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New Classroom - Slauson Junior High School, February 1955

New Classroom - Slauson Junior High School, February 1955 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, February 3, 1955
TYPICAL CLASSROOM: Typical of the new classrooms is the one above, where James Scheu teaches a seventh grade class mathematics. Materials used are similar to other new classrooms in the city, with acoustic tile ceiling, asphalt tile floor and cinderblock walls painted in soft colors. Also typical is use of glass brick in upper part of window and green chalk boards to cut glare. Not visible are natural wood-finished cabinets on inside walls.

Slauson Junior High School - Musical Instrument Lockers, February 1955

Slauson Junior High School - Musical Instrument Lockers, February 1955 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, February 3, 1955
INSTRUMENT LOCKERS: Ricky Zemke replaces his instrument in its case, preparatory to putting it into one of the natural wood-finished lockers which line the hall leading to band and orchestra rooms.

New Music Rooms - Slauson Junior High School, February 1955

New Music Rooms - Slauson Junior High School, February 1955 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, February 3, 1955
LOTS OF ROOM FOR MUSIC: The spacious new music department includes two large rooms for band and orchestra and several individual practice rooms. Donald J. Shetler (right foreground) directs the band while the orchestra practices in room beyond open door at right. Between the two large rooms are glass-walled offices (center) and a uniform room (left background). The new additions were opened room by room and unit by unit during the first semester to help relieve crowding of the 790 pupils enrolled in the school, one of Ann Arbor's two junior high buildings.

New Art Rooms - Slauson Junior High School, February 1955

New Art Rooms - Slauson Junior High School, February 1955 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, February 3, 1955
ART ROOMS: The two art rooms are separated by glass walls. Mrs. Ione Simons (center background) places a roof on a model house. Balsa model is seen in foreground, and other examples of art work are posted around the room. Finishing touches were being placed on all the new rooms this week for the open house Sunday.

After School Dance Class - Slauson Junior High School, November 1956

After School Dance Class - Slauson Junior High School, November 1956 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, November 30, 1956
DANCING AFTER SCHOOL: These Slauson Junior High School students are part of about 75 receiving after-school instruction in social dancing for a 10-week period. Instruction at Slauson is in charge of George Payne of 508 Hill St. Social dancing is similarly being taught at Tappan Junior High School as an extracurricular activity. The activity is under the sponsorship of the Ann Arbor Public Schools Recreation Department.