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Bas Relief, Two Baboons, Literature, Science, and the Arts Building, 500 S State St, May 15, 2016

Bas Relief, Two Baboons, Literature, Science, and the Arts Building, 500 S State St, May 15, 2016 image

'The subjects of the seven stone reliefs are Naturalist, Adventurers, Scientists, Musicians, Hiawatha, Aesop’s Fables and a Student Motif. The 30 smaller reliefs of aluminum represent various subjects including God, Nature, and Man. Many of the reliefs are purely decorative, and two groups of baboons symbolizing Music and Science are just for fun. Fredericks is also the sculptor of the two larger bronze reliefs formerly on the east facade of LSA and now at Bentley Historical Library, Dream of the Young Girl and Dream of the Young Man. Fredericks, who worked as an assistant to Carl Milles at Cranbrook and taught there ten years, is also the sculptor of the American Eagle at Michigan Stadium, and the bas reliefs on the Rackham Educational Memorial in Detroit, as well as bronze busts of several prominent faculty members.'

Rights Held By
Steve Jensen