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AADL Talks To: Janis Bobrin, Former Washtenaw County Drain Commissioner

Janis Bobrin
Janis Bobrin

Janis Bobrin came to the University of Michigan in 1969 to study urban planning and quickly became politically active in environmental issues with a particular interest in water resource management. She eventually served six terms as Washtenaw County Drain Commissioner. Since retiring as Drain Commissioner in 2012, Janis has served on numerous regional boards including the Huron River Watershed Council, the Michigan League of Conservation Voters, and Dawn Farm. Janis talks with us about some of the projects she undertook as Drain Commissioner and the many challenges she and her staff faced over the years. She also talks with us about Ann Arbor's ongoing efforts to address the Pall-Gelman dioxane spill and issues surrounding urban planning and density.

Read more about Janis Bobrin in historical articles from the Ann Arbor News and Ann Arbor Observer.


Three Generations of Gardeners Work on a Project Grow Garden, June 1982 Photographer: Rick Lieder

Three Generations of Gardeners Work on a Project Grow Garden, June 1982 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, June 20, 1982
Three generations of gardeners: Betty Lyon (grandmother, left), daughter Nancy Kirton (right), and granddaughter Beth Kirton (center)

Bob Gould at Project Grow Community Garden, June 1982 Photographer: Rick Lieder

Bob Gould at Project Grow Community Garden, June 1982 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, June 20, 1982
Bob Gold [sic] (right) keeps his corn plants happy by weeding and mulching them. Tending garden is a never-ending job, but it's worth it, every moment.

James and Jewell Penn at Project Grow Community Garden, June 1982 Photographer: Rick Lieder

James and Jewell Penn at Project Grow Community Garden, June 1982 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, June 20, 1982
LOOKING AHEAD -- James and Jewell Penn, above, tie up a 'teepee' support for their climbing bean vines to grow on

Anna Cullen Works in a Project Grow Garden, June 1982 Photographer: Rick Lieder

Anna Cullen Works in a Project Grow Garden, June 1982 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, June 20, 1982
DELIGHT -- The smile on Anna Cullen's face as she weeds her carrot bed shows that she's thinking ahead to the harvest, and the fruits of her labors.

Jack Hinman and Bob Gould at Project Grow Site, April 1976 Photographer: Larry E. Wright

Jack Hinman and Bob Gould at Project Grow Site, April 1976 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, April 25, 1976
Jack Hinman, left, chief of the administration branch of the Environmental Protection Agency and Bob Gould, Project Grow director, look over the 45-plot site the EPA has donated for gardening on Plymouth Road.