Philip & Harriet McCallum At The Home Of Elizabeth & Alan Foust, April 1940 Photographer: Eck Stanger
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, April 6, 1940
DINNER GUESTS LEAVING FOR EASTER BALL: Mr. and Mrs. Philip McCallum of 334 E. Jefferson St. (left) among the guests at a small dinner given last night by Dr. and Mrs. Alan S. Foust (right) at their home on Wallingford Rd., and after the dinner, the party attended the Easter ball held in the Michigan Union. Mrs. McCallum, who was Harriet Heath before her marriage last month, wore a delft blue taffeta formal with a red rose in her hair and red slippers. Her hostess is the former Elizabeth Aigler and was married last fall. Her formal gown was of chiffon in a stripe of many colors.
Ann Arbor News, April 6, 1940
DINNER GUESTS LEAVING FOR EASTER BALL: Mr. and Mrs. Philip McCallum of 334 E. Jefferson St. (left) among the guests at a small dinner given last night by Dr. and Mrs. Alan S. Foust (right) at their home on Wallingford Rd., and after the dinner, the party attended the Easter ball held in the Michigan Union. Mrs. McCallum, who was Harriet Heath before her marriage last month, wore a delft blue taffeta formal with a red rose in her hair and red slippers. Her hostess is the former Elizabeth Aigler and was married last fall. Her formal gown was of chiffon in a stripe of many colors.
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Philip & Harriet McCallum At The Home Of Elizabeth & Alan Foust, April 1940 Photographer: Eck Stanger
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Easter Ball Committee meeting, April 1938 Photographer: Eck Stanger
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, April 18, 1938
BUSY WITH LAST-MINUTE DETAILS FOR EASTER BALL TOMORROW: Many a final detail that will make the Easter ball at the Michigan Union tomorrow night the notable social event of the season, remained to be done after the return of vacationers this week-end. Mrs. Willett F. Ramsdell, chairman of the midnight supper (at the left), is helping Mrs. Laurence C. Sturart who has a large committee selling tickets, to make a final check of the possible attendance in order to complete her supper orders. Also interested in the number expected, is Mrs. Henry Lewis (at the right) chairman of bridge for the evening.
Ann Arbor News, April 18, 1938
BUSY WITH LAST-MINUTE DETAILS FOR EASTER BALL TOMORROW: Many a final detail that will make the Easter ball at the Michigan Union tomorrow night the notable social event of the season, remained to be done after the return of vacationers this week-end. Mrs. Willett F. Ramsdell, chairman of the midnight supper (at the left), is helping Mrs. Laurence C. Sturart who has a large committee selling tickets, to make a final check of the possible attendance in order to complete her supper orders. Also interested in the number expected, is Mrs. Henry Lewis (at the right) chairman of bridge for the evening.
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Chairman Of The Easter Ball
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Mabel Nesbit, March 1940 Photographer: Eck Stanger
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, March 8, 1940
CHAIRMAN OF THE EASTER BALL: Mrs. Reed M. Nesbit of Hill St. is general chairman of the Easter ball sponsored by the League of St. Andrew, to be held on Friday night, April 5, in the Michigan Union ballrooms.
Ann Arbor News, March 8, 1940
CHAIRMAN OF THE EASTER BALL: Mrs. Reed M. Nesbit of Hill St. is general chairman of the Easter ball sponsored by the League of St. Andrew, to be held on Friday night, April 5, in the Michigan Union ballrooms.
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Easter Ball Committee meeting at Mary Olmstead's, 1938 Photographer: Eck Stanger
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At the Easter Ball, April 19, 1938 Photographer: Eck Stanger
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Easter Ball Committee meeting at Mary Olmstead's, 1938 Photographer: Eck Stanger
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Easter Ball Committee Chairmen Meet At The Home Of Mrs. Klingman, February 1937
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, February 27, 1937
EASTER BALL COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN: Shown above are the chairmen of various committees who are making plans for the annual Easter balls for the benefit of the President's polio fund. The photograph was taken today (Feb. 27, 1937) at the home of Mrs. Theophil Klingman on Fair Oaks Pkwy. They are (left to right) Mrs. W. W. Newcomb, Mrs. Laurence C. Stuart, Mrs. Albert C. Furstenberg, Mrs. Willett Ramsdell, Mrs. C. T. Olmstead, Mrs. Klingmann and Mrs. H. Seger Slifer.
Ann Arbor News, February 27, 1937
EASTER BALL COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN: Shown above are the chairmen of various committees who are making plans for the annual Easter balls for the benefit of the President's polio fund. The photograph was taken today (Feb. 27, 1937) at the home of Mrs. Theophil Klingman on Fair Oaks Pkwy. They are (left to right) Mrs. W. W. Newcomb, Mrs. Laurence C. Stuart, Mrs. Albert C. Furstenberg, Mrs. Willett Ramsdell, Mrs. C. T. Olmstead, Mrs. Klingmann and Mrs. H. Seger Slifer.
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