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Ypsilanti City Street Department Spruced Up By Employees, July 1959

Ypsilanti City Street Department Spruced Up By Employees, July 1959 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, July 17, 1959
Doing Their Part to help beautify the City are these City Street Department employees, who have planted various types of plants around the fence at their yard on the corner of E. Forest Ave. and N. Huron ST., Thursday, the the site of the old city tank. Ben Sovey, local florist made the planting possible by donating all of the plants for the project. In foreground, Emil Parre, general foreman of the Street Department, shows James Palmer, Ozzie James, and Leon Sutton how it's done. In conjunction with the Ypsilanti Beautification program, the Street Department has also been cutting weeds along the river bank and behind the Moose Lodge in the municipal parking lot.