Frank Hait Mows His Lawn, April 1948 Photographer: Eck Stanger
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Ann Arbor News, April 30, 1948
Mowing the lawn is one of the more onerous of spring and summer duties, especially around Ann Arbor, a city long noted for its beautiful yards. Here, Frank Hait, of 1201 Brooklyn Ave., gets an early start on the grass around his porch, and, for the first time in 1948, mows his lawn.
Ann Arbor News, April 30, 1948
Mowing the lawn is one of the more onerous of spring and summer duties, especially around Ann Arbor, a city long noted for its beautiful yards. Here, Frank Hait, of 1201 Brooklyn Ave., gets an early start on the grass around his porch, and, for the first time in 1948, mows his lawn.
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Life In Ann Arbor Town: Yes, It's Spring
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Crocuses In The Dumond Garden on Morton Avenue, March 1938
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Ann Arbor News, March 21, 1938
ANN ARBOR'S FLOWER SHOW IS OPENING: The sunshine of last week opened in broad smiles the crocuses all over town. The cluster above, nestling in a corner of the garden of Prof. and Mrs. Dwight L. Dumond on Morton Ave., is one of the earliest each year. It signals the opening of the grand parade of blossoms in Ann Arbor gardens, the flower show that is not limited by the acres in a display hall nor by the dates of a program, but one that will bring joy for the next six months to everyone on the street and that will be climaxed by the all-city show to be held the second week in June.
Ann Arbor News, March 21, 1938
ANN ARBOR'S FLOWER SHOW IS OPENING: The sunshine of last week opened in broad smiles the crocuses all over town. The cluster above, nestling in a corner of the garden of Prof. and Mrs. Dwight L. Dumond on Morton Ave., is one of the earliest each year. It signals the opening of the grand parade of blossoms in Ann Arbor gardens, the flower show that is not limited by the acres in a display hall nor by the dates of a program, but one that will bring joy for the next six months to everyone on the street and that will be climaxed by the all-city show to be held the second week in June.
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Raymond Family Prepares Traditional Korean Meal, May 1966 Photographer: Eck Stanger
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Ann Arbor News, May 31, 1966
Traditional Meal Beneath Apple Blossoms: In Korea, it is a tradition to serve a dinner beneath blossoming fruit trees. Following that custom on their backyard picnic table are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Raymond of 611 Sunset with their daughters, Natasha (from left) and Nyra. There is an old Korean saying that a meal for a guest should include something from the sea, from the mountains and from the field. Mrs. Raymond serves short ribs, a fish dish and asparagus.
Ann Arbor News, May 31, 1966
Traditional Meal Beneath Apple Blossoms: In Korea, it is a tradition to serve a dinner beneath blossoming fruit trees. Following that custom on their backyard picnic table are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Raymond of 611 Sunset with their daughters, Natasha (from left) and Nyra. There is an old Korean saying that a meal for a guest should include something from the sea, from the mountains and from the field. Mrs. Raymond serves short ribs, a fish dish and asparagus.
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Mrs. Raymond and Daughters Serve Traditional Korean Meal, May 1966 Photographer: Eck Stanger
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Robin & Christine Bailey Pack Snowballs On The First Day Of Spring, March 1956
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Ann Arbor News, March 20, 1956
SPRING SNOWBALLS: Spring arrived officially in Ann Arbor today but it was the stuff of winter that provided pleasure for little going-to-schoolers. Here, Robin Alice Bailey, 6 (left), and her eight-year-old sister, Christine Ann, pack snowballs. They live at 1111 White St. Rising temperatures were predicted for this afternoon under sunny skies.
Ann Arbor News, March 20, 1956
SPRING SNOWBALLS: Spring arrived officially in Ann Arbor today but it was the stuff of winter that provided pleasure for little going-to-schoolers. Here, Robin Alice Bailey, 6 (left), and her eight-year-old sister, Christine Ann, pack snowballs. They live at 1111 White St. Rising temperatures were predicted for this afternoon under sunny skies.
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Spring Snowballs
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Modeling new spring fashions in the Law Quad, March 1969 Photographer: Jack Stubbs
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Ann Arbor News, March 16, 1969
The fashion look for Spring '69 is a free-wheeling loo of individuality. Ann Arbor style-setters will go everywhere and anywhere in pants, but at all times the pants will be soft and feminine. The Spring scene shows the look of separates -- a put-yourself-together look that stems from the influence of today's young people. For more insight into the spring fashion picture, flip through the following pages.
Ann Arbor News, March 16, 1969
The fashion look for Spring '69 is a free-wheeling loo of individuality. Ann Arbor style-setters will go everywhere and anywhere in pants, but at all times the pants will be soft and feminine. The Spring scene shows the look of separates -- a put-yourself-together look that stems from the influence of today's young people. For more insight into the spring fashion picture, flip through the following pages.
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Modeling Spring Fashions, March 1969 Photographer: Jack Stubbs
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Modeling Spring Fashions, March 1969 Photographer: Jack Stubbs
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