Forsythe Junior High Speech class puts on a play, "What the Matter With TV?", December 1963 Photographer: Duane Scheel
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, December 4, 1963
PLAY ON TELEVISION: Forsythe Junior High School's speech and drama class under the direction of William Taylor presented the play, "What The Matter With TV?" this morning during a school assembly. Ninth grade cast members portraying their roles are (from left) Marcia Welch, Beverly Byrn and Jeff Bolgos.
Ann Arbor News, December 4, 1963
PLAY ON TELEVISION: Forsythe Junior High School's speech and drama class under the direction of William Taylor presented the play, "What The Matter With TV?" this morning during a school assembly. Ninth grade cast members portraying their roles are (from left) Marcia Welch, Beverly Byrn and Jeff Bolgos.
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