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Ron Wilde - AAHS Track & Field Pole Vaulting vs Jackson HS, April 1955

Ron Wilde - AAHS Track & Field Pole Vaulting vs Jackson HS, April 1955 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, April 30, 1955
AND UP THEY GO: Ann Arbor High Pole Vaulters Ron Wilde (left) and Bruce Schneeberger show how they start on the way to clearing 10 feet 9 inches in their specialties. The efforts were good enough to bring them shares of second place.

Ann Arbor High School Track Team, May 1953

Ann Arbor High School Track Team, May 1953 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, May 16, 1953
ADD TO PIONEER COLLECTION OF TRACK TITLES: Here is the Ann Arbor High track squad which has already won the Five-A League championship and today went out after the regional crown. Ann Arbor's hopes for team victory were dim today because of the presence of Flint Northern, favorite for state Class A honors, in the Wines Field meet. Front row, left to right: Dick Sleet, Bill Koch, Marv Baker, Joe Bone, Don Koch, Bruce Rockman, Hathaway Gulley, John Batsakes. Second row, left to right: Coach Tim Ryan, Bill Thomas, Stuart May, Ernie Delco, Larry Antieau, Bob Evans, Milt Theros, Hugh Correll, Richard Mayer, Assistant Coach Hank Fonde. Third row, left to right: Ron Wilde, Tom Leith, Wardell Gillespie, Howard Reindel, Dave Dingman, Art Clark, Bill Ackmoody, Jerry Leith, Lionel Jackson. Back row, left to right: Elmer Rush, Jim Taylor, Jack Burbridge, George Batsakes, Doug Pittman, Ed Gallagher, Dick Jackson, John Wessinger, Don Cheatham, Ralph Smith

Ann Arbor Finishes Fifth In Six - A Meet

Ann Arbor Finishes Fifth In Six - A Meet image
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