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Civil Aeronautics Administration and Ann Arbor Public School Officials Meet at Carpenter School, May 1953

Civil Aeronautics Administration and Ann Arbor Public School Officials Meet at Carpenter School, May 1953 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, May 12, 1953
Teachers, representatives from the county superintendent's office and the Civil Aeronautics Administration met yesterday at the Carpenter School, near Washtenaw and Carpenter Rds. to discuss courses in aviation which will be taught at that school next fall. Shown addressing the teachers (left to right, with back to camera) are Dr. Forest G. Averill, assistant superintendent of schools at Lansing, Horace S. Gilbert of the CAA, Fred Waite of the Michigan Department of Aeronautics and Dr. Lewis Beeson of the Michigan Historical Commission. Sponsors for the meeting were Julius Haab, county superintendent of schools and his assistant, Howard Thayer.