foregoing resolution was taken and was as follows: EYES: NEIGHS: RESOLUTION DECLARED ADOPTED. __________________________ Charles Munk, Board Secretary TRETON PUPPET BOARD OF TRUSTEES CITY OF TRETON A FAKE CITY IN MICHIGAN RESOLUTION 21-048 RESOLUTION TO ESTABLISH A WORLD-CLASS SKIJORING TRAINING FACILITY AND DECLARE TRETON "THE INTERNATIONAL CITY OF SKIJORING" Minutes of a regular meeting of the Puppet Board of Trustees of the City of Treton in the County of Whatshentaw, Michigan, held ing the City on the 8th of March, 2021, at 7 PM: PRESENT: ABSENT: WHEREAS, Skijoring is a vibrant and growing sporting community, bringing together animals, avians, cephalopods, and more; and WHEREAS, Treton is poised to seize its rightful place at the top of the meteoric Skijoring Circuit Industry; and WHEREAS, if the Treton Puppet Board of Trustees fails to act TONIGHT this opportunity will slip from our appendages FOREVER; therefore THE BOARD RESOLVES: 1.) To recognize the inevitable truth that Treton is destined to be the center of all Skijoring Activity in Whatshetnaw County. 2.) To dedicate any and all funding necessary to acquire and construct a WORLD-CLASS Skijoring Training Center and Economic Wowza Zone. 3.) That in the interest of local benefit, only local Skijoring Industry vendors already established in Whatshetnaw County may bid on Skijoring Training Center-related contracts. 4.) To declare that the City of Treton is formally, and hereafter, "The International City of Skijoring". 5.) That all resolutions and parts of resolutions that conflict with the provisions of this resolution are rescinded. A roll call vote on the foregoing resolution was taken and was as follows: EYES: NEIGHS: RESOLUTION DECLARED ADOPTED. __________________________ Charles Munk, Board Secretary PUPPET CITIZENS' COMMENTS - REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE PUPPET BOARD 1. Join the meeting live on zoom to make a live puppet comment 2. Or send your video comment to 3. Or watch live on youtube and type your comment in the chat. 4. PUPPETS ONLY. NO HUMANS. 5. PLEASE COMMENT ON PUPPET / AGENDA ISSUES ONLY. NO HUMAN CONCERNS. TRETON PUPPET BOARD OF TRUSTEES Buford T. Bullfrog Baabara Braadley John P. Walrus Charles Munk Belinda Stormcrow Bobby E. Lipps Peanut T. Puppy 2021 OFFICERS President.........Buford T. Bullfrog Vice President....John P. Walrus Treasurer.........Belinda Stormcrow Secretary.........Charles Munk ADMINISTRATION Diana Dyneau.........The Right Honorable Sauropod Mayor of Treton Herschel Nappstein............................Executive Assistant Treton A Fake Town in Michigan Puppet Board of Trustees 343 3/8ths South Fifth Ave. Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104