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Violence By Teens On Rise

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Ann Arbor Police Department Counts Funds Raised Through "Pig Bowl" To Aid Needy Children, December 1969 Photographer: Cecil Lockard

Ann Arbor Police Department Counts Funds Raised Through "Pig Bowl" To Aid Needy Children, December 1969 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, December 6, 1969
Pig Bowl Proceeds - The first annual Pig Bowl -- a football game between the Ann Arbor Police Department and the Sheriff's Department to be played Sunday on Briggs Field at Eastern Michigan University -- has already produced toys and money from local persons interested in aiding needy children. Left to right, Police Chief Walter E. Krasny checks with Police Secretary Hildur Wickman money received from the sale of 2,000 tickets for the game; Patrolman David Jachalke, Mrs. Elaine Allen and Lt. Kenneth B. Klinge, all of the Police-Community Relations staff, check over some of the toys to be given to area children at Christmas. (Ann Arbor News Photo by Cecil Lockard)

Ann Arbor Police Recruits Practice With Firearms, March 1967 Photographer: Duane Scheel

Ann Arbor Police Recruits Practice With Firearms, March 1967 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, March 20, 1967
Recruits Learn Firearm Techniques: These six Ann Arbor Police Department patrolman recruits prepare to fire revolvers on the indoor range in the basement of City Hall as part of their six-week training program. They are scheduled to be in uniform by mid-April. Left to right are David Jachalke, Daniel Cook, Robert Shankleton, George Chapman, William Tommelein and Richard Mantey. The Police Department is currently a dozen men short of full strength.

Weapons To Be Displayed, May 1969

Weapons To Be Displayed, May 1969 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, May 8, 1969
"Various weapons confiscated by the Ann Arbor Police Department are examined by (left to right) officers David Gray, Robert Flynn and David Jachalke in preparation for Sunday's open house."