Gov. Thomas E. Dewey and Frances Hutt Dewey Meet Students at the Union During University of Michigan Campus Tour, July 1947 Photographer: Maiteland Robert La Motte
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Gov. Thomas E. Dewey and Family Meet University of Michigan Student Richard Ando of Hawaii, July 1947 Photographer: Maiteland Robert La Motte
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, August 1, 1947
Hawaiian Student Meets Celebrities: One of the most surprised persons in Ann Arbor yesterday was Richard E. Ando, University medical student from Honolulu, Hawaii. He was strolling along the street when Gov. Dewey's party passed by, stopped, and was introduced by Arthur L. Brandon, director of the University's information services. Eleven-year-old John Dewey is shaking hands with Ando, while behind John is Thomas E. jr., 14. Brandon stands at Ando's side.
Ann Arbor News, August 1, 1947
Hawaiian Student Meets Celebrities: One of the most surprised persons in Ann Arbor yesterday was Richard E. Ando, University medical student from Honolulu, Hawaii. He was strolling along the street when Gov. Dewey's party passed by, stopped, and was introduced by Arthur L. Brandon, director of the University's information services. Eleven-year-old John Dewey is shaking hands with Ando, while behind John is Thomas E. jr., 14. Brandon stands at Ando's side.
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Gov. Thomas E. Dewey and Sons Tour University of Michigan West Quad, July 1947 Photographer: Maiteland Robert La Motte
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, August 1, 1947
In Dormitory Room: John and Tom Dewey, jr., were anxious to see some dormitory rooms during their tour of the campus. So the party, complete with photographers, guards and sightseers, stopped off at West Quad and visited the room of Sam Stinson of Ona, West Va., and Edward Hunker of Port Huron.
Ann Arbor News, August 1, 1947
In Dormitory Room: John and Tom Dewey, jr., were anxious to see some dormitory rooms during their tour of the campus. So the party, complete with photographers, guards and sightseers, stopped off at West Quad and visited the room of Sam Stinson of Ona, West Va., and Edward Hunker of Port Huron.
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Gov. Thomas E. Dewey's Tour of University of Michigan Includes Medical Building, July 1947 Photographer: Maiteland Robert La Motte
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Gov. Thomas E. Dewey and Family Greeted at Michigan Union, July 1947 Photographer: Maiteland Robert La Motte
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Gov. Thomas E. Dewey Greeted By University of Michigan President Alexander G. Ruthven, July 1947 Photographer: Maiteland Robert La Motte
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, August 1, 1947
Ruthven Greets Dewey: Alexander G. Ruthven greeted Gov. Dewey as he arrived at the Michigan Union yesterday noon. The president of the University was host at a luncheon at the Union attended by regents, executive officers and their wives and the Dewey family. Later many of the New York governor's friends greeted him at a private reception in the Union.
Ann Arbor News, August 1, 1947
Ruthven Greets Dewey: Alexander G. Ruthven greeted Gov. Dewey as he arrived at the Michigan Union yesterday noon. The president of the University was host at a luncheon at the Union attended by regents, executive officers and their wives and the Dewey family. Later many of the New York governor's friends greeted him at a private reception in the Union.
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Gov. Thomas E. Dewey and Frances Hutt Dewey Visit University of Michigan Campus, July 1947 Photographer: Maiteland Robert La Motte
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Gov. Thomas E. Dewey Notes Big Changes To University of Michigan Campus Since 1921, July 1947 Photographer: Maiteland Robert La Motte
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, August 1, 1947
Things Have Changed: Wherever he went yesterday on his tour of the campus, Dewey exclaimed at the manifold changes that have come over the University. Above he listens reflectively while Daily Co-Managing Editor John Campbell tells him what the publication is like nowadays. The tour was taken, Dewey said, to "sell" his son, Tom, on the University.
Ann Arbor News, August 1, 1947
Things Have Changed: Wherever he went yesterday on his tour of the campus, Dewey exclaimed at the manifold changes that have come over the University. Above he listens reflectively while Daily Co-Managing Editor John Campbell tells him what the publication is like nowadays. The tour was taken, Dewey said, to "sell" his son, Tom, on the University.
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Gov. Thomas E. Dewey Visits Michigan Daily Offices, July 1947 Photographer: Maiteland Robert La Motte
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, August 1, 1947
Telegraph Editor Returns: Back in 1923 the Michigan Daily had a telegraph editor named Thomas Dewey, a student with some promise as a singer. Yesterday he returned with his wife and two sons for another look at the campus, including his old spot at the Daily. The governor of New York, 1944 Republican presidential candidate and possible GOP choice for 1948 is shown above with some of the Daily editors. Left to right: Stuart Finlayson, Dewey, Mrs. Frances Hutt Dewey, son, John, 11, and John Campbell.
Ann Arbor News, August 1, 1947
Telegraph Editor Returns: Back in 1923 the Michigan Daily had a telegraph editor named Thomas Dewey, a student with some promise as a singer. Yesterday he returned with his wife and two sons for another look at the campus, including his old spot at the Daily. The governor of New York, 1944 Republican presidential candidate and possible GOP choice for 1948 is shown above with some of the Daily editors. Left to right: Stuart Finlayson, Dewey, Mrs. Frances Hutt Dewey, son, John, 11, and John Campbell.
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Gov. Thomas E. Dewey and Sons Tour the University of Michigan Law Quad, July 1947 Photographer: Maiteland Robert La Motte
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, August 1, 1947
A Look At The Law Quad: Although Dewey took his law degree at Columbia, he was especially interested yesterday in the University law School, which he termed "magnificent." He went through the Lawyers' Club, inspected the law library and asked about some of his acquaintances in the law faculty. The jaunt proved a field day for amateur photographers, one of whom is shown at right. At this stage of the two-hour tour, Mrs. Dewey was visiting the Clements Library.
Ann Arbor News, August 1, 1947
A Look At The Law Quad: Although Dewey took his law degree at Columbia, he was especially interested yesterday in the University law School, which he termed "magnificent." He went through the Lawyers' Club, inspected the law library and asked about some of his acquaintances in the law faculty. The jaunt proved a field day for amateur photographers, one of whom is shown at right. At this stage of the two-hour tour, Mrs. Dewey was visiting the Clements Library.
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