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Sculpture, Leaven, Along the Walls of E Stadium Blvd by the Ann Arbor Golf & Outing Club, September 22, 2020

Sculpture, Leaven, Along the Walls of E Stadium Blvd by the Ann Arbor Golf & Outing Club, September 22, 2020 image

‘The vine-like relief sculpture mimics and magnifies the adjacent elements of Stadium Boulevard's streetscape. It also mediates the contrast between the site's natural green elements and the newly built concrete environment. Using a running pattern of diamond-oriented aluminum "leaves," Leaven reflects and translates the movement of clouds, trees, cars, and people into a diffused and softened illusion of rustling leaves. In addition to softening and scattering incoming light, the aluminum's anodized finish prevents rusting and eliminates heat/burn hazards. Incoming light is also unlikely to come from vehicles given the installation's placement parallel to the roadway.’

City of Ann Arbor Public Art Tour (Public Art Commission)

Rights Held By
Steve Jensen