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Dolph Funeral Home Employees Load A Body Onto A Plane At Ann Arbor Airport, November 1946

Dolph Funeral Home Employees Load A Body Onto A Plane At Ann Arbor Airport, November 1946 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, November 7, 1946
FLYING HEARSE: A forward-looking Benton Harbor mortician, when called to pick up the body of a deceased man in Ann Arbor, dispatched his airplane instead of a hearse or ambulance for the task. Shown above as it prepared to take off from the Ann Arbor airport is the twin-engined plane of the Dean Mortuary of Benton Harbor. Helping place the body in the craft are Theodore A. Hoffman, (center, with back to camera), assistant manager of the Dolph funeral home of Ann Arbor, and Herbert Kerkhoff, right, a helper at Dolph's.

Wystan Stevens, Historian, Conducts A Tour Of Forest Hill Cemetery, October 26, 1991 Photographer: Colleen Fitzgerald

Wystan Stevens, Historian, Conducts A Tour Of Forest Hill Cemetery, October 26, 1991 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, October 27, 1991
At Forest Hill Cemetery, historian Wystan Stevens leads the 13th Annual Halloween Graveyard Gathering.

Old Headstones - Fairview Cemetery, May 1960 Photographer: Eck Stanger

Old Headstones - Fairview Cemetery, May 1960 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, May 30, 1960
ORIGINAL HEADSTONES: This line of headstones indicates the burial place of some of Ann Arbor's first residents. The bodies, originally buried in what is now Felch Park, were moved to Fairview Cemetery.