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The Meredith Marionettes' prepare for "The Wizard of Oz," February 1968 Photographer: Doug Fulton

The Meredith Marionettes' prepare for "The Wizard of Oz," February 1968 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, February 21, 1968
Enchanting Land Of Oz: As Ray Masters pulls the strings, the world of Dorothy and Oz seems to come alive, at least for these three youngsters. While the Scarecrow looks on, the Tin Woodman extends his hand to Holly Postmus (left) and Martha Portz. Donald Cress (right) seems enchanted by the Cowardly Lion. The scene is in anticipation of the Meredith Marionettes' production of "The Wizard of Oz" on March 23, a fund-raising show sponsored by the Margaret Waterman Group of the University Alumnae Association.