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Kryscynski Family Members Select Halloween Pumpkins At Jorgensen's Farm In Milan, October 1980 Photographer: Jack Stubbs

Kryscynski Family Members Select Halloween Pumpkins At Jorgensen's Farm In Milan, October 1980 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, October 20, 1980
Down at Jorgensen's Farm, 12671 Carpenter Rd. in Milan, there are 35 acres of pumpkins just waiting to be turned into jack-o-lanterns for that scary holiday coming up at the end of next week. Making sure they got the pick of the crop Saturday were the Kryscynski family, Davey and Jamie and father Al. But obviously they left plenty for anyone else who'd like to pick one right off the vine. The Jorgensens also have gourds and Indian corn available to add to your autumn decor. More pick-your-own opportunities will be listed in our Harvest Food Guide on Wednesday.

Beauregard Guards The Pumpkin Business At 700 Pomona Road, October 1979 Photographer: Deborah Ouellette

Beauregard Guards The Pumpkin Business At 700 Pomona Road, October 1979 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, October 23, 1979
ON GUARD - Beauregard valiantly keeps watch for any unsavory characters or early Halloween pranksters who might want to make off with a pumpkin from his home on Pomona. The dog, who is half Labrador and half beagle, does pumpkin duty from the top of his doghouse for his owner, Jean Goetz. The pumpkins are for sale and Beauregard's stand insures that only a proper business transaction will get you a pumpkin from his patch. (Staff photo by Deborah Ouellette)

Andy Potter & Tim Michalak With A Giant Pumpkin, October 1975 Photographer: Richard Walker

Andy Potter & Tim Michalak With A Giant Pumpkin, October 1975 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, October 13, 1975
Andy Potter (left) and Tim Michalak seem to be listening to the "Great Pumpkin", perhaps telling a lively tale about Halloween which is only some two weeks away. The pumpkin tips the scales at 138 pounds and has a 88 inch diameter. It was grown by Leonard Salley of 8691 McKean Rd., Augusta Township. (News Photo by Richard Walker).