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Pauline Acres Women's Club Plans For 12th Annual Dinner-Dance - "A Paris Happening", February 1966 Photographer: Doug Fulton

Pauline Acres Women's Club Plans For 12th Annual Dinner-Dance - "A Paris Happening", February 1966 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, February 22, 1966
Decorations which will lend the atmosphere of a Parisian cafe to the Grotto Club Saturday occupy the attention of Pauline Acres Women's Club members preparing for the group's annual dinner dance. Working with floral arrangements are (from left) Mrs. Richard Raab, Mrs. Herbert Hildebrandt and Mrs. George Conn.

Pauline Acres Women's Club Plans For 14th Annual Dinner-Dance - "La Rosa", February 1968 Photographer: Doug Fulton

Pauline Acres Women's Club Plans For 14th Annual Dinner-Dance - "La Rosa", February 1968 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, February 21, 1968
"La Rosa" is the theme chosen by the Pauline Acres Women's Club for its 14th annual dinner-dance Saturday evening. The Grotto Club on Stadium Boulevard will be the scene of the 7:30 p.m. event. Mrs. Roger P. Stein (left), program chairman, and Mrs. George A. Conn, decorations chairman, put finishing touches on decorations for the party. Mrs. Allen J. Eschelbach is chairman of the planning and publicity committee, and Mrs. Richard N. Sarns, club president, is co-ordinator of all committees.