Opening Day Of Bryant Community Elementary School, September 1973 Photographer: Eck Stanger
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Opening Day Of Bryant Community Elementary School, September 1973 Photographer: Eck Stanger
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Dicken Elementary - First Day Of School, September 1963 Photographer: Doug Fulton
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Dicken Elementary Students Line Up Outside The Building On Their First Day Of School, September 1963 Photographer: Doug Fulton
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, September 6, 1963
SCHOOL'S IN, MOM: Mothers began their "vacations" today as public elementary school children returned to school for their first full day of classes. Typical of the 9,029 elementary pupils expected back at their desks today were these youngsters who lined up at the entrance to Dicken Elementary School this morning prior to the opening of the school doors. The three junior high schools also resumed classes today.
Ann Arbor News, September 6, 1963
SCHOOL'S IN, MOM: Mothers began their "vacations" today as public elementary school children returned to school for their first full day of classes. Typical of the 9,029 elementary pupils expected back at their desks today were these youngsters who lined up at the entrance to Dicken Elementary School this morning prior to the opening of the school doors. The three junior high schools also resumed classes today.
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Pattengill Elementary Kindergartners Enroll On The First Day Of School, September 1966 Photographer: Eck Stanger
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, September 6, 1966
For many Ann Arbor youngsters, today was the first day of school, and although for some the day was marked by a few tears, these little girls, enrolling in kindergarten at Pattengill Elementary School, look as if they are very pleased about it. With their new teacher, Mrs. Homer (Marion) Fatt (left) are Jill Hewes, 5, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hewes of 2030 Ridge, and Linda Palmer, 4, who is with her mother, Mrs. Peter Palmer of 1386 Coler. Mothers accompanied their children.
Ann Arbor News, September 6, 1966
For many Ann Arbor youngsters, today was the first day of school, and although for some the day was marked by a few tears, these little girls, enrolling in kindergarten at Pattengill Elementary School, look as if they are very pleased about it. With their new teacher, Mrs. Homer (Marion) Fatt (left) are Jill Hewes, 5, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hewes of 2030 Ridge, and Linda Palmer, 4, who is with her mother, Mrs. Peter Palmer of 1386 Coler. Mothers accompanied their children.
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Tang Massengill, Gwen Massengill, & Diane Sinclair, Walk To Bach School On The First Day, September 1981 Photographer: Mark A. Hodney
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, September 9, 1981
FIRST DAY - Not everyone dreaded the first day of classes in the Ann Arbor School District. Above, Bach School students, from left, Tang and Gwen Massengill and Diane Sinclair had a spring to their steps as they headed for classes this morning.
Ann Arbor News, September 9, 1981
FIRST DAY - Not everyone dreaded the first day of classes in the Ann Arbor School District. Above, Bach School students, from left, Tang and Gwen Massengill and Diane Sinclair had a spring to their steps as they headed for classes this morning.
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Bach School Kindergartners Explore Classroom Toys On The First Day Of School, September 1981 Photographer: Mark A. Hodney
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, September 9, 1981
Bach youngsters found being in school can be a lot like playing at home. From left are Luis Hough, with his sister Diana behind him, Kelly Elrod in the center and Luther Pilkinton on the right.
Ann Arbor News, September 9, 1981
Bach youngsters found being in school can be a lot like playing at home. From left are Luis Hough, with his sister Diana behind him, Kelly Elrod in the center and Luther Pilkinton on the right.
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Geneva Satterthwaite Leads Her Tappan Kindergarten Classroom On The First Day Of School, September 1948
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Tappan Kindergarten Classroom On The First Day Of School, September 1948
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, September 25, 1948
IT'S A FIVE-YEAR-OLD'S FAIRYLAND: At least it seems that way to this class of kindergartners in their first day of school and their first real experience in community playing and learning. There were some tears from both children and their parents at first, but these dried up quickly when the adults had left and the toys and playthings were clearly sighted. This is a kindergarten classroom in Tappan Junior High School, under the jurisdiction of Eberbach School Principal Helen Pratt.
Ann Arbor News, September 25, 1948
IT'S A FIVE-YEAR-OLD'S FAIRYLAND: At least it seems that way to this class of kindergartners in their first day of school and their first real experience in community playing and learning. There were some tears from both children and their parents at first, but these dried up quickly when the adults had left and the toys and playthings were clearly sighted. This is a kindergarten classroom in Tappan Junior High School, under the jurisdiction of Eberbach School Principal Helen Pratt.
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Martha Gidos & John Swisher Work With Clay On Their First Day Of Kindergarten, September 1948
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, September 25, 1948
LOOK WHAT I'M MAKING: Martha Gidos shows whatever it is she's making out of modeling clay to her table partner, John Swisher, during the first day of kindergarten at Tappan Junior High School. Their teacher is Miss Geneva Satterthwaite.
Ann Arbor News, September 25, 1948
LOOK WHAT I'M MAKING: Martha Gidos shows whatever it is she's making out of modeling clay to her table partner, John Swisher, during the first day of kindergarten at Tappan Junior High School. Their teacher is Miss Geneva Satterthwaite.
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