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President Ruthven & Dr. Waggoner Say Goodbye to The Furstenberg Family At The Train Depot, September 1948 Photographer: Eck Stanger

President Ruthven & Dr. Waggoner Say Goodbye to The Furstenberg Family At The Train Depot, September 1948 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, September 29, 1948
OFF FOR POINTS WEST: University President Alexander G. Ruthven (back to camera) said goodbyes to Dr. Albert C. Furstenberg (second from right) and family yesterday at the New York Central depot. Dr. Furstenberg, dean of the Medical School, and Dr. Raymond W. Waggoner (far right), director of the University's Neuropsychiatric Institute, will serve as special consultants to the Surgeon General of the U. S. Army in Japan and Korea. Dr. Waggoner will fly to San Francisco Sunday morning, meeting Dr. Furstenberg for their joint air trip to the Far East Sunday evening. Dr. Furstenberg's family, left to right, Billy, Mrs. Furstenberg, and Julie are accompanying the doctor to San Francisco by train. They will take a plane to Honolulu where they will remain for about six weeks until Dr. Furstenberg returns.