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Nancy Graham Navigates A Miniature Golf Water Hazard At Allmendinger Park's Summer Carnival, August 1953

Nancy Graham Navigates A Miniature Golf Water Hazard At Allmendinger Park's Summer Carnival, August 1953 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, August 6, 1953
Caught with her golf ball on a bridge over a water hazard, this miniature golf player mixed her games and used a pool shot to move the ball at a playground carnival at Allmendinger Park yesterday. She is Nancy Graham of 1200 Prescott Ave. (center). John Woodruff (left) of 602 Pauline Blvd. is coaching and Robert Jarvis of 1106 S. Main St. inspects a toy canoe in the realistic water hazard. Some 250 children attended the carnival.

State Forensic District champions from Ann Arbor High School, February 1956

State Forensic District champions from Ann Arbor High School, February 1956 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, February 23, 1956
VICTORIOUS AAHS DEBATERS: Compiling a 14-3 win-loss record and winning the State Forensic District championship for Ann Arbor High were these debaters and their coach. They are (left to right) John Woodruff, William Thompson, Joseph Harrison, Coach Donald Gary, James Copeland, Steve Palmer and Richard Erbe. Selected team members debate in forensic quarter finals to be held in the University Rackham Building in March.