Bill Kirchen Rides Extended High-Seat Bicycle He Built, September 1962 Photographer: Doug Fulton

Published In:
Ann Arbor News, September 3, 1962
RIDING HIGH: Bill Kirchen, 14-year-old of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin J. Kirchen of 1507 Abbott Ave., is shown on his extended, high-seat bicycle he and a neighbor friend, John Gostic, created as an interesting diversion on a summer day. Bill is riding high this last week of summer vacation. He is an Ann Arbor High School 10th grader.
Ann Arbor News, September 3, 1962
RIDING HIGH: Bill Kirchen, 14-year-old of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin J. Kirchen of 1507 Abbott Ave., is shown on his extended, high-seat bicycle he and a neighbor friend, John Gostic, created as an interesting diversion on a summer day. Bill is riding high this last week of summer vacation. He is an Ann Arbor High School 10th grader.
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