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New State Savings Bank at Washtenaw Road and Pittsfield Boulevard, January 1955

New State Savings Bank at Washtenaw Road and Pittsfield Boulevard, January 1955 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, January 11, 1955
DRIVE-IN BANK TO OPEN: The State Savings Bank will display its new Pittsfield drive-in branch bank tomorrow when the building at Washtenaw Rd. and Pittsfield Blvd. will be open from 4 to 9 p.m.

Finishing Construction on Washtenaw Lanes Bowling Alley, September 1949

Finishing Construction on Washtenaw Lanes Bowling Alley, September 1949 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, September 22, 1949
After a last minute rush to complete construction thew new $50,000 Washtenaw Lanes bowling alley west of Pittsfield Village on Washtenaw Rd. is opening tonight for league bowling. Open bowling will begin Saturday noon. Owned and built by A. B. Whitley and Erwin Neithammer, the structure houses 12 alleys and two shuffleboard courts. A new type of automatic device sets the bowling pins.

View of Pittsfield Village, October 1944 Photographer: Eck Stanger

View of Pittsfield Village, October 1944 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, October 14, 1944
COMMUNITY FEELING AT PITTSFIELD VILLAGE: Pleasant arrangement of housing group on curved streets typifies the new project two miles east of the city on Washtenaw road. Each structure, although following a general pattern, is individualized by exterior color and position on the street. Already mothers wheel children in the bright autumn sun and new-found friends stroll the walks together.
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, August 19, 1973
Trees And Shrubs Planted In The 1940s Nearly Dwarf Pittsfield Apartments Now

Mrs. Jim Johnston Shows Collection of Candles She Made, June 1965 Photographer: Doug Fulton

Mrs. Jim Johnston Shows Collection of Candles She Made, June 1965 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, June 9, 1965
Candles, The Authentic Way - Mrs. Jim Johnston of Washtenaw Road shows a finished product from one of her antique tin candle molds. Her interest in making molded and hand-dipped candles began when she found the tin mold in her grandmother's attic in the family homestead in Quebec. Candles on the sideboard made by Mrs. Johnston include the bunny and eggs, which were made by pouring wax in real egg shells (with the egg removed). Other candles are (from left) a hand-dipped one made from pure tallow, and three candles with strips of wax wrapped around, or backing, them. The strips were made by pouring wax on a cookie sheet, cutting it in strips and placing them on the candles.